Ochrana a podpora zdraví II - cvičení
Physical factors of environment
Physics and Health
9 influences, 72 slides, some hypertext ones; the show starts with an animation Wake up Freak out
- Concept of pollution.
- Particulate matters: origin, association with growing road traffic intensity, black carbon, health effects.
- Harmful electromagnetic radiation (ionising and solar): Light intensity during day and at night, harmful health impact of artificial lighting mainly of blue components of spectrum (impairment of circadian rhythm, melatonin, risk of some types of cancer and diabetes mellitus).
- Noise and its harmfulness: logarithmic scale of noise, sleeping disturbance, cardiovaskular diseases, interference with speech communication.
- Temperature, humidity and climatic change.
Videorecord of lesson by J. Hollan
lecture of dr. Hollan (1:37, 0.6 GB); hypertextově viz FyzVlivy9b2.pdf