Ontogenetic development = individual development of the organism from the fertilized egg to its mature form and finally death The human heart begins to beat late in the third week after fertilization. Before the heart begins to beat, the nervous system commences to differentiate and change in shape. Differentiation and growth continue postnatally throughout life as the nervous system is remodeled through plasticity. Development of a neuron: 1)genetic level a) transciption (DNA → RNA) b) translation (RNA → polypeptides) 2)epigenetic level neurotropic and neurotrophic molecules •Target field theory http://what-when-how.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/tmp1411.jpg Development of the NS https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/67/Development_of_nervous_system.svg/2000px- Development_of_nervous_system.svg.png Development of the NS neurons and glia of sensory, symp. and parasymp nerves CNS primary vesicles.jpg Primary brain vesicles Human Stage14 neural02.jpg Secondary vesicles and cranial nerves 1 mm Differentiation of the neural tube in the anterior-posterior axis pattern (rostrocaudal axis) and dorsal-ventral axis pattern is linked to different transcription factors. Each somite and its associated spinal cord segment is integrated into a structural and functional unit consisting of a spinal nerve, its sensory dermatomal distribution, and its myotome. General principles of the ontogenetic development of the CNS q segmentation of NS (somitogenesis) § control by genes q fate of neurons (death or survival) based on epigenetic factors, migration and interaction of neurons – neurotrophic molecules §neuronal differentiation and survival molecules q navigation of neurons towards the target structures – neurotropism q end-differentiation of neurons Trophic relationships in the NS Neurons have trophic effect on periferal tissues Periferal tissues have trophic effect on neurons Neurotrophic factor families https://mbi-figure.storage.googleapis.com/figure/1384241728804.jpg Growth cone http://www.ucl.ac.uk/~ucbzwdr/teaching/b250-99/axons_files/growthcone.jpg Reduction of redundant axons http://www.mdpi.com/polymers/polymers-05-00254/article_deploy/html/images/polymers-05-00254-g001-10 24.png Axon guidance Axon guidance Neurotrophism Neurotrophic factors Molecular mechanisms of axonal guidance q contact adhesion § permissive surface (laminin, fibronectin, cell-adhesion molecules) § q contact inhibition § non-permissive surface § q fasciculation q q chemotropism – attractive molecules Contact adhesion and inhibition Fasciculation http://www.frontiersin.org/files/Articles/91599/fnana-09-00051-r2/image_m/fnana-09-00051-g004.jpg https://resources.rndsystems.com/images/site/2004-mr-axon-fig-1_960.png Chemotropism Neural plasticity qdevelopmental plasticity §neuroanatomical and neurophysiological changes qchemical plasticity §fast or slow turnover qneurotrophic-derived plasticity §neurons are not irrevocably genetically programmed to produce one transmitter q qneuronal plasticity § capability of generating new branches and synapses q qsynaptic plasticity § strengthening or weakening of synapses q q q Reciprocal Schwann cell-axon interactions Apoptosis Critical factors and periods in development of the CNS q critical period in development of the CNS § influence of the proper factors is necessary for the next development of the structure q genetic factors (initial period of development) q nutritive factors § critical period – the 2nd trimester – 1st year q hormonal factors q factors of afferent pathways Reaction of neurons to injury q loss of function q influence of duration of the damaging agent q reaction to injury of processes differs in neurons of CNS and PNS q CNS neurons - atrophy and death due to great decline of RNA synthesis q PNS neurons – anabolic processes depending on §type of injury §distance of the injury site from the body §age of the organism §localization and function of neurons http://lh4.ggpht.com/_RIjx_Mg4ZVM/TNv76QN3M0I/AAAAAAAAC3A/HP_UZI1eTfg/image_thumb5.png?imgmax=800 https://static-content.springer.com/image/prt%3A978-3-642-28753-4%2F23/MediaObjects/978-3-642-28753 -4_23_Part_Fig1-4855_HTML.jpg Wallerian degeneration http://missinglink.ucsf.edu/lm/ids_104_cns_injury/Response%20_to_Injury/Injury_Images/PNSWallerDeg. jpg Peripheral nerve transection http://missinglink.ucsf.edu/lm/ids_104_cns_injury/Response%20_to_Injury/Injury_Images/WallerDegCNS. jpg Spinal cord trauma Illustrations were copied from: Neuroscience Online, the Open-Access Neuroscience Electronic Textbook Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy University of Texas Medical School at Houston