5^th year of General Medicine RECORD on summer vacation practical training in the academic year ………………………. Name + UČO Hospital A. Subject B. Evaluation of the student Obstetrics and Gynecology (2 weeks – 60 hours) From: ........................................ To: ............................................ ........................................... stamp and signature Remarks: Section A. and B. must be filled in by a hospital’s official who is responsible for the practical training, evaluation of the student’s character, skill, diligence, attendance, etc. Record on practical training serves as a document completion of the compulsory practice and for giving credit in the student’s record unit. The subject-matter of the summer vacation practical training of 5^th year students in Gynecology The students, who have already passed two semesters of tuition of Obstetrics and Gynecology and before they are going to take the State Exam, can complete the Vacation practical training at the Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology. They are supposed to do work which corresponds to the workload of a house officer, taking into account the extent of their theoretical preparation. The special subject-matter of the practical: 1. The students are supposed to get acquainted with the organization, operation and with general diagnostic procedures of a gynecology and obstetrics ward. 2. They get acquainted with the patients’ histories, take care of documentation and realize admission and discharge of patients. 3. At the obstetric ward, students are supposed to learn how to monitor a childbirth from the parturient admission up to the completion of her 3^rd labor stage and they are supposed to accomplish, all by themselves, at least two deliveries under the supervision of an expert doctor. They get acquainted with the treatment of physiological newborn child. 4. They work as a workload of a house officer at the Dpt. of Gynecology, pathological pregnancy and puerperium. 5. They assist in both minor and major gynecological surgeries, perform colposcopies, they get acquainted with basics of cytology and ultrasound diagnostic. 6. They will manage the fundamentals of pre-operative preparation of analgesia and anesthetics, post-operative care and blood transfusions. The student keeps documentation of his/her working and after finishing of practice the documentation will be submitted to a heading person who will evaluate the student’s entire practical training. The Clinic will certify number and extent of all the performances, that student has done during practical, at the temporary attachment card (the card which you have got during the tuition at the Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology in the 5^th year). Student will have to submit the temporary attachment card to the State Exam’s Commission.