1st week: REVISION. Personal and Family history. Work and Social history. History of Cardiovascular diseases. Health condition. Grammar: Plural declension (G, A, I). 2nd week: Zajímavosti o zvířatech (U 21/1). Medical Czech: History of Diseases of Respiratory tract (TM 24). Grammar: Singular declension (all cases incl. adjectives). 3th week: Na návštěvě v ZOO (U21/2). Medical Czech: Pulmonology (http://mluvtecesky.net/en/courses/medical2/5/1). Grammar: The nominative plural (Mi) + revision of Nom pl Mi, F, N. 4th week: PROGRESS TEST 1 (REVISION). Mluvíme o práci (U 22/1). Grammar: The accusative plural Mi. Nominative versus accusative pl. 5th weeks: Hledáme práci, CV (U 22/2). CASUISTRY I. Medical Czech: History of Diseases of the Alimentary tract (TM 26). Grammar: Comparison of adverbs. 6th week: Komunikace v zaměstnání (U 22/3).Medical Czech: Gastroenterology(http://mluvtecesky.net/en/courses/medical2/7/1). Grammar: Dative plural. 7th week: Kultura a my (U 23/1). Medical Czech: Pharmacy I (TM 13). IGrammar: Ordinal numbers. Expressing date and time. 8th week: Co se nosí do divadla? (U 23/2). CASUISTRY II. Medical Czech: Pharmacy II. Grammar: Reflexive verbs with se and si. Temporal expressions. 9th week: MEN AND WOMEN (UNIT 9). Medical Czech: Instruments, aids (TM 14). Grammar: Temporal prepositions. 10th week: PROGRESS TEST 2. Medical Czech: Pediatric patient (TM 10). 11th week:Česko krok za krokem (U 24/1). Medical Czech: Presenting complaints I (TM 18). Grammar: Revision of plural declension (N, G, D, A, I). 12th week: Památky UNESCO (U 24/2). Medical Czech: Presenting complaints II. Grammar: Revision of singular declension, ordinal numbers and adverbs. 13th week: PROGRESS TEST 3 (ORAL). 14th week: Final revision. 15th week: WRITTEN PART OF COLLOQUIUM.