Nutritional Status Assessment Assoc. Prof. Jindřich Fiala 1 Department of Public Health Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University logo Masarykova univerzita – Lékařská fakulta Outline, main points 2 nBackground, basics, definitions, objectives, indications nMalnutrition Techniques (in assessing nutritional status): nAnthropometry n nPhysical (clinical) examination - general appearance n nHistory nBiochemical and immunological examinations n nDynamometry tests (muscle strength) n nValidated screening tools n nChildren (specifics) n Definitions, scope 3 nNutritional status: - Nutritional status assessment - Dietary assessment, (Food consumption, Dietary habits …) nMalnutrition - The resulting status of health and nutrition given and influenced by diet, dietary intake and uptake, factors influencing uptake (including malfunctions and diseases), energy output, heredity, environmental factors, lifestyle (physical activity, smoking, alcohol etc…) nNutritional assessment – differentiate between: - Nutritional status, which is characterized by a deficit or excess of energy or individual nutrients (undernutrittion vs. overnutrition). - This imbalance results in measurable changes in the tissues, the body's form, the functions of the organism, and the clinical condition of the individual v.s. Malnutritions 4 Malnutrition by deficiency - undernutrition Malnutritions by excess, overnutrition nEnergy, energy-protein deficiency malnutritions: nSpecific deficiencies ÞUnderweight ÞCachexia ÞMarasmus ÞKwashiorkor ÞMarasmic kwashiorkor ÞIodine deficiency - endemic goitre (Struma) ÞVit. A deficiency - xeroftalmia ÞNutritional anaemia ÞNutritional osteopenia ÞB1 (Thiamine) deficiency - Beri beri ÞB2 (Riboflavin) deficiency ÞB3 (Niacin, vit. PP) - Pellagra ÞVit C deficiency) - Scurvy ÞSarcopenia ÞOverweight ÞObesity ÞMicronutrient excess Cachexia = kačeksia, kwashiorkor = kvošiorkór, deficiency = defišnsy 5 Clinical malnutritions according to ESPEN ESPEN = European Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Frailty syndrome: Frailty is a common clinical syndrome in older adults that carries an increased risk for poor health outcomes including falls, incident disability, hospitalization, and mortality. Asociated with aging = weakness, slowing, decreased energy, lower activity, and, when severe, unintended weight loss. Types of Protein-Energy Malnutrition (PEM) 6 nUnderweight - adults low BMI, children low weight for age nWasting – gradual loss of body mass (getting thinner). In children: Low weight for height. nStunting – low height for age nKwashiorkor – edematous PEM by protein deficiency nMarasmus – severe wasting due to energy deficiency nMarasmic kwashiorkor nCachexia –associated with inflammatory or neoplastic condition nSarcopenia - skeletal muscle wasting by ageing nStarvation – pure caloric deficiency, conserves lean mass, increases fat metabolism edem·​a·​tous | \ i-ˈde-mə-təs \ 7 Marasmus vs Kwashiorkor 8 nMarasmus nKwashiorkor Marasmus is caused by a severe deficiency of nearly all nutrients, especially protein, carbohydrates, and lipids. Sufficient calorie intake, but with insufficient protein consumption. C:\Users\jfiala\Desktop\Media Gallery\marasmus vs kwashiorkor.jpg Malnutrition - causes 9 nLow intake of food nMental health problems nDigestive disorders and stomach conditions nAlcoholism nLack of breastfeeding This may be caused by symptoms of an illness, for example, dysphagia, when it is difficult to swallow. Badly fitting dentures may contribute. Conditions such as depression, dementia, schizophrenia, anorexia nervosa, and bulimia can lead to malnutrition Some people cannot leave the house to buy food or find it physically difficult to prepare meals. Those who live alone and are