Seminar 6-7 Basic Medical Terminology II MATCH THE GREEK AND ENGLISH NAMES OF COLOURS Chrom-o-, chromat-o- Chlor-o- Cyan-o- Erythr-o- Leuc-o- Xanth-o- Poli-o- Blue Color Green Grey White, colorless Red Yellow Melan-o Black, dark FORM COMPOUNDS USING THE NAMES OF COLOURS 1. A yellowish discoloration of the skin is known as .…….…….derma 2. A cell producing the dark pigment (…………...) is called ……………………cytus 3. A decreased number of red blood cells is ………………..penia 6. An excessive discharge of white (or sometimes yellowish) mucus from the vagina is ………………..rrhoea 5. A group of photosynthetic bacteria containing a blue pigment is ………….bacteria 4. The green pigment of plant leaves and algae is ………………phyllum Xanthoderma – melaninum; melanocytus – erythro(cyto)penia – chlorophyllum (on) - cyanobácteria - leucorrhoea SYNDACTYLIA POLYDACTYLIA MACRODACTYLIA ARACHNODACTYLIA ADACTYLIA BRACHYDACTYLIA OLIGODACTYLIA NAME THE DIFFERENT TYPES OF “-DACTYLIA” ON THE PICTURES 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 Latin origin Greek origin Hybrids (both compound and derived terms) ⇨ usually 2-root expressions ⇨ connecting vowels: o/i/Ø ⇨ a noun/adjective/numeral on the first place examples: nas-o-lacrim-alis secund-i-grav-ida uni-later-alis mult-angulus cerebr-o-spin-alis (noun) mult-i-cellul-aris (adj.) prim-i-para (numeral) ⇨ multi-root expressions ⇨ connecting vowels: o/Ø ⇨ a noun/adjective/numeral on the first place examples: thromb-o-cyt-o-penia (= 3 roots) pan-hyster-o-salping-o-oophor-ec-tom-ia (= 5 roots) haemat-o-log-ia haemat-ur-ia tri-pleg-ia py-ur-ia (noun) macr-o-cephal-ia (adj.) mon-o-pleg-ia (numeral) ⇨ the order of the roots makes a difference!!! e.g. haematuria x uraemia ⇨ multi-root expressions ⇨ connecting vowels: o/Ø examples: ap-pendic-itis L L G hepat-o- ren-alis G L L ovari-ec-tom-ia L G G G cheil-o-gnath-o-palat-o-schisis G G L G LATIN VS. GREEK COMPOUND WORDS } Obesitas permagna } } ROOT SUFFIX PREFIX ROOT } } } St. p. cholecystectomiam laparoscopicam } }ROOT 1 ROOT2 PREFIX ROOT 3 SUFFIX } } ROOT 1 ROOT 2 SUFFIX } } CONNECTING VOWEL HOW TO IDENTIFY THE COMPONENTS OF THE DERIVED/COMPOUND TERMS? PATHOLOGICAL STATES AND DISEASES MEDICAL INTERVENTIONS AND EXAMINATIONS FORM COMPOUNDS WITH THE GIVEN MEANING -ALGIA /-ODYNIA: “pain, ache, suffering” of a body part or organ e.g. dorsalgia = dorsodynia = back pain Pain in the JOINT(S) Arthr-algia/arthr-odynia STOMACH pain Gastr-algia/gastr-odynia/stomach-algia/stomach-odynia Pain along the course of NERVE(S) Neur-algia/neur-odynia TOOTHache Odont-algia/odont-odynia HEADache Cephal-algia/cephal-odynia Pain in the HIP JOINT Cox-algia Pain in the UTERUS Hyster-algia/ hyster-odynia/ metr-algia/ metr-odynia / uter-algia/uter-odynia Pain in the BREAST Mast-algia/mast-odynia/mamm-algia/mamm-odynia Pain in the SMALL INTESTINE Enter-algia/enter-odynia + ODYNIA is synonymic!!!! FORM COMPOUNDS WITH THE GIVEN MEANING Haemolysis Pyretolysis -LYSIS : 1) Biochemistry: dissolution, destruction of cells 2) Medicine: gradual subsiding of the symptoms of an acute disease; relaxation Spondylolysis Spasmolysis Dialysis Osteolysis Necrolysis Bacteriolysis Reduction of fever Disintegration of red blood cells Relaxation of muscle spasms Separation of smaller and larger molecules Dissolution or degeneration of bone tissue Disintegration and dissolution of dead tissue Dissolution or destruction of bacteria Defect in the connection between vertebrae -PATHIA : pathology (= disease/disorder) of sth Psychopathia FORM COMPOUNDS OR EXPLAIN THEIR MEANING Disease of the heart Neuropathia Angiopathia Disease of the cartilage Disorder of a cell Rhinopathia Disease of the tongue Myopathia Mental disorder Cardiopathia Disorder of the nervous system Chondropathia Disease of blood vessels Cytopathia Disease of the nose Glossopathia Disease of muscles Prolapse of the uterus FORM COMPOUNDS OR EXPLAIN THEIR MEANING Blepharoptosis Prolapse