FOUNDATION PROGRAMME_CZECH LANGUAGE 1st week: LEKCE 1: Communicative Competency: Introduction, Greetings. Phrases in the classroom. Instructions. Where are you from? What do you do? Grammar: Czech alphabet. Pronunciation. Vowels, diphthongs. Consonants, assimilation of consonants in groups. Personal pronouns. The verb "být". The numbers 1 - 10. Who is it? What is it? Natural genders in Czech. Adressing people. Verb conjugation I (-at). The verb "mít". 2nd week: LEKCE 2: Communicative Competency: ORIENTACE VE MĚSTĚ, NEMOCNICI ( Where is it? Locations. How can I get there? Grammar: Adverbs. Verb conjugation II (-et/ět/-it, -ovat). The verbs jít versus jet. The numbers 11-100. 3rd week: PROGRESS TEST 1. LEKCE 3/1: Communicative Competency: JÍDLO A PITÍ. V RESTAURACI. Grammar: Grammatical genders. Nominative sg. Ten, ta, to. Adjectives: hard and soft. Accusative sg Mi, F, N after mít rád/a, číst, pít, jíst. Numbers 100-1000. 4th week: LEKCE 3/2: Revision. LEKCE 4/1: Communicative Competency: MOJE RODINA. Kolik je ti/vám let? Grammar:: Possessive pronouns. Czech adjectives: jaký/á/é? Accusative of Ma. Verbs -ovat. Project 1: My family. 5th week: LEKCE 4/2: PROGRESS TEST 2. Revision of Czech verbs and accusative sg. LEKCE 5: Communicative Competency: KDY JE TO? (Dny, měsíce, datum). Grammar: Cardinal numerals. Modal verbs. 6th week: LEKCE 5/2: Communicative Competency: KDY SE SEJDEME? CO RÁDI DĚLÁTE? Grammar: mít rád/a/i+acc, rád+verb. Project 2: Likes and dislikes. 7th week: PROGRESS TEST 3. Communicative Competency: MŮJ DEN (handout). Grammar: Revision. Project 3: My daily routine. 8th week: LEKCE 6/1: Communicative Competency: CO JSI DĚLAL/A VČERA? Grammar: Past tense I. 9th week: PROGRESS TEST 4 (ORAL). LEKCE 6/2. Communicative Competency: SLAVNÍ ČEŠKY A ČEŠKY. CZECH CHRISTMAS. Grammar: Past tense II. Znát-vědět-umět. 10th week: REVISION. Introduction, In a restaurant, Invitation, How is your family, What do you like?, What did you do? LEKCE 7/1: Communicative Competency: KDE JSI BYL/A? Grammar: Locative sg. Preposition v-na-u. 11th week: LEKCE 7/2: Communicative Competency: KDE JSTE BYLI NA DOVOLENÉ? Grammar: Revision of locative sg. 12th week: PROGRESS TEST 5. LEKCE 8/1. Communicative Competency: PLÁNUJEME ČAS. Grammar: Future tense. 13th week: LEKCE 8/2. Communicative Competency: PÍŠEME E-MAIL. Grammar: Grammar: KAM versus KDE? Prepositions do-na-k. Genitive sg. Project 4: Mail kamarádovi/kamarádce. 14th week: PROGRESS TEST 6. LEKCE 9/1. Communicative Competency: DŮM A BYT. Grammar: Revision of accusative sg. Prepositions pro, na, za. 15th week: LEKCE 9/2. Communicative Competency: OBCHODY A REKLAMACE. Grammar: Nominative pl of Mi, F and N. Project 5: My flat. 16th week: PROGRESS TEST 7. LEKCE 10: Communicative Competency: CESTUJEME. PŘIJEDEŠ NA NÁVŠTĚVU? (Invitation). Grammar: Long and short verbs of motion (jet-jezdit, jít-chodit). Přijít x odejít. 17th week: LEKCE 11/1: Communicative Competency: LIDSKÉ TĚLO. U DOKTORA. Grammar: Personal pronouns in the accusative and dative. Bolí mě.... . Je mi.... . 18th week: PROGRESS TEST 8 (ORAL). LEKCE 11/2.Communicative Competency: NEMOCI A LÉKY. MŮŽETE MI POMOCT? Grammar: Revision. 19th week: FINAL REVISION. 20th week: FINAL EXAM.