Title of the larning unit: Pharmacogenetics Importance of the learning unit: Gaining the basic information about Pharmacogenetics and gene (genetic) polymorphisms. Description of the learning unit: Theoretical basis of Pharmacogenetics and Pharmacogenomics. Molecular-biological basis of gene (genetic) polymorphism, how the presence of variant alleles influence the encoded proteins. Genetic polymorphism with clinical impact on pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic parameters of the taken drugs. Information about Clinical Pharmacogenetics Implementation Consortium (CPIC). Relevant terms: pharmacogenetics pharmacogenomics gene polymorphism (genetic polymoprhism) genotyping variant allele wild allele phenotyping poor, intermediate and rapid metabolisers common gene polymorphism Outcomes: Student describes the term pharmacogenetics, gene (genetic) polymorphism, and knows the molecular basis of these disciplines. Student defines the diferences between pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenomics. Student is aware of the clinical impact of the presence of variant alleles on the efficiency of the encoded proteins. Student knows about the existence of population differences in the occurrence of variant alleles and explains the terms phenotyping, genotyping , slow, intermediate, rapid metabolisers, variant and wild allele. Student gives examples of gene polymorphisms influencing the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the drug with clinical impact. Information sources: Study materials for courses aVLFA0721p and aVLFA0721c. Exam questions General pharmacology: 31. Pharmacogenetics, influence of genetic polymorfisms on pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drugs