isolated are more at risk. Some people do not have enough money to spend on food, and others have limited cooking skills. Alcohol can lead to gastritis or damage to the pancreas. These can make it hard to digest food, absorb certain vitamins, and produce hormones that regulate metabolism. Alcohol contains calories, so the person may not feel hungry. They may not eat enough proper food to supply the body with essential nutrients. Not breastfeeding, especially in the developing world, can lead to malnutrition in infants and children. nSocial and mobility problems If the body does not absorb nutrients efficiently, even a healthful diet may not prevent malnutrition. People with Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis may need to have part of the small intestine removed to enable them to absorb nutrients. Celiac disease may result in damage to the lining of the intestines and poor food absorption. Persistent diarrhea, vomiting, or both can lead to a loss of vital nutrients Worldwide most frequent micronutrient deficiencies 10 nIron deficiency nIodine nVitamin A deficiency ØThe world's most widespread micronutrient deficit (2 billion people) ØAnaemia, reduced mental and physical performance, susceptibility to infections ØIn adult individual pool for 2 years ØIn developing countries, babies are born with small supplies and do not receive vitamin A by breastfeeding either ØFirst, reversible night blindness ØLater, irreversible blindness (annually 1.5 million children) ØDecrease in immune functions, pneumonias, infectious diarrhea, death Ø Ø ØThe second most common deficit, very serious manifestations for the population ØThe world’s most prevalent, yet easily preventable, cause of brain damage Ø"Iodine Deficiency Disorders" (IDD) - goiter, hypothyroidism, retardation of psychomotor development, cretinism ØThe best prevention: iodised salt ØNatural content in food outside marine products depends on the geological basement - mountain deficiency ØThe urinary excretion shows the saturation (<100 ug / l = deficiency) The spectrum of iodine deficiency disorders, IDD 11 Fetus Miscarriage Stillbirths Congenital anomalies Increased perinatal morbidity and mortality Endemic cretinism Neonate Neonatal goiter Neonatal hypothyroidism Endemic neurocognitive impairment Increased susceptibility of the thyroid gland to nuclear radiation Child and adolescent Goiter (Subclinical) hypothyroidism Impaired mental function Retarded physical development Increased susceptibility of the thyroid gland to nuclear radiation Adult Goiter with its complications Hypothyroidism Impaired mental function Spontaneous hyperthyroidism in the elderly Iodine-induced hyperthyroidism Increased susceptibility of the thyroid gland to nuclear radiation 12 METHODS Methods, techniques 13 nAnthropometry nPhysical, (clinical) examination – general appearance nLaboratory – biochemical and immunological examinations nDynamometry tests (muscle strength) nHistory nValidated screening tests nChildren History 14 nChronic and current diseases of the examined person nDietary habits, possible alternative diets, social status.. nLifestyle – physical activity, alcohol… n To a large extent, it overlaps with the „Dietary assessment" , or "Nutritional history". Directly within the Nutritional Status assessment,we focus especially on the factors that can influence the nutritional status: ÞFocus on gastrointestinal problems ÞUsing drugs that can interact with the digestion and uptake of nutrients Methods, techniques 15 Physical, (clinical) examination – general appearance Symptoms and signs of undernutrition and micronutrient deficiency 16 C:\Users\jfiala\Pictures\Beze jména.jpg Výsledek obrázku pro koilonychie _pm1348962057890.png Close-up view of 4 fingers. White horizontal