DEATH •General terms •Terms derived from mors •Quiz Death ❖In death lies the final truth. ❖ ❖Truth conquers in all matters. the permanent ending of vital processes in a cell or tissue. A patient is considered dead when there is irreversible cessation of cardiopulmonary function Or when there is irreversible cessation of brain function Signs of death- no pulse, no breathing, algor mortis, pallor mortis, and livor mortis General terms Greek Thanat- (θάνατος) Necr- (νεκρός) DEATH ❖Latin ❖Exitus, us, m. ❖Mors, tis, f. ❖Finis, is, m. ❖ ❖Letalis, e ❖Mortalis, e Exitus- Path to death, exit, figuratively, clinical- exitus lethalis (natural death) Mors- pathological anatomy- Mors auxilium vitae ( Finis- end or death Necros- dead body Thanatos- god of peaceful death Letalis- fatal Mortalis- subjective to death Terms derived from mors Mors biologica ❖A permanent cellular damage resulting from lack of oxygen, which is irreversible Mors clinica ❖a cessation of blood circulation and breathing, which is reversible by resuscitation methods The paitent should be able to be revived through CPR, or Defibration paddles. Mors in tabula ❖Death on the operation table Uncontrollable bloodloss, stroke or heart attack, weak patient that cannot withstand stress of surgery Mors subita ❖Sudden death Arrhythmia Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) Intracranial Emergencies Pulmonary Embolism (PE) Aortic Catastrophe Mors lentissima ❖Very slow death Image result for aids Alzheimers disease or AIDS Mors praenatalis ❖Death of fetus before it starts breathing independently Lupus, trauma, hypoxia due to umbilical cord strangulation, true umbilical knot- resulting in suffocation, rh factor of mother, autoimmune diseases. Mors neonatalis ❖Death of a new-born up to 10 days after birth Image result for baby coffin Infections, especially blood infections Complications of preterm birth Lower respiratory infections (such as flu and pneumonia) Diarrheal diseases As we approach death Moribundus, a, um ❖The one who is going to die, dying man Vita minima ❖weak signs of the life Weak signs of life, organs not working in unison, vitals are weak along with body giving signs of death In ultimis/ in extremis ❖in the last moments of life Image result for death bed In articulo mortis ❖in the moment of the death Mortuus, a, um ❖Dead The stages of death 1.Pallor mortis 2.Algor mortis 3.Rigor mortis 4.Livor mortis 5.Putrefaction 6.Decomposition 7.Skeletonization Fossilization 8. Pallor mortis ❖Paleness post mortem Pallor = paleness It occures almost immediately( 15-25 min.) post mortem It results from the cessation of capillary circulation throughout the body. → Livor mortis Algor mortis ❖The change of the body temperature post mortem until ambient temperature is matched Rigor mortis ❖Post mortem stiffness caused by chemical changes in muscles, it subsides after 24h Muscles actualy need work to relax/extend by pumping calcium ions out of the cells and "rewinding" the fibers to default postition. Letting calcium ions in the cell again then in fact triggers the fibers to spring into flexed position. Also ATP is required to break the actin and myosin bridges, when the organism dies, ATP is not produced anymore. After the cells die, they can't keep the ions outside anymore and they eventually get inside and flex the muscles. It’s uncoordinated and doesn't work properly but it sufficiently locks the muscles in place. As these protein muscle fibers decompose the rigor subdues. Livor mortis ❖A settling of the blood in the lower (dependent) portion of the body after death causing a purplish red discolouration of the skin Putrefaction ❖Putrefactio, onis, f ❖ ❖When the organism begins to decay or rot pūtrefactiō f (genitive pūtrefactiōnis); third declension - rotting Decomposition ❖Compositio, onis, f. ❖ ❖The organism begins to break down into simpler organic substances that can be used as nutrients for other organisms Image result for decomposition compositiō f (genitive compositiōnis); third declension – mixture or union De- of or from (latin prefix) Skeletonization ❖The remaining tissue of the organism continues to decay until just the skeleton remains Quiz What declension is mors and how is it declined? What is the meaning of rigor mortis? Post mortem muscle stuffness that occures due to the body‘s inability to Maintain the balance that allows for muscle contraction and relaxation What is the difference between mors biologica and mors clinica? Biologia is the death of cells due to lack of oxygen (irreversable), as opposed to clinica where the death of hte paitent is revesable (CPR, Difibulator) Translate this sentence: Mors subita propter embolum pulmonalem Sudden death due to embolism in the lungs What does exitus letalis mean? Natural death Finis, is, m Image result for end of looney toons