of the colon Prolapse of the stomach Nephroptosis -PTOSIS : prolapse (= downward displacement) of sth Hysteroptosis/metroptosis/uteroptosis Drooping of the upper eyelid Coloptosis Prolapse of the kidney Gastroptosis Colpoptosis Prolapse of the vagina FORM COUMPOUNDS WITH THE GIVEN MEANING -ECTOMIA : excision, surgical removal of an organ or a part of it e.g. appendectomia – removal of the vermiform appendix Removal of a FINGER - Removal of the STOMACH - Removal of the LIVER - Removal of the LARYNX - Removal of a LOBE - Removal of the BREAST - Removal of the PANCREAS - Removal of the PROSTATE - Dactyl-ec-tomia Gastr-ec-tomia Hepat-ec-tomia Laryng-ec-tomia Lob-ec-tomia Mast-ec-tomia/mamm-ec-tomia Pancreat-ec-tomia Prostat-ec-tomia Removal of theUTERUS- Hyster-ec-tomia/metr-ec-tomia/ uter-ec-tomia prostata, ae, f. -GRAPHIA : recording, imaging of sth e.g. hysterographia/metrographia/uterographia – graphic recording of the strength of uterine contractions A breast examination with imaging technology An examination of the blood vessels with some type of viewing/recording device Internal organs examination by taking X-ray photographs The process of recording electrical impulses of the heart Mamm-o-graphia / mastographia Angi-o-graphia Radi-o-graphia Electr-o-cardi-o-graphia FORM COUMPOUNDS WITH THE GIVEN MEANING EXPLAIN THE MEANING OF THE GIVEN COMPOUNDS -METRIA : measurement of sth e.g. pupillometria – measurement of the diameter of the eye pupil Crani-o-metria Cephal-o-metria Pelvi-metria Cyst-o-metria Odont-o-metria Oste-o-metria Measurement of the SKULL Measurement of the HEAD (i.e. skull) Measurement of the PELVIS Measurement of the urinary BLADDER Measurement of TEETH Measurement of BONES -SCOPIA : visual examination of the interior of a body organ, broadly also any inspection of a body part e.g. endoscopia : examination of the interior of a body Inspection of the FETUS- Inspection of the PHARYNX- Inspection of the ANUS- Inspection of the ABDOMINAL CAVITY- Inspection of the LARGE INTESTINE- Inspection of the THORACIC CAVITY- Fet-o-scopia Pharyng-o-scopia An-o-scopia Lapar-o-scopia Col-o(no)-scopia Thorac-o-scopia Inspection of the VAGINA- Colp-o-scopia Inspection of the EYE- Ophthalm-o-scopia FORM COMPOUNDS WITH THE GIVEN MEANING -TOMIA : cutting, incision into sth e.g. herniotomia – a surgical incision to fix hernia Incision into an ARTERY Incision into a BRONCHUS Incision into the SKULL Incision into a LOBE Incision into a MUSCLE Incision into the PERICARDIUM Arteri-o-tomia Bronch-o-tomia Crani-o-tomia Lob-o-tomia My-o-tomia Pericardi-o-tomia Incision into the PERINEUM (pubic region) Incision into a VEIN Incision into the TYMPANUM Episi-o-tomia Phleb-o-tomia Tympan-o-tomia FORM COMPOUNDS WITH THE GIVEN MEANING DECIDE WHETHER THE COMPOUNDS CONTAIN GREEK COMPONENTS CORRESPONDING TO THE LABELLED BODY PARTS Encephalopathia Thoracographia Cholecystitis Adenocarcinoma Podarthritis Somatologia Phlebotomia Otoscopia Nephrostomia Myeloneuritis Myeloneuritis = inflammation of the spinal cord and peripheral nerves MATCH DEFINITIONS WITH GREEK ROOTS AND CREATE ADEQUATE COMPOUNDS The benign tumor made up of newly formed blood vessels is ? Condition in which excess cerebrospinal fluid accumulates in the ventricles of the brain is ? The surgical removal of fat beneath the skin is ? An accumulation of pus in the Fallopian tube is ? The surgical removal of a kidney stone through an incision into the kidney is ? A toxic condition resulting from renal failure in which kidney function is compromised and urea is retained in the blood is ? The burning sensation caused by the return of acidic stomach contents into the oesophagus is called heartburn or ? Haem-angi- Hydr- Lip- Lith- Py- Pyr- Ur- Haemangioma – pyrosis - hydrocephalus – lipectomia - pyosalpinx – nephrolithectomia – uraemia - } }toothache }inflammation of the tissues surrounding teeth }hypersensitivity of