bands Nails nFe deficiency - koilonychia, spooning of nails nProtein deficiency – white tranverse strips Eyes Výsledek obrázku pro xerosis conjunctival Výsledek obrázku pro corneal xerosis deficiency-19-638.jpg?cb=1462427304 Související obrázek +deficiencies,bitot%27s+spots ization.jpg nVit. A deficiency nXerotic cornea nBitot’s spot nKeratomolacia nCorneal scars nImpaired night vision Související obrázek Mouth, tongue, teeth, gums •Gums oBleeding gums – vit C •Tongue oGlosssitis, loss od papillae •Teeth oCaries •Ca, F oSpotty enamel •Fluorine excess • o Výsledek obrázku pro gingivitis Související obrázek tal_fluorosis_%28mild%29.png Výsledek obrázku pro cheilitis •Rty oAngulární stomatitis – nedostatek riboflavinu, pyridoxinu, železa oAngulární jizvy – nedostatek riboflavinu, pyridoxinu oCheilitis – nedostatek riboflavinu Skin • oPallor (anemia from iron, folate) oBruising, petechiae, hematomas (vit C, vit K) oHypo or hyperpigmentation (Zinc, niacin) oPerifollicular hyperkeratosis (vit A Výsledek obrázku pro follicular hyperkeratosis Výsledek obrázku pro follicular petechiae Výsledek obrázku pro petechial hemorrhaging Skin •Kůže oZměny pigmentace •Špinavě hnědé skvrny – chronická podvýživa •Depigmentace – kwashiorkor •Erytém, svědění, pálení – puchýřky – hrubnutí kůže – pelagra •Bledá kůže - chudokrevnost Výsledek obrázku pro kwashiorkor skin Výsledek obrázku pro pellagra skin •Vit. D deficiency oBone derformities: oCraniotabes oProminet costovertebral junctions oWidering of metaphyses (wrist and ankle) oFrontal bossing oWide anteri Výsledek obrázku pro craniotabes Související obrázek Výsledek obrázku pro rachitic rosary -demineralization-10-638.jpg?cb=1420720388 Výsledek obrázku pro pectus carinatum Související obrázek ge-2107067516.jpg Bones, skeleton Thyroid •Iodine defeficiency oGoitrea (thyromegaly) o Výsledek obrázku pro struma Výsledek obrázku pro parotitis 24 ANTHROPOMETRY Anthropometric (somatometric) measurements used in nutritional status assessment 25 nDirectly measured simple parameters: n ÞHeight ÞWeight ÞWaist ÞHip ÞArm (MUAC) ÞSkinfolds nAnthropometric indexes: n nBody composition analysis: n ÞBMI ÞWHR ÞBIA ÞHydrodensitometry (hydrostatic weighing) ÞDEXA ÞMRI ÞPlethysmography (BodPod) (whole body air displacement plethysmography) Þ3D-scanning Height 26 C:\Users\jfiala\Desktop\Media Gallery\výška - měření.jpg C:\Users\jfiala\Desktop\Media Gallery\seca.jpg C:\Users\jfiala\Desktop\Media Gallery\seca staiometer.jpg C:\Users\jfiala\Desktop\VÝUKA\20 - Výuka jaro 2018\OPZ II\Beze jména.jpg C:\Users\jfiala\Desktop\VÝUKA\20 - Výuka jaro 2018\OPZ II\Beze jména.jpg Weight 27 C:\Users\jfiala\Desktop\Media Gallery\váha.jpg C:\Users\jfiala\Desktop\Media Gallery\Beze jména.jpg nAlternatives to weighing patients: C:\Users\jfiala\Pictures\personal-floor-scale.jpg C:\Users\jfiala\Desktop\VÝUKA\20 - Výuka jaro 2018\OPZ II\Beze jména.jpg C:\Users\jfiala\Desktop\VÝUKA\20 - Výuka jaro 2018\OPZ II\Beze jména.jpg BMI 28 Classification: Underweight Normal range Overweight Obesity BMI < 18.5 18.5 – 24.9 25.0 -29.9 ≥ 30.0 nBMI = weight (kg) / height2 (m2) n BMI – Diagnostic criteria (cut-offs) 29 Circumferences 30 nWaist n nHip n nArm n C:\Users\jfiala\Desktop\Media Gallery\Beze jména.jpg nCalf n Possible circumferences in nutritional status assessment: Circumferences – measuring sites: 31 nWaist – taken in level of the umbilicus (navel) n nArm – mid upper arm, relaxed n C:\Users\jfiala\Desktop\Media Gallery\měření obvidu gluteálníhp.jpg C:\Users\jfiala\Desktop\Media Gallery\měření obvodu paže.jpg nHip - measurement is taken at the widest lateral extension of the hips n C:\Users\jfiala\Desktop\Media Gallery\Beze jména.jpg C:\Users\jfiala\Desktop\Media Gallery\Beze jména.jpg Cover Waist circumference – diagnostic criteria 