Transplantace krvetvorných buněk u hematologických malignit přehled problematiky a současné trendy Transplantace krvetvorných buněk u hematologických malignit přehled problematiky a současné trendy Marta Krejčí Department of Internal Medicine, Hematology and Oncology, University Hospital Brno and School of Medicine, Masaryk University 15.3.2019 Autologous and allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantations: introduction, contemporary indications and trends Autologous and allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantations: introduction, contemporary indications and trends HEMATOPOIESIS • Complicated and highly regulated process of production of all blood elements (erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets) • All peripheral blood elements arise from hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), these immature cells are situated in microenvironment of bone marrow • HSC = 1 : 10 000 – 100 000 mononuclear cells of bone marrow; HSC - ability of continuous restoration • HSC – ability to reproduce and to differentiate to various blood lines •  Hematopoiesis – very complicated process, it arises from small group of pluripotent stem cells of bone marrow. These immature cells are able to reproduce and to differentiate to various blood lines with production of mature blood cells - leukocytes, erythrocytes and thrombocytes.  Immature hematopoietic stem cells have got on their surface antigen structure CD34, this is very important and typical sign for these cells.  Special flowcytometric examination of bone marrow or peripheral blood – easy identification of these immature hematopoietic cells according to the surface antigen CD34 Adam Z et al. Special Oncology. Galen 2010, 417 pages. Hematopoiesis, hematopoietic cells of bone marrow, peripheral blood stem cells – I  Open communication between bone marrow (BM) and peripheral blood (PB); in bone marrow are mostly immature or partially mature cells, in peripheral blood mostly mature cells.  Peripheral blood stem cells (PBSC) – hematopoietic cells – can be present in peripheral blood in some specific cases, such as regeneration of BM after administration of chemotherapy or application of leukocyte growth factor (filgrastim, G-CSF)  Mobilization and harvest of PBSC – using for transplantation of hematopoietic cells Hematopoiesis, hematopoietic cells of bone marrow, peripheral blood stem cells – II Adam Z et al. Special Oncology. Galen 2010, 417 pages. Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HCT)  refers to any procedure where haematopoietic stem cells of any donor type and any source are given to recipient with the intention of repopulating and replacing the haematopoietic system in total or in part.  Sources of hematopoietic cells – bone marrow, peripheral blood, cord blood  Two main types of HCT:  autologous (donor = recipient)  allogeneic (donor = HLA identical sibling or matched unrelated donor) (Ljungman P et al., BMT 2010) Definition of transplantation ( HCT) 1891 - Sequard a D’Arsenoval - BM perorally in anemia 1937 - Schretzenmayer - BM subcutaneously in some infectious diseases 1944 - Bernard – application of allogeneic bone marrow to bone marrow cavity 1948-1950 – first experiments about transplantations after radiation and chemotherapy 1950-1966 - 417 transplantations of bone marrow were performed, but only three patients were alive 1969 – the first “modern“ allogeneic HSCT from HLA identical sibling, in Leiden, Netherland 1974 – establishment of European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, EBMT – start of new transplant era 1978 – the first transplantation of peripheral blood stem cells 1990 – start of HCT program in Czech Republic 2019 – HCT – still very actuall topic, the increasing of HCT procedures in Europe and in Czech Republic Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HCT) – history in Europe  Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation –intravenous application of PBSC or BM graft to recipient, application to central vein catheter ( mostly in vena subclavia)  Administration of conditioning – preparative regimen before HCT –usually combination of cytostatic drugs or combination of cytostatics and total body irradiation (TBI)  Main indications for HCTs: hematological malignancies (90%), but HCTs are performed in many other diseases, such as aplastic anemia, solid tumors and others HCT – introduction - I  Application of high-dose chemotherapy is toxic, there are two main types of treatment toxicity: hematologic and nonhematologic (main toxicity examples: bleeding, infections, mucositis – involvement of oral cavity and GIT tract, organ failure).  