teeth }the field of medicine dealing with teeth }benign tumour of tooth-tissue origin }tooth development }pathological fear of dental care, dentistry }visual examination of oral cavity }surgical removal of a tooth } EXPLAIN THE MEANING OF MEDICAL TERMS INCLUDING THE GREEK ROOT ODONT- (= TOOTH) (Handout 7.3, task 5) ODONTALGIA PERIODONTITIS ODONTOHYPERAESTHESIA ODONTOLOGIA ODONTOMA ODONTOGENESIS ODONTOPHOBIA ODONTOSCOPIA ODONTECTOMIA Handout 5 – time to prepare Use the Greek root my-o-/s/- (= muscle) FORM MEDICAL TERMS BASED ON THE DEFINITIONS (Handout 7.3, task 6) 1.Benign tumor in a smooth muscle 2.Inflammation of a muscle 3.Formation of multiple tumors in a smooth muscle 4.Heart muscle 5.Muscular tissue in the uterus 6.Referring to the heart muscle (adj.) 7.Recording the strength of a muscle contraction 8.Medical field studying muscles 9.Removal of a muscular tissue tumour 10.Surgical incision to a muscle 11.Plastic surgery to repair a muscle 12. MYOMA MYITIS/MYOSITIS MYOMATOSIS MYOCARDIUM MYOMETRIUM MYOCARDIACUS MYOCARDIALIS MYOGRAPHIA MYOLOGIA MYOMECTOMIA MYOTOMIA MYOPLASTICA Handout 6 USE THE GIVEN COMPONENTS TO FORM COMPOUNDS BASED ON THE DEFINITIONS (Handout 7.3, task 7) }A. ____________: measurement of the dimensions of the head }B. ____________: treatment of a disease by means of ionizing radiation }C. ____________: surgical formation of an opening through } the abdominal wall into the stomach }D. ____________: surgical excision of the gallbladder }E. ____________: endoscopic examination of the colon }F. ____________: surgical repair of a defect of the lip }G. ____________: surgical incision of the appendix }H. Electro- ____________: recording of electrical impulses produced by the brain activity (EEG) }I. ____________ : surgical connection of two parts of the intestine -tomia -ectomia -stomia -graphia -plastica -therapia -anastomosis -scopia -metria cephalometria radiotherapia gastrostomia cholecystectomia colo(no)scopia cheiloplastica appendicotomia encephalographia enteroanastomosis }hystera – salpinx – graphia } }pan – hystera – salpinx – oophoron – ectome } }oligos – erythros – kytos – haima } }thrombos – kytos – penia } }pneuma (gr. air) – haima – pericardium } }kystis – ureter – pyelos – nephros - itis } }hepaticus – duodenum – anastomosis } } } CREATE COMPOUNDS USING THE GIVEN COMPONENTS AND FIGURE OUT THEIR MEANING hysterosalpingographia panhysterosalpingooophorectomia oligoerythrocythaemia thrombocytopenia pneumohaemopericardium cystoureteropyelonephritis hepaticoduodenoanastomosis TIME TO PREPARE Radiography of the uterus and Fallopian tubes; surgical removal of the uterus, Fallopian tube and ovary; lower number of erythrocytes in blood; abnormally low number of platelets in blood; presence of blood and air in the pericardium; inflammation of the urinary bladder, ureter, renal pelvis and kidney; formation of a connection between the liver and duodenum 23 1.Plastic surgery to repair a blood vessel (e.g. a narrowed artery) is… 2.An X-ray examination of a vessel using radio-opaque dye so the vessel shows up is… 3.Referring to the heart and the cardia (part od the stomach close to the oesophagus) (adj.) … 4.An abbreviation C-PG stands for examination of the heart function and breathing, in Latin it is called… 5.Surgical operation to make a permanent opening into the pelvis of kidney from the surface is… 6.Surgery to make an opening between the bladder and the abdominal wall is… 7.Surgical removal of tongue is... 8.Plastic surgery of breasts is… 9.Replacement of the damaged skin by skin taken from a donor is… FILL IN MEDICAL TERMS WITH THE GIVEN MEANING Time to prepare: Angioplastica; Angiographia; Cardiacus; Cardiopneumographia; Nephrostomia/pyelostomia; Cystostomia; Glossectomia; Mastoplastica; Dermatoplastica READ THE DIAGNOSES AND GIVE FULL FORMS OF THE ABBREVIATIONS USED secundum (prep.!) = according to Gestatio, onis, f. = pregnancy