32 OK Risk increased Substantially increased Men < 94 94.1 - 102 > 102 Women < 80 80.1 - 88 > 88 nWHO – risk of metabolic complications: n 33 C:\Users\jfiala\Desktop\VÝUKA\20 - Výuka jaro 2018\00 - příprava OPZ II\hodnocení výživového stavu\Media Gallery\zzz.jpg Waist circumference – correlation with abdominal fat 34 Després J P, Lemieux I, Prud'homme D: Treatment of obesity: need to focus on high risk abdominally obese patients. BMJ. 2001 Mar 24;322(7288):716-20. C:\Users\jfiala\Desktop\VÝUKA\13 - výuka podzim 2014\13 - obezitologie\obr.2.jpg Metabolic syndrome 35 nMetabolic syndrome, sometimes known by other names, is a clustering of at least three of the five following medical conditions: abdominal obesity, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, high serum triglycerides and low high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels. n nMetabolic syndrome is associated with the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. n nInsulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, and prediabetes are closely related to one another and have overlapping aspects. n nThe syndrome is thought to be caused by an underlying disorder of energy utilization and storage. 36 C:\Users\jfiala\Desktop\VÝUKA\20 - Výuka jaro 2018\00 - příprava OPZ II\hodnocení výživového stavu\Matabolic synsrom\mrtabolic syndrom criteria.jpg Metabolic syndrome 37 C:\Users\jfiala\Desktop\VÝUKA\20 - Výuka jaro 2018\00 - příprava OPZ II\hodnocení výživového stavu\Matabolic synsrom\waist circumference.jpg 38 Výsledek obrázku pro WHR Výsledek obrázku pro WHR Výsledek obrázku pro WHR - apple pear Výsledek obrázku pro WHR - apple pear WHR – Waist to Hip Ratio WHR – diagnostic criteria 39 Low risk Moderate risk High risk Men < 0.95 0.95 - 1.00 > 1.00 Women < 0.80 0.81 - 0.85 > 0.85 C:\Users\jfiala\Desktop\VÝUKA\13 - výuka podzim 2014\13 - obezitologie\obr 5.jpg Ideal value (health and fertility): Men 0.9, Women 0.7 WHR interpretation pitfalls 40 Després J P, Lemieux I, Prud'homme D: Treatment of obesity: need to focus on high risk abdominally obese patients. BMJ. 2001 Mar 24;322(7288):716-20. C:\Users\jfiala\Desktop\VÝUKA\13 - výuka podzim 2014\13 - obezitologie\obr 1.jpg WHR 41 C:\Users\jfiala\Desktop\VÝUKA\13 - výuka podzim 2014\13 - obezitologie\Beze jména.jpg Výsledek obrázku pro WHR Výsledek obrázku pro WHR - waist to hip, masculine - feminine Související obrázek The most desirable between 0.6 – 0.75 Diagnostická kritéria - WHR 42 C:\Users\jfiala\Desktop\VÝUKA\13 - výuka podzim 2014\13 - obezitologie\Beze jména.jpg MUAC (Mid Upper Arm Circumference), MAC, AC 43 n♂ >26 cm nLow MAC adult =< 24 n21 – 23 = yelow zone n< 21 cm – red n n n n♀ >25 cm Adults: UNICEF – Adults: Children tape: Calf circumference cut-offs 44 Mid-arm and calf circumferences (MAC and CC) are better than body mass index (BMI) in predicting health status and mortality risk in institutionalized elderly Taiwanese. Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 2012 May-Jun;54(3):443-7. Mid-arm and calf circumferences are stronger mortality predictors than body mass index for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseInt J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis. 2016; 11: 2075–2080. Calf (CC): Ø< 31 cm – manutrition Ø> 31 - OK 45 BODY FAT AND BODY COMPOSITION MAEASUREMENT Skinfolds measurement 46 nSeveral types od calipers C:\Users\jfiala\Desktop\VÝUKA\20 - Výuka jaro 2018\00 - příprava OPZ II\hodnocení výživového stavu\Media Gallery\26883.jpg C:\Users\jfiala\Desktop\VÝUKA\20 - Výuka jaro 2018\00 - příprava OPZ II\hodnocení výživového stavu\Media Gallery\06.jpg C:\Users\jfiala\Desktop\VÝUKA\20 - Výuka jaro 2018\00 - příprava OPZ II\hodnocení výživového stavu\Media Gallery\07.jpg C:\Users\jfiala\Desktop\VÝUKA\20 - Výuka jaro 2018\00 - příprava OPZ II\hodnocení výživového stavu\Media Gallery\kaliper best.jpg Best: Harpenden: Skinfolds measurement 47 C:\Users\jfiala\Desktop\VÝUKA\20 - Výuka jaro 2018\00 - příprava OPZ II\hodnocení výživového stavu\Media Gallery\řasy - měření - best.jpg nMeasuring with Best caliper: C:\Users\jfiala\Desktop\VÝUKA\20 - Výuka jaro 2018\00 - příprava OPZ II\hodnocení výživového stavu\Media Gallery\zzz.jpg C:\Users\jfiala\Desktop\VÝUKA\20 - Výuka jaro 2018\00 - příprava OPZ II\hodnocení výživového stavu\Media Gallery\zz.jpg C:\Users\jfiala\Desktop\VÝUKA\20 - Výuka jaro 2018\00 - příprava OPZ II\hodnocení výživového stavu\Media Gallery\zzz.jpg nTriceps nSupraspinal nSubscapular BIA – Bioelectrical impedance analysis 48 nBIA actually determines the electrical impedance, or opposition to the flow of an electric current through body tissues which can then be used to estimate total body water (TBW), which can be used to estimate fat-free body mass and, by difference with body weight, body fat. n n Výsledek obrázku pro Bioelectrical impedance analysis C:\Users\jfiala\Desktop\VÝUKA\20 - Výuka jaro 2018\00 - příprava OPZ II\hodnocení výživového stavu\Media Gallery\zzz.jpg C:\Users\jfiala\Desktop\VÝUKA\20 - Výuka jaro 2018\00 - příprava OPZ II\hodnocení výživového stavu\Media Gallery\zzz.jpg C:\Users\jfiala\Desktop\VÝUKA\20 - Výuka jaro 2018\00 - příprava OPZ II\hodnocení výživového stavu\Media Gallery\zzz.jpg C:\Users\jfiala\Desktop\VÝUKA\20 - Výuka jaro 2018\00 - příprava OPZ II\hodnocení výživového stavu\Media Gallery\zzz.jpg C:\Users\jfiala\Desktop\VÝUKA\20 - Výuka jaro 2018\00 - příprava OPZ II\hodnocení výživového stavu\Media Gallery\zzz.jpg Výsledek obrázku pro BIA measurement bodystat Inbody S10 49 C:\Users\jfiala\Desktop\VÝUKA\20 - Výuka jaro 2018\00 - příprava OPZ II\hodnocení výživového stavu\obrázky\inbodys10_posture2.jpg 50 C:\Users\jfiala\Desktop\VÝUKA\20 - Výuka jaro 2018\00 - příprava OPZ II\hodnocení výživového stavu\obrázky\Inbody - Body composition analysis.jpg C:\Users\jfiala\Desktop\VÝUKA\20 - Výuka jaro 2018\00 - příprava OPZ II\hodnocení výživového stavu\obrázky\Inbody - Muscle fat analysis.jpg C:\Users\jfiala\Desktop\VÝUKA\20 - Výuka jaro 2018\00 - příprava OPZ II\hodnocení výživového stavu\obrázky\Inbody Segmental lean analysis.jpg Inbody S10 51 OTHER TECHNIQUES Underwater weighing - hydrodensitometry 52 C:\Users\jfiala\Desktop\Media Gallery\08.jpg DEXA – Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry 53 C:\Users\jfiala\Desktop\Media Gallery\DEXA principle.jpg Související obrázek BodPod –Air displacement plethysmography 54 C:\Users\jfiala\Desktop\Media Gallery\09.jpg C:\Users\jfiala\Desktop\Media Gallery\bod-pod.png Body fat - diagnostic criteria 55 Men ♂ Women ♀ PBF Corressponding to BMI < 20 < 32 Oliveros < 20 < 30 Tanita < 20–25 < 33–36 Biospace < 20 < 28 Bodystat < 18 < 26 Category OK Overweight Obesity BMI < 25 25 – 30 > 30 PBF males < 20 % 20 – 25 % > 25 % PBF females < 32 % 32 – 38 % > 38 % Measured PBF corresponding to BMI cut-offs: (Galagher et al.) Cut-offs for „too high BFP“ according to different sources: Body fat - diagnostic criteria 56 Oliveros E, Somers V, Sochor O, Goel K, Lopez-Jimenez F: The concept of normal weight obesity. Progress in cardiovascular diseases, 2014, 56, 426-433 Men Women Normal < 20 < 30 Overfat 20 - 25 30 - 35 Obesity > 25 > 35 Biospace: Standard body fat percent is 15 % (range 10 - 20) for men and 23 % (range 18 - 28) for women C:\Users\jfiala\Desktop\VÝUKA\13 - výuka podzim 2014\13 - obezitologie\obr 3.jpg Category OK Overweight Obesity BMI < 25 25 – 30 > 30 PBF males < 20 % 20 – 25 % > 25 % PBF females < 32 % 32 – 38 % > 38 % Measured PBF corresponding to BMI cut-offs: (Galagher et al.) C:\Users\jfiala\Desktop\VÝUKA\20 - Výuka jaro 