Epidemiological determinants of infectious diseases MUDr. Marie Kolářová, CSc. Ústav ochrany a podpory zdraví LF MU Spring 2019 Face lesions on boy with smallpox. Source: CDC/Cheryl Tyron Polio_Iores134 Fysiological colonisation of humans by micro- organisms. Many parts of the body are colonized by normal flora, which can be the source of endogenous infection. Large numbers of micro-organisms are found in moist areas of the skin (e.g. the groin, between the toes), the upper respiratory tract, the digestive tract (e.g. the mouth, the nasopharynx), the ileum and large intestine, the anterior parts of the urethra and the vagina. Other routes are interhuman transmission of infections and exposure to exogenous contamination. Fysiological colonisation of humans by micro- organisms. Healthy newborn = germ-free organism Gradual colonization: * Skin - when passing through the mother's birth paths * breathing paths - at first breath * GIT - at first swallowing ... ended until the 8th day Fysiological colonisation of humans by micro- organisms. Permanent colonization, eumicrobia, Types of bacteria event. fungi (never virus!) are for a given system: * characteristic, * non-pathogenic, * constant composition Fysiological colonisation of humans by micro- organisms. Constantly restored balance between the host and the micro-organism. Balance distorts: a) external changes (chemical, physical) b) host properties (hormonal, immune status, drugs - ATB, corticosteroids, cytostatics) Fysiological colonisation of humans by micro- organisms. The importance of physiological microflora + affects digestion, absorption, peristalsis + produces vitamins + protection of skin and mucous membranes from microbes with higher pathogenicity Negative influence: - the risk of endogenous infections in immunosuppressed persons - complications of interpretation of serological examinations) Pathogenesis of infectious diseases Parasitism - survival and multiplication of host microbes with host abuse Comensalism - the microbe uses the host but does not damage it Symbiosis - hosts and microorganisms benefit from coexistence Carriage - the state of immunobiological balance Development of immunoglobulin levels 01.04.2019 Šedivá A. Čes.-slov. Pediat., 2005, roč.60, č.11, s. 617-624 Maturation of the immune systém; defense. Etiological structure of infections Bacteria  Gram positive  Gram negative Acid-resistant rod .--. Mycobacteria Viruses  Enveloped - HIV, HBV, measles, mumps, influenza, rabies  Unenveloped - adenoviruses, HPV, Polio Prions Parasites (Eukaryotic Pathogen) Fungi - Candida, Aspergillus Protozoa - Plasmodium, Schistosoma Worms - Ascaris, Taenia Etiological structure of infections The agent of infection – important characteristic: infectivity – capacity to multiply in host pathogenicity – capacity to cause disease in host virulence - pathogenicity in a specific host immunogenicity – capacity to induce specific and lasting immunity in host antigenic stability – can induce long-life immunity resistance - in environment Resistance of microorganism s in inanimate environment The viability of micro-organisms and their survival in the external environment depends on:  on their properties and  on the environment in which they are located. (by combining - low temperatures, - lower humidity, - absence of toxic substances, and - the presence of colloidal substances that have a protective effect). Resistance of microorganism s in inanimate environment Organisms vary in their capacity to survive and to withstand adverse environmental conditions, for example: * heat, cold, dryness. Sporo-forming organisms, such as tetanus bacilli which can survive for years in a dormant state, have a major advantage over an organisms like the gonococcus which survive for only a very short time outside the human host. Pathogenesis of infectious diseases 1. entry of the etiological agent to a susceptible individual; 2. adherence of the agent to the target tissue; 3. reproduction and invasion; 4. host damage by toxins or other mechanisms; 5. exclusion of the agent through some of the biological materials 6. possible survival of agents for a long time in an inanimate external environment Pathogenesis of infectious diseases Infection is the entry and development or multiplication of an infectious agent in the body of man or animals. An infection does not always cause illness. There are several levels of infection (Gradients of infection): Colonization (S. aureus in skin and normal nasopharynx) Subclinical or inapparent infection (polio) Latent infection (virus of herpes simplex) Manifest or clinical infection Virulence factors For all pathogens are important Infective and lethal doses. Virulence factors affecting their pathogenicity: 1. Pilli that ease attachment 2. Covers that interfere with phagocytosis 3. Exotoxins 4. Endotoxins 5. Proteases that degrade antibodies 6. Ability to change the antigens that escape the fragments Chain of infections (epidemic proces) THE CAUSATIVE AGENT OF INFECTION (bacteria, viruses, fungi, prions, protozoa) 1. the presence of rezervoir (source) of infection man, animal at the ende of incubation period acute stage cariers 2. the way of transmission A/ direct contact touching, kissing or sexual intercourse (Staphylococcus spp., Gonococcus spp.,HIV …), - vertical transmission – from mother to fetus (VHB, VHC, HIV, listeria, rubella, cytomegalovirus…) B/ indirect contact - inhalation of droplets containing the infectious agents (TBC, measles, influenza…) - ingestion of food or water that is contaminated (salmonella, giardia, Norwalk virus, VHA….) - biological transmission by insects (malaria, borellia….) 