FACIAL EXPRESSIONS /1/ General term: • facies, faciei, f. face; expression, countenance (typical of a certain disease or state) /2/ Terms referring to healthy or pathological state: • f. composita “normal, natural face”, i.e. composed, regular face of a healthy person • f. dolorosa facial expression of a person suffering from pain • f. febrilis feverous face expression, i.e. restless, discomposed characterized by shiny eyes and redness in face • f. plethorica hyperemic face with florid, red complexion due to excessive circulation of blood /3/ Terms referring to a certain disease/dysfunction of a certain organ: • f. alcoholica / aethylica bloated, persistently red face as a consequence of excessive drinking • f. pneumonica one-sided blush on the same cheek as the lung affected by pneumonia • f. nephritica oedematous, pale face due to the inflammation of kidneys with swelling appearing most around eyes • f. cardiaca oedematous, pale, and yellowish face with cyanotic hue; half open mouth, cyanotic lips; typically accompanies heart failure • f. anaemica very pale face with greenish tint in patients with iron deficiency • f. mitralis blush on cheeks, cyanotic tip of the nose and ears; the patient looks younger his/her age; typical of patients with mitral stenosis • f. gastrica facial expression typical of acute stomach problems; deep nasolabial fold • f. tuberculosa / hectica exhausted, pale face with blush on cheeks, “burning” eyes, dry lips, excited countenance, half open mouth • f. morbillosa “unhappy” facial expression with rash and reddened eyes sensitive to light; typical of children suffering from measles • f. syphilitica melancholic facial expression with saddle nose deformation; typical of the patients having the late congenital syphilis (syphilis congenital tarda) • f. tetanica / risus sardonicus facial expression typical of tetanus patients; mouth widened as in laughter, but the skin on forehead as if expressing grief; tonic spasm of mimic and chewing muscles • f. leontina the lion-like facial appearance occurring in patients with certain forms of leprosy /4/ Eponyms: • facies Hippocratica → facies abdominalis sunken eyes, pinched nose, deadly livid and cyanotic skin sometimes covered with large drops of cold sweat, specific for the collapse due to severe disease of abdominal organs accompanied by peritonitis (rupture of gall bladder, perforated ulcer in stomach or duodenum) • facies Parkinsonica / oleosa amimic face with characteristic stare; the patient seems to lean forward to the observer; oily skin of face, sometimes drooling occurs; typical of patients with advanced Parkinson's disease (morbus Parkinson)