BASIC MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY II MOCK TEST PT1 Name:.............................................................................................. ... Date: ............................ Group: ................. FULL SCORE: 50 1) Complete the phrases by the correct grammatical form of adjectives derived from the nouns in brackets. (5 points) Ex.: ruptura arteriae ……………………. (tempus) > temporalis arteriae …………………………….. (corona) pars …………………………….. (orbita) ligamentum …………………………….. dentis (apex) systema …………………………….. centrale (nervus) processus ossis …………………………….. (tempus) 2) Put the phrases to plural using opposites of the adjectives give. (10 points) Ex.: arteria profunda > arteriae superficiales ramus inferior …………………………………………………………… fractura complicata …………………………………………………………… trama leve …………………………………………………………… foramen majus …………………………………………………………… lamina medialis …………………………………………………………… 3) Write down the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives/prepositions and complete the phrases using one of these in correct grammatical form. (15 points) magnus, a, um ……………………………………cornu _____________ ossis hyoidei infra ………………………………………… nervus splanchnicus ______________ acutus, a, um …………………………………st.p. operationem _________________ longus, a, um ……………………………………. periodus ___________________ brevis, e ……………………………………………………os __________________ 4) Divide the following compound terms into components. Explain the meaning of the whole term with respect to the prefixes/suffixes used. (20 points) Ex.: endometrium: endo- (inside) + metrium (uterus) > the innermost lining of uterus periosteoma hypertensio capitulum oligodactylia surdomutitas hemiparesis peraciditas dyspepsia carcinomatosus subluxatio BASIC MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY II MOCK TEST PT1 CORRECT ANSWERS Name:.............................................................................................. ... Date: ............................ Group: ................. FULL SCORE: 50 1) Complete the phrases by the correct grammatical form of adjectives derived from the nouns in brackets. (5 points) Ex.: ruptura arteriae ……………………. (tempus) > temporalis arteriae CORONARIAE pars ORBITALIS ligamentum APICALE dentis systema NERVOSUM centrale processus ossis TEMPORALIS 2) Put the phrases to plural using opposites of the adjectives give. (10 points) Ex.: arteria profunda > arteriae superficiales ramus inferior RAMI SUPERIORES fractura complicata FRACTURAE SIMPLICES trama leve TRAUMATA GRAVIA foramen majus FORAMINA MINORA lamina medialis LAMINAE LATERALES 3) Write down the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives/prepositions and complete the phrases using one of these in correct grammatical form. (15 points) magnus, a, um MAJOR, MAJUS – MAXIMUS, A, UM cornu MAJUS ossis hyoidei infra INFERIOR, IUS – INFIMUS/IMUS, A, UM nervus splanchnicus IMUS acutus, a, um ACUTIOR, IUS – ACUTISSIMUS, A, UM st.p. operationem ACUTAM/ACUTIOREM/ACUTISSIMAM longus, a, um LONGIOR, IUS – LONGISSIMUS, A, UM periodus LONGA/LONGIOR/LONGISSIMA brevis, e BREVIOR, IUS – BREVISSIMUS, A, UM os BREVE 4) Divide the following compound terms into components. Explain the meaning of the whole term with respect to the prefixes/suffixes used. (20 points) Ex.: endometrium: endo- (inside) + metrium (uterus) > the innermost lining of uterus periosteoma peri- (=around) + oste- (=bone) + -oma (=tumour) > a tumour in the membrane surrounding the bone hypertensio hyper- (=excessive) + -tensio (=blood pressure) > high blood pressure capitulum capit- (= head) + -ulum (= small) > small head oligodactylia oligo- (= less, few) + -dactyl- (= finger) > congenital disorder of having less fingers than normal surdomutitas surd- (=deaf) + mut- (= mute) + -itas (= state, condition) > deaf-muteness hemiparesis hemi- (= half) + paresis (=partial paralysis, weakness) > partial paralysis of the half (left or right) of body peraciditas per- (=excessive) + acid- (=acid) + -itas (= condition, state) > excessive acidity dyspepsia dys- (= wrong, bad) + pepsia (=digestion) > bad digestion carcinomatosus carcinom- (=malignant tumour of epithelial cells) + osus (=full of, many) > full of carcinomata, many carcinomata subluxatio sub- (=partial, incomplete) + luxatio (= dislocation) > partial dislocation