3. the susceptibility of the population or its individual members to the organism concerned Host factors : a g e , n u t r i t i o n, g e n e t i c s i m m u n i t y – natural (nonspecific), - acquired THE INFECTION = 1. prezence of rezervoir (source) of infection ………. The chain of infections 1. the presence of source of infection is the site or sites in which a disease agent normally lives and reproduces. May be classified as: - human - at the ende incubation period, if is ill, reconvalescent, carriers – healthy, chronic diseases - animals - at the ende incubation period, if is ill, carriers – healthy, reconvalescent, chronic The chain of infections 2. the metod of transmission A/ direct contact touching, kissing or sexual intercourse (Staphylococcus spp., Gonococcus spp.,HIV …), - vertical transmission – from mother to fetus (VHB, VHC, HIV, listeria, rubella, cytomegalovirus…) B/ indirect contact - inhalation of droplets containing the infectious agents (TBC, measles, influenza…) - ingestion of food or water that is contaminated (salmonella, giardia, Norwalk virus, VHA….) - biological transmission by insects (malaria, borellia….) The chain of infections 3. the susceptibility of the population or its individual member to the organism concerned, and the characteristic of the organism itself. Host factors : Non specific immunity Barrier action (natural barrier) External barrier: skin , mucosa Secretion of skin and mucosa Accessory organ Internal barrier: placenta, blood-brain barrier Phagocytosis Humoral action : Complement, Lysozyme, Fibronection, Cytokines. Specific immunity Humoral immunity Immunoglobulin: IgG, IgM, IgE, IgA, IgD Cell mediated immunity The chain of infections 3. the susceptibility of the population or its individual member to the organism concerned, and the characteristic of the organism itself. Host factors : Non specific immunity Barrier action (natural barrier) External barrier: skin , mucosa Secretion of skin and mucosa Accessory organ Internal barrier: placenta, blood-brain barrier Phagocytosis Humoral action : Complement, Lysozyme, Fibronection, Cytokines. Specific immunity Humoral immunity Immunoglobulin: IgG, IgM, IgE, IgA, IgD Cell mediated immunity 22 Isolation of patients: - Dpt. of infectious diseases, - „high degree of isolation“ (ebola) - at home, - barriers nursing technique SOURCE OF INFECTION MODE OF TRANSMISSION SUSCEPTIBLE ORGANISM Prevention of infectious diseases 23 SOURCE OF INFECTION MODE OF TRANSMISSION SUSCEPTIBLE ORGANISM HANDWASHING, DISINFECTION OF HANDS LINEN WASHING, CLEANING GOOD PREPARING OF FOOD, SAFE WATER…….., ……… DISINFECTION STERILIZATION Prevention of infectious diseases 24 SOURCE OF INFECTION MODE OF TRANSMISSION SUSCEPTIBLE ORGANISM i m m u n i t y – natural (nonspecific), - acquired (vaccination) Prevention of infectious diseases Principles of Vaccination Active immunisation A live or inactivated substance (e.g., a protein, polysaccharide) capable of producing an immune response is administered to the organism to target specific antibodies against that antigen. Protein molecules (immunoglobulin) produced by B lymphocytes to help eliminate an antigen Passive immunisation Transfer of antibodies produced by one human or other animal to another. Temporary protection Transplacental most important source in infancy Preventive, repressive measures If the epidemiology is know, we can interfere with transmission: „BREAKING THE CHAIN OF INFECTION“ Different infections have different epidemiologies and thus require different methods of control Preventive, repressive measures In the practical part it is preoccupied with preventive measures repressive measures related to infectious diseases 28 The distribution of the smallpox rash is usually similar to that shown here. It is most dense on the face, arms and hands, legs and feet. The trunk has fewer pocks than the extremities. Smallpox eradication 29 Smallpox is a disfiguring disease. Three out of ten cases may die. It is caused by variola virus. The disease is spread by secretions from the patient's mouth and nose, and by material from pocks or scabs. It is transmitted directly from one person to the next. Close contact with patients, or their clothing or bedding, is thus required for infection. Apatient who has developed the distinctive symptoms of smallpox will have been exposed to the virus about two weeks previously. Smallpox eradication Smallpox eradication was officially announced at the 33rd General Assembly WHO 8. May 1980.