Irrigation Irrigants • Sodium hypochlorite (2 - 6%) • Chlorhexidin (0,12% - 0,2%) • Physiological solution • EDTA - 17% (ethylendiaminotetraacetic acid) Root canal filling • Power driven - lentulo Slow rpm (do 1000/min), in action when pulling out • Hand - cold and warm techniques using guttapercha and sealer Cold techniques: - Single cone technique - Lateral compaction Warm techniques: warm lateral compaction, vertical compaction, injection and others. Lentulo Function of root canal filling nal 5 Ideal root canal filling (Grossman 1988) 1. Easy mixing 2. Sufficient working time 3. Good seal 4. X- ray contrast 5. Easy removal 6. No shrinkage 7. Long term volume stability 8. No bacterial growing 9. No permeability for fluids 10. Biocompatibility 11. No staining 7 Classification of root canal fillings > Solid > Semisolid > Pastes 8 Guttapercha Dried juice of the Taban tree (Isonandra percha) (gutta) 1,4 - polyisoprene Crystallin structure (60%) Brittle 9 Guttapercha * Beta phase • Alpha phase 42-49 °C - plastic - Gamma phase 56 - 62° (amorfni) Cooling process very slowly (less than 0,5°C) - alpha phase normal cooling- beta phase 10 Composition of guttapercha materials in endodontic Guttapercha 19%-22% Zinc oxide 59 - 79% Heavy metal salts 1% - 7% Wax or resin 1% - 4% 11 Sealers Chemically curing plastic materials Good adhesion to root canal walls as well as solid cones X- ray contrast Biocompatibility 12 Sealers Zinc Oxide-Eugenol Calcium hydroxide Resins Glasionomer Silicone 13 Sealers Importance Filling of the spaces between the solid cones i Seal of the root canal filling 14 Zinc - Oxid Eugenol Powder: Zinc oxide Liquid: Eugenol Acidic resins Good adhesivity, antimikrobial effect, cytotoxic, resorbable) 15 Zink Oxid Eugenol sealers Pulp Canal Sealer (Kerr, USA)) Tubuli- Seal (Kerr, USA) Caryosan (Spofa Dental, CR) 16 Calciumhydroxide sealers Base ( powder) Calcium hydroxide Zinc oxide Other components and vehicula 17 Calcium hydroxide sealers Catalyst (paste) Zinc stearat Titanium dioxide Baryum sulphate or Eugenol,. Eukalypt others 18 Calcium hydroxide sealers > Increase of the healig potential of periapical tissues > Antibacterial effect > Easy manipulation But! Resorbable if not homogeneus Not suitable for the single cone technique 19 Resins >Rezorcin formaldehyd > Epoxide >Polyketone >Metacrylate 20 Rezorcin-formaldehyd resins Toxicity N2, Endomethason, Riebler's paste, Foredent 21 Epoxide >Base (powder, paste) Bismuth oxid Titanium dioxide Hexametylentetramine (Silver) > Catalyst (liquide, paste) Bisphenoldiglycidylether 22 EpoxJd resin (odvontoges) > Long working time > Hydrophilic (good penetration) >Good adhesion to the root canal walls > Volume stability >No dissolution >Antibacterial 23 Epoxid resin (disadvantages) > Difficult removal > Staining > Initiatiory roxicity 24 Polyketone > Base Zinc oxide Bismuth phosphate Hexametylentetramine > Liquid Bisphenolglycidylether and other components 25 Polyketon resins Advantages Good adhesion No contraction No dissolution Disadvantages High stickness Not removable Products: Diaket, Diaket A (3M ESPE) 26 Methacrylate resins Endo ReZ (Ultradent) - UDMA For injection - single cone technique Epiphany (Pentron) Bis- GMA, etoxy bif- GMA, hydrophilic bifunctional methacrylates Calcium hydroxide, baryum sulphate, baryum glass silica. Sealer in combination with Resilon 27 Glasionomer sealers >Base (powder) Aluminium silicate glass > Liquid Polyacrylic acid, polymaleic acid, tartaric acid 28 Glasionomer sealers (Advantages and disadvantages) Advantages: Curing under wett conditions, chemical bonding to hard dental tissues, no staining Disadvantages Short working time, difficult removal, porous Products Ketac Endo (3M ESPE), Endion (VOCO) 29 Silicon based sealers Polyvinylsiloxane (ev. in mixture with powdered guttapercha Biocompatibility Hydrofillic Further investigation desirable. 30 Root canal filling • A cone inside the sealer - core material Guttapercha Resilon Silver cones Custom cones 31 Root canal filling Guttapercha Trans isomer of polyisoprene 2 crystalline forms (alpha, beta) Beta - room temperature Alpha after heating Various process of cooling Extremly slow cooling: Aplha phase recrystalize. 65°. Less shrinkage, more dimensionally stable 32 Root canal filling Guttapercha 20% gutta-percha 65% zink oxide 10% radioopacifiers 5% plasticizers 33 Root canal filling Guttapercha Cones: conventional and standardized sizes Conventional: dimension of the tip and body Standardized cones are designed to match the taper of the instrument. 34 Root canal fillings - forms > Points (Cones) > Materials for injection > Plastic materials 35 Instruments • Lentulo • Compactors • Compactors - carriers • Others 36 Lentulo >delivers pastes >1,5 - 2 mm ahead >at most for Ca (OH). 37 Compactors Spreader Pointed Vertical introduction 38 Piu 39 Filling techniques Cold Warm Paste only Shrinkage, difficult removal 41 Single cone technique Easy Fast Good control of WL Standard round preparation - risk of leakage Wesselink, P.: Root filling techniques, Textbook of Endodontology; p. 286-299, Blackwell Munksgaard 2003, Oxford 42 45 Vertical condensation (compaction) 49 Injection • Rychla technika • Mozna extruze sealeru • Teplo 50 Complications of endodontic treatment Local Regional Systemic Zipping a elbow Local complications Reasons Insufficient irrigation and recapitulation Loss of the working length Solution Repeated careful instrumentation with a thin instrument Irrigation is not effective in this c&se111 Ledging Reasons The instrument is not bended in advance! No control of the WL No recapitulationLoss of the WL Solution The instrument must be bended in advance Careful but complete rotation Finishing with the fine filing No NiTi!!! Ledging Zipping a Elbow The instrument is not bended in advance! Rotation in curved canals Reasons Bad orientation in morphology - no diagnostic Instruments are nod bended Rotary NiTi with a big taper >. Oblast isthmu Stripping Bend the instrument and eventually blunt it! Insufficient coronal flaring Old root canal instrument Aggresive force Incorrect movement of the root canal instrument Solution Enlargement of the root canal till the instrument Ultrasound tips Rotating root canal instrument - caution! Bypass Leaving in Surgical treatment Fractured instrument Via falsa • Perforation of the bottom of the pulp chamber or the coronal part of the root canal • Perforation in the middle part of the root canal • Apical perforation #». • • • • • t» MfA (Mmofnl Jnoxidc Aggi Root Canal Repair Material Contents: I gram (I treatment) 0120 Regional complications Pištěl Systemic complications Systemic complications > Periostitis > Inflammation of soft tissues (face, neck) >Gulp of the instrument (X ray, remnant diet, information)- cough > Aspiration of the instrument (induce emesis, x-ray, evaluation)