TOPICS OF ANATOMY FOR THE FINAL EXAM 2018 MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM 1. Axial skeleton; description of cervical, thoracic and lumbar vertebrae, sacrum 2. Axial skeleton; description of the sternum and ribs 3. Bones of the neurocranium and splanchnocranium, the skull as a whole 4. Skeleton of the upper limb; description of the scapula, clavicle, humerus, ulna, radius, carpus, metacarpal bones and phalanges 5. Skeleton of the lower limb; description of the hip bone, femur, tibia, fibula, tarsal bones, metatarsal bones and phalanges, the pelvis as a whole 6. Syndesmosis (description, example); foot interossei 7. Synchodrosis (description, example); muscles of the hip – posterior group, deep layer (pelvitrochanteric) 8. Synostosis (description, example); leg muscles – posterior compartment, deep layer 9. General description of diarthrosis; facial muscles – muscles of the calvaria, muscles around the nose 10. Auxiliary joint equipment; the trapezius, latissimus dorsi 11. Amphiarthrosis (description, example); forearm muscles – anterior compartment, superficial layer 12. Plane joint (description, example); leg muscles – anterior compartment 13. Arthrodia, enarthrosis (description, examples); leg muscles – posterior compartment, superficial layer 14. Lateral atlanto–axial joint; leg muscles – lateral compartment 15. Pivot joint (description, example); dorsal muscles of the upper arm 16. Hinge joint (description, example); muscles of back – heterochtonous (extrinsic), spinocostal muscles 17. Saddle joint (description, example); muscles of the forearm – anterior compartment, middle and deep layer 18. Ellipsoid joint (description, example); muscles of the forearm – posterior compartment, superficial layer 19. Hinge joint (ginglymus) (description, example); forearm muscles – posterior compartment, deep layer 20. Mono-axial joints (description, example); deep layer of plantar foot muscles 21. Biaxial joints (description, example); middle layer of plantar foot muscles 22. Tri-axial joints (description, example); diaphragm 23. Articular disc and meniscus – schema, examples; muscles of the hip – posterior group – superficial layer (gluteal muscles) 24. Ball and socket joint (examples); anterior compartment of thigh 25. Temporomandibular joint; deep (intrinsic) muscles of the back – spinotransversal system 26. Joint of head of rib; rectus sheath – schema; linea alba 27. Costotransverse joint; posterior compartment of thigh 28. Intervertebral joint; medial compartment of thigh 29. Sternocostal connections; dorsal foot muscles 30. Long and shorts ligaments of vertebral column; superficial layer of plantar foot muscles 31. Atlanto–occipital joint; anterior group of abdominal muscles 32. Median atlanto–axial joint; lateral group of abdominal muscles 33. Intervertebral discs, shape and movements of vertebral column; hand muscles – thenar muscles 34. Sternoclavicular joint; lateral compartment of forearm muscles 35. Acromioclavicular joint; deep muscles of the back transversospinal system 36. Syndesmoses of shoulder girdle; muscles of the thorax – proper (intrinsic) muscles of the thorax 37. Shoulder joint – articulation surfaces, articulation capsule; inguinal canal 38. Shoulder joint – joint auxiliary equipment, movements; suprahyoid muscles 39. Elbow joint – articulation surfaces, type of joint; infrahyoid muscles 40. Elbow joint – capsule attachment, joint auxiliary equipment, movements; scalene and prevertebral (deep cervical) muscles 41. Radiocarpal joint; posterior group of abdominal muscles 42. Mediocarpal joint; inguinal ligament, vascular and muscular space (lacuna), fascia of abdominal muscles 43. Carpometacarpal joints II–V; back muscles – suboccipital muscles, fascia of back 44. Carpometacarpal joint of thumb; deep muscles of back – spinospinal and sacrospinal system 45. Sacroiliac joint; hand muscles – lumbricals and interossei 46. Syndesmoses of pelvic girdle; the levator scapulae and rhomboids 47. Hip joint – articulation surfaces, articulation capsule; hand muscles – hypothenar muscles 48. Hip joint – joint auxiliary equipment, movements; masticatory muscles, head fascia 49. Knee joint – articulation surfaces, articulation capsule (schema – stratum fibrosum et synoviale); shoulder muscles, fascia 50. Knee joint – joint auxiliary equipment, movements; hand fascia 51. Tibiofibular joint and syndesmosis; arm muscles – anterior group, arm fascia 52. Talocrural joint – articulation surfaces, movements; carpal canal 53. Talocrural joint – collateral ligaments; muscles of the thorax – superficial layer 54. Art. tarsi transversa (Chopart´s joint); platysma, m. sternocleidomastoideus, fascia of the neck 