Learning unit: Pharmacodynamics Impact of the learning unit: Knowledge of general pharmacological principles is essential for further study of pharmacology and individual pharmacotherapeutic groups. It makes it easier for students to understand special chapters in pharmacology, to understand and then to anticipate possible drug interactions at the level of pharmacodynamics and to estimate possible risks while co-administering drugs. Important terms pharmacodynamics mechanism of action specific non-specific receptor non-receptor receptor theory affinity (potency) intrinsic activity (efficacy) receptors according to signal transmission ligand-gated ion channels G-protein coupled receptor receptor kinases intracellular (nuclear) receptors according to synaptic localization autoreceptors homoreceptors heteroreceptors ligand agonist full partial inverse antagonist antagonism competitive non-competitive reversible irreversible chemical physiologic allosteric modulation second messengers translocation of receptors up regulation down regulation internalisation of receptors dose single, daily, maximum daily threshold, sub-threshold effective, toxic, lethal dose-response curves spare receptors change in effect after repeated administration desensitisation tolerance tachyphylaxis rebound phenomenon synergism summation, potentiation one-sided, double-sided Learning outcomes Student knows basic types of mechanisms of drug action and explains the receptor theory of drug action. Student knows the general principles of drug action at the level of organism, organs and molecular level. Student will explain the practical implications of different mechanisms of drug Student explains the concepts of full, partial agonism and inverse agonism; competitive, non-competitive, reversible, irreversible antagonism. Student describes the dependence of the effect of the drug on the dose size, can draw dose-response curves. Student explains the types of doses - single, daily, maximum daily, sub-threshold, threshold, toxic, lethal dose. Student will describe the function of autoreceptors, homoreceptors and heteroreceptors. Student knows possible consequences of repeated drug administration - can explain the concepts of tolerance, tachyphylaxis, up regulation, down regulation, internalisation of receptors. Study materials: Rang & Dale's Pharmacology, 8th edition, 2016, chapters 2, 3 and 4 Study materials for courses aVLFA0721p and aVLFA0721c. Exam questions General pharmacology: 17. Nonspecific mechanisms of drug action – examples of drugs, 18. Receptor theory of drugs mode of action, 19. Synergism and antagonism in drug effect (pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics), 20. Dose – response curves, types of doses, drug anamnesis, patient‘s adherence, 21. Specific modes of drug action – target structures, examples of drugs