2018\00 - příprava OPZ II\hodnocení výživového stavu\Media Gallery\zzz.jpg C:\Users\jfiala\Desktop\VÝUKA\20 - Výuka jaro 2018\00 - příprava OPZ II\hodnocení výživového stavu\Media Gallery\zzz.jpg The health impact of obesity, NWO 57 nCondition „fit fat“ is better (healthier) than „unfit unfat“ n nThe most important is the ratio between fat and muscle tissue n nNWO (Normal Weight Obesity) – increased fat in normal BMI, it poses metabolic and health risk. Diagnosis is often missed! n 58 LABORATORY Biochemical parameters in nutritional status 59 C:\Users\jfiala\Desktop\Media Gallery\Beze jména.jpg Normal [g/l] Heavy deficiency [g/l] Halftime Albumin > 32 < 21 20 days Transferin > 2 < 1 8-10 days Prealbumin > 0.2 < 0.1 2 days 60 C:\Users\jfiala\Desktop\Media Gallery\Beze jména.jpg Dynamometry - hand grip (muscle strength) 61 n♂ >30 kp n n♀ >20 kp The values above refers to age category 65-70, where they correspond to 85% of the table norm according to age. n 62 CHILDREN Nutritional status assessment in children – BMI percentiles 63 C:\Users\jfiala\Desktop\VÝUKA\20 - Výuka jaro 2018\00 - příprava OPZ II\hodnocení výživového stavu\obrázky\děti - BMI 0-18r - chlapci.jpg C:\Users\jfiala\Desktop\VÝUKA\20 - Výuka jaro 2018\00 - příprava OPZ II\hodnocení výživového stavu\obrázky\děti BMI 0-18 r - dívky.jpg Hodnocení výživového stav dětí 64 C:\Users\jfiala\Desktop\VÝUKA\20 - Výuka jaro 2018\00 - příprava OPZ II\hodnocení výživového stavu\obrázky\děti - BMI - percentilové grafy - hodnocení.jpg Definitions of nutrition indicators in children 65 Z - score 66 nThe difference between the measured value and the 50. percentile, expressed in units of SD. n MUAC (Mid Upper Arm Circumference), MAC, AC 67 Children tape: 68 Screening tests Validated screening test 69 nMNA – Mini Nutritional Assessment (+ MNA-SF – short form) nSGA – Subjective Global Assessment nNRS (or NRS 2002) – Nutritional Risk Screening nMUST – Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool C:\Users\jfiala\Desktop\Media Gallery\Beze jména.jpg 70 MNA (SF) 71 MNA - continuing 72 C:\Users\jfiala\Desktop\Media Gallery\Beze jména.jpg SGA – Subjective Global Assessment 73 It covers 3 areas: nMedical History ØWeight change ØDietary intake change ØGastrointestinal symptoms ØFunctional capacity n nPhysical examination ØLoss of subcutaneous fat ØLoss of muscle mass ØPresence of oedema, ascites nSubjective global assessment ØA – Well nourished ØB - Mildly/Moderately Malnourished ØC - Severely Malnourished Ø The individual items are not point scored as the assessment is subjective. The results of the medical history and physical examination are summarized in the „Subjective Global Assessment“ Ø 74 C:\Users\jfiala\Desktop\Media Gallery\Beze jména.jpg SGA – Subjective Global Assessment Guidance for Body Composition 75 Subcutaneous fat Muscle wasting C:\Users\jfiala\Pictures\Beze jména.jpg SGA – Subjective Global Assessment 76 A - Well-nourished B - Mildly/moderately malnourished C- Severely malnourished nNo decrease in food/nutrient intake; n< 5% weight loss; nNo/minimal symptoms affecting food intake; nNo deficit in function; nNo deficit in fat or muscle mass nDefinite decrease in food/nutrient intake; n5% - 10% weight loss without stabilization or gain; nMild/some symptoms affecting food intake; nModerate functional deficit or recent deterioration; nMild/moderate loss of fat and/or muscle mass nSevere deficit in food/nutrient intake; n> 10% weight loss which is ongoing; nSignificant symptoms affecting food/ nutrient intake; nSevere functional deficit nOR *recent significant deterioration obvious signs of fat and/or muscle loss Fluid retention Subjective Global Assessment NRS 2002 - Nutritional Risk Screening 77 78 C:\Users\jfiala\Desktop\Media Gallery\Beze jména.jpg