55. Tarsometatarsal joint (Lisfranc´s joint); facial muscles – muscles around the orbit, the buccinator 56. Arches of the foot – arrangement of the bones and muscular support; facial muscles – muscles around the mouth Note: It is necessary to know the origin, insertion, innervation and function for each muscle/muscular group. ALIMENTARY SYSTEM 1. Teeth, general description, dental arches and types of teeth 2. Dental formula of deciduous and permanent teeth, eruption of teeth 3. Oral vestibule: borders, structures, communications with the oral cavity proper 4. Oral cavity proper: borders, structures 5. Tongue: parts and surfaces, vascular supply 6. Tongue: parts and surfaces, innervation 7. Tongue: muscles and innervation 8. Hard palate: components, structures, vascular supply and innervation 9. Soft palate: muscles, vascular supply and innervation 10. Major salivary glands, syntopy and passage of their ducts 11. Salivary glands and their innervation 12. Pharynx: parts, general structure of the wall, syntopy 13. Pharynx: muscles, innervation 14. Oesophagus: wall structure, course, syntopy, constrictions 15. Oesophagus: vascular supply and innervation 16. Stomach: description, wall structure, syntopy 17. Stomach: vascular supply and innervation 18. Small intestine: wall structure, parts, vascular supply 19. Duodenum: parts, course, peritoneal attachments, vascular supply 20. Large intestine: parts, wall structure, peritoneal attachments, vascular supply 21. Ileocaecum: structure, vermiform appendix, peritoneal attachments, vascular supply 22. Rectum: structure, syntopy, vascular supply 23. Liver: external structure, morphologic and structural unit, syntopy 24. Liver: nutritive circulation 25. Liver: functional circulation, portal vein 26. Liver: extrahepatic bile ducts 27. Gallbladder: structure, syntopy, flow of bile 28. Pancreas: structure, syntopy, vascular supply RESPIRATORY SYSTEM 1. Nose – parts, structure 2. Nasal vestibule 3. Nasal cavity: nasal septum, lateral wall 4. Nasal cavity: middle nasal meatus, openings of paranasal sinuses 5. Paranasal sinuses, openings and its importance 6. Larynx: cartilages 7. Larynx: ligaments and joints 8. Larynx: muscles, functional division 9. Larynx: laryngeal cavity 10. Trachea: structure of the wall, syntopy, primary bronchus, bronchial tree 11. Lungs: outer description, pulmonary lobes, syntopy 12. Root of lung 13. Pleura: description, pleural recesses, parietal and visceral pleural transition 14. Mechanics of inspiration, dominant and auxiliary inspiratory muscles 15. Mechanics of expiration, dominant and auxiliary expiratory muscles UROGENITAL SYSTEM 1. Kidney, outer description, structure 2. Nephron, blood supply of the kidneys 3. Renal calices, renal pelvis 4. Syntopy of kidneys, coverings and fixation 5. Ureter, course, syntopy, constrictions 6. Urinary bladder, description, syntopy 7. Testis, descent of the testis 8. Epididymis, structure, syntopy 9. Spermatic cord 10. Scrotum, layers of the scrotum 11. Ductus deferens, structure, syntopy 12. Seminal glands 13. Prostate, external and internal structure, syntopy 14. Male urethra 15. Penis, structure 16. Ovary, external structure, vascular supply, syntopy 17. Uterine tube, external structure, vascular supply, syntopy 18. Uterus, external structure (parts), vascular supply 19. Uterus, structure, supporting apparatus 20. Vagina 21. Female urethra 22. Female external genitalia (vulva) 23. Urogenital floor in male, muscles of the external genitals 24. Urogenital floor in female, muscles of the external genitals 25. Pelvic diaphragm CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM 1. General description of the heart, external shape, syntopy 2. Right atrium 3. Right ventricle 4. Left atrium 5. Left ventricle 6. Structure of the heart, heart skeleton 7. Heart valves 8. Conducting system of the heart 9. Heart innervation 10. Coronary arteries 11. Veins of the heart 12. Aorta, parts and course 13. Aortic arch, course and main branches 14. Thoracic aorta, course and main branches 15. External carotid artery, ventral branches 16. External carotid artery, terminal branches 17. External carotid artery, medial and dorsal branches 18. Subclavian artery, course and main branches 19. Axillary artery, course and main branches 20. Brachial artery, course and main branches 21. Main forearm and hand arteries, their course and areas supplied 22. Abdominal aorta, course and main branches 23. Coeliac trunk, main branches, their course and areas supplied 24. Superior mesenteric artery, main branches and areas supplied 25. Inferior mesenteric artery, main branches and areas supplied 26. Common iliac artery, internal iliac artery, course, main