We can eliminate serious hematologic toxicity with application of PBSC or BM graft.  Engraftment after HCT and sequential recovery of hematopoiesis – usually in interval 2-3 weeks after PBSC graft. In HCT with BM graft is recovery interval longer. HCT – introduction - II  Autologous transplantation - hematopoietic stem cells of patient (donor =recipient) are used.  Allogeneic transplantation – hematopoietic stem cells of optimal health donor are used from sibling donor or unrelated donor, donor and recipient are different persons.  Optimal allogeneic donor – HLA identical sibling or well-matched unrelated donor from donor bone marrow registers (national or international registers)  A well-matched unrelated donor (MUD) is defined as a 10/10 or 8/8 identical donor based in HLA high-resolution typing for class I (HLA-A,-B,C) and II (HLA-DRB1, DQ-B1).  Alternative allogeneic donor: mis-matched unrelated donor (MMUD) - 9/10, 8/10), haploidentical donor (family donor with only one HLA haplotype), blood core donor HSCT – introduction - III  Main post-transplant complications:  toxicity of conditioning (preparative regimen)  failure and rejection of graft  infections  graft-versus host disease (GvHD) - in allogeneic transplantation  relaps/progression of basic disease (acute leukemia)  Allogeneic HCT and conditionings for the first time only myeloablative regimens (MAC), later (from 1990) non-myeloblative conditionings or reduced-intensity conditionings (RIC)  RIC regimens immunossupresive effect, lower toxicity, lower anti-tumor effect HCT – introduction - IV Sources of hematopoietic cells – bone marrow – region of aspiration of bone marrow from pelvis (spina illiaca posterior superior) 19801970 1990 20191960 Progenitors in mouse blood. Goodman and Hodgson, Blood 1962 Progenitors in human blood. McCredie, Science 1971 Using PBSC for autoTx. Goldman, Lancet 1978 High levels of progenitors in blood after chemotherapy. Richman, Blood 1976 Discovery of antigen CD34. Civin, J Immunol 1984 Discovery of G-CSF. Welte, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 1985 The first using PBSC for alloTx. Abrams, Blood 1980 Mobilization PBSC by GM-CSF. Socinski, Lancet 1988 Mobilization PBSC by G-CSF. Duhrsen, Blood 1988 AlloTx - using PBSC after mobilization with G-CSF. Weaver, Blood 1993 Approval of using G-CSF in MUD. Lane, Transfusion, 1996 Peripheral blood stem cells (PBSC) - time evolution of knowledges PBSC in 2019: source of hematopoietic cells in 90% of all transplants Buffy coat (layer of white blood cells – leukocytes, in this coat the PBSC are situated after PBSC mobilization) Principle – centrifuge loop Harvest of PBSC Bag of PBSC – storing in liquid nitrogen (temperature -196 °C) in tissue bank Autologous High anti-tumor intensity Without immunosuppression Short risk of infections TRM < 5% (mortality associated with transplantation) Relapses of disease Allogeneic Predominantly immunosuppressive efect Long-term immunosuppressive therapy Higher risk of infections TRM 20-30% Graft-versus host disease (GvHD) Autologous and allogeneic transplantations - main differences  Composition according to main diagnosis  Aim – maximal anti-tumor effect  Conditioning usually contains some alkylating drug – busulfan, melphalan, carmustin (BCNU), cisplatin, carboplatin, cyclophosphamide – Why? Effect of alkylating drug is independent to phase of cell cycle.  