branches and areas supplied 27. External iliac artery, femoral artery, course, main branches and areas supplied 28. Popliteal artery, anterior and posterior tibial artery, course and areas supplied 29. Main foot arteries, course and areas supplied 30. Superior vena cava, course and main tributaries 31. Internal jugular vein, course and main tributaries 32. Veins of the brain, dural venous sinuses 33. Subclavian vein, course and main tributaries 34. Deep veins of the upper limb, course and main tributaries 35. Superficial veins of the upper limb, course and main tributaries 36. Inferior vena cava, course and main tributaries 37. Deep veins of the lower limb, course and main tributaries 38. Superficial veins of the lower limb, course and main tributaries 39. Foetal circulation 40. Spleen: structure, vascular supply, syntopy, topography 41. Portal vein, portal circulation and its importance 42. Cavocaval anastomoses 43. Portocaval anastomoses LYMPHATIC SYSTEM 1. General overview of the lymphatic system (lymph, lymphatic capillaries, vessels, nodes, trunks) 2. Thymus, anatomical structure, syntopy 3. Lymph nodes and vessels of the head 4. Lymph nodes and vessels of the neck 5. Lymph nodes and vessels of the upper limb 6. Lymph nodes and vessels of the thorax 7. Lymph nodes and vessels of the lower limb 8. Lymph nodes and vessels of the abdomen 9. Lymph nodes and vessels of the pelvis 10. Endocrine glands, thyroid gland and parathyroid glands 11. Endocrine glands, adrenal glands 12. Tonsils, Waldeyer´s ring NERVOUS SYSTEM 1. Spinal nerve, dorsal branches of the spinal nerves, intercostal nerves 2. Cervical plexus, main branches and innervation areas 3. Brachial plexus, musculocutaneous nerve – course and areas innervated 4. Brachial plexus, median nerve – course and areas innervated 5. Brachial plexus, ulnar nerve– course and areas innervated 6. Brachial plexus, radial nerve – course and areas innervated 7. Brachial plexus, axillary nerve– course and areas innervated 8. Lumbar plexus, iliohypogastric, ilioinguinal, genitofemoral nerve, course and their areas innervated 9. Lumbar plexus, femoral nerve, obturator nerve, course and their areas innervated 10. Sacral plexus, superior and inferior gluteal nerves, posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh and their areas innervated 11. Sacral plexus, sciatic nerve, course and its areas innervated (to its main division) 12. Sacral plexus, tibial nerve, course and its areas innervated 13. Sacral plexus, common fibular nerve, course and its areas innervated 14. Sacral plexus, pudendal nerve, course and its areas innervated 15. CN III, IV, VI, course and their areas innervated 16. CN V, ophthalmic nerve, ciliary ganglion, course and their areas innervated 17. CN V, main branches of maxillary nerve, course and their areas innervated 18. Pterygopalatine ganglion, main branches and their areas innervated 19. CN V, maxillary nerve, submandibular ganglion, course, main branches and their areas innervated 20. CN V, mandibular nerve, course, main branches and their areas innervated 21. Otic ganglion, main branches and their areas innervated 22. Submandibular ganglion, main branches and their areas innervated 23. CN VII, ggl. geniculi, course, main branches and their areas innervated 24. CN IX, course, main branches and their areas innervated 25. CN X, course, main branches and their areas innervated 26. CN XI and CN XII, course, main branches and their areas innervated 27. Structure of ANS, Pars cervicalis partis sympathicae 28. Structure of ANS, Pars abdominalis et pelvina partis sympathicae 29. Structure of ANS, heart innervation 30. Pars sacralis partis parasympathicae 31. Spinal cord, surface description (gross anatomy), grey matter 32. Spinal cord, gross anatomy, white matter 33. Medulla oblongata, gross anatomy, grey matter 34. Medulla oblongata, gross anatomy, white matter 35. Pons, gross anatomy, grey matter 36. Pons, gross anatomy, white matter 37. Mesencephalon, gross anatomy, grey matter 38. Mesencephalon, gross anatomy, white matter 39. Reticular formation of the brain stem, general arrangement and function 40. Cerebellum, gross anatomy, principle of the structure arrangement, function 41. Diencephalon, gross anatomy, thalamus, classification of the nuclei according to structure and function 42. Diencephalon, gross anatomy, hypothalamus, nuclei of the anterior hypothalamus 43. Diencephalon, gross anatomy, hypothalamus, nuclei of the middle and posterior hypothalamus 44. Secretory apparatus of the diencephalon, hypothalamo–hypophyseal tract 45. Secretory apparatus of the diencephalon, structural background of the hypophyseal portal system (tubero-hypophyseal tract) 46. Telencephalon, gross anatomy of the hemispheres and cerebral cortex 47. Telencephalon, basal ganglia 48. Telencephalon, structures of the anterior limbic brain 49. White matter of telencephalon, association, commissural and projection fibres 50. White matter of telencephalon, internal capsule 51. Blood supply of CNS, arteries, circle of Willis 52. Blood supply of CNS, venous sinuses and main veins 53. Cerebrospinal fluid, production and circulation 54. Cranial and spinal dura mater 55. Arachnoid and pia mater 56. Organ of smell 57. Organ of vision, fibrous layer of the eyeball 58. Organ of vision, vascular layer of the eyeball 59. Organ of vision, inner layer of the eyeball 60. Content of the eye ball, chambers of the eye and aqueous humour, its formation and circulation 61. Content of the eye ball, lens, suspensory apparatus of the lens 62. Content of the eye ball, vitreous body, vascular supply of the eye 63. Oculomotor muscles and their innervations 64. Eyelids and conjunctiva 65. Lacrimal apparatus 66. External ear and tympanic membrane 67. Tympanic cavity, walls 68. Auditory ossicles and their connections 69. Tympanic cavity, muscles, their function and innervation 70. Eustachian tube, antrum mastoideum, mastoid cells 71. Osseous labyrinth 72. Membranous labyrinth 73. CN VIII Regional anatomy 1. Regional anatomy of the head Reg. frontalis et parietalis (borders and structures) Reg. temporalis (fossa temporalis – borders and structures) Reg. occipitalis + structure of the calvaria Fossae cranii – borders and structures Basis cranii interna Basis cranii externa Orbit – borders Orbit – structures Osseous background of the nasal cavity Nasal cavity + passages and structures Oral vestibule (borders and structures) Oral cavity proper (borders and structures) Reg. parotideomasseterica (borders and structures) Reg. infratemporalis (borders and structures) Fossa pterygopalatina (schema, borders and structures) 2. Regional anatomy of the neck Parapharyngeal space (borders and structures) Styloid septum Praestyloid space (structures) Retrostyloid space (structures) Division of the neck regions (triangles) Submandibular triangle (borders and structures) Carotid triangle (borders and structures) Submental and omotracheal triangle (borders and structures) Scalenovertebral triangle (fissura scalenorum, borders and structures) Lateral cervical region 3. Regional anatomy of the back Trigonum suboccipitale (borders and structures) Trigonum Petiti et Grynfelti – borders 4. Regional anatomy of the thorax Structure of the thoracic wall Mammillary region Orientation lines on the thorax Pericardium Mediastinum superius Mediastinum posterius Mediastinum anterius et medium 5. Regional anatomy of the abdomen Division of the abdominal regions (orientation lines) Structure of the abdominal wall Projections of the organs onto the anterior abdominal wall Weakened places of the abdominal wall – reg. umbilicalis Inguinal canal Supracolic part of the peritoneal cavity Infracolic part of the peritoneal cavity Retroperitoneal space Peritoneum – duplications (folds) Peritoneum – recesses 6. Regional anatomy of the pelvis Superficial and inner border of the small and large pelvis Ischiorectal fossa Urogenital region of the male Urogenital region of the female Anal region Infraperitoneal pelvic cavity of the male Infraperitoneal pelvic cavity of the female 7. Regional anatomy of the upper limb Deltoid region (borders, structures) Scapular region (borders, structures) Fossa axillaris (borders, structures) Foramen humerotricipitale et omotricipitale (borders, structures) Anterior brachial region (borders, structures) Posterior brachial region (borders, structures) Anterior and posterior cubital region (borders, structures) Anterior antebrachial region (borders, structures) Posterior antebrachial region (borders, structures) Carpal tunnel (borders, structures) Palm of the hand (borders, structures) Dorsum of the hand (borders, structures) Hand digits 8. Regional anatomy of the lower limb Gluteal region (borders, structures) Suprapiriforme and infrapiriforme opening (borders, structures) Vascular space/lacuna (borders, structures) Muscular space/lacuna (borders, structures) Anterior thigh region (borders, structures) Posterior thigh region (borders, structures) Femoral triangle and iliopectineal fossa (borders, structures) Adductor opening/hiatus and canal (borders, structures) Popliteal fossa (borders, structures) Posterior leg region (borders, structures) Lateral retromalleolar region (borders, structures) Medial retromalleolar region (borders, structures) Dorsum of the foot (borders, structures) Sole/planta of the foot (borders, structures) Foot digits