Combination with total body irradiation (TBI) – usually in lymphoid malignancies Conditioning – preparative regimen – application before HCT Intensity Toxicity Severe or irreversible nonhematological toxicity Severe or irreversible hematological toxicityTherapeutic effect Medium hematological toxicity Moderate hematological toxicity Intensity and toxicity of conditioning  Total body irradiation+cyclophosphamide (TBI/CY) – myeloablative  Busulfan + cyclophosphamide (Bu/Cy) -myeloablative  Reduced intensity conditionings (RIC) – Non-myeablative regimens, high immunosupressive effect, lower toxicity (mostly containing of fludarabine, anti-thymocyte globulin). RIC examples: FLAMSA/RIC Cy+TBI, BuFlu+ATG  BEAM - myeloablative – Autologous transplantation in lymphomas  High-dose melphalan 200mg/m2 - myeloablative – Autologous transplantation in multiple myeloma Various types of conditionings -12 -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 Fludarabine 30 mg/m2 Cytarabine 2g/m2 Amsacrine 100 mg/m2 Cyclophosphamide (Cy) 40-60 mg/kg ATG 10-20 mg/kg TBI 4 Gy Prophylactic application of DLI: In patients with AML remission from day +120 after transplant (Schmid et al., JCO 2005; 23:5675-5687) GvHD profylaxis: CsA, mycophenolate mofetil, ATG Example of sequential administration of chemotherapy and RIC regimen - FLAMSA/RIC protocol GvHD (graft-versus host disease)  one of main complications of allo-HCT  Compatibility between donor and recipient – main role in etiopathogenesis of GvHD  Antigens of recipient are recognized with donor Tlymphocytes. Donor T-lymphocytes are presented in PBSC graft. These cells form GvHD reaction, but also graft versus tumor reaction (GvT reaction), which is positive for recipient.  GvHD – proliferation and differentiation of donor Tlymphocytes, tissue damage of recipient, development of GvHD symptomatology. Complications of allo-HCT - GvHD  Clinical symptoms are very variable, the first signs of acute GvHD are usually appeared from day+30 after allo-HCT, acute GvHD to day +100 after allo-HCT  Usually involvement of skin, liver, or gastrointestinal involvement (GIT symptomatology – nausea, loss of weight, vomitus, diarrhorea, abdominal pains)  GvHD- mostly combination of involvement more organs or systems, but only one organ or system involvement (skin or oral cavity mucosa) is possible too.  GvHD intensity is also very variable. Acute GvHD Three phases: - afferent phase - induction and expansion phase - effector phase Phase I – host tissue damage, induction of increasing of inflammatory cytokines-IL2, TNF, IL6; increasing expression of HLA antigens on the surface antigen-presented cells of recipient Phase II – activation of donor T-lymphocytes Phase III – cytotoxic damage recipient cells with clinical manifestation of GvHD – skin, GIT tract, liver, lung and others Etiopathogenesis of acute GvHD  Standard combination of cyclosporine A (CsA) and methotrexate (MTX)  Other possibilities – combination of CsA and mycophenolate mofetil, combination tacrolimus+sirolimus  Anti-thymocyte globulin – important part of conditioning, GvhD prophylaxis in allogeneic HCT from unrelated donors  CsA: calcineurin inhibitor with strong immunosuppressive effect blockade of transcription IL-2 and other cytokines in activated T- lymphocytes  Adverse events of CsA: hypertension, nephrotoxicity, tremor, hirsutism, hyperkalemia, hypomagnesemia Prophylaxis of acute GvHD - possibilities  Standard first-line treatment aGvHD: corticosteroids in dose 2mg/kg for 7-14 days, after this period decreasing of corticosteroids, this therapy is effective in 50-60% of pts  Categories of treatment responses: complete response (CR), partial response (PR), stable disease (SD), progression (PD)  Steroid-refractory GvHD - no response to cortisteroids, this is very complicated treatment situation, treatment possibilities for steroid-refractory GvHD are effective only partially  Steroid-refractory GvHD - associated with high morbidity and mortality Therapy of acute GvHD Acute GvHD after allo-HCT: involvement of skin and oral mucosa Shapira MY et al. BMT 2005; 36:1097–1101. Steroid-refractory skin GvHD after allogeneic HCT  Very different and various clinical course, from mild involvement of one organ to multiorgan involvement with high morbidity and mortality; mostly from day +100  Symptoms cGvHD – can be similar as symptoms of autoimmune diseases – such as systemic lupus erythematosus, Sjögren syndrome, skleroderma or rheumatoid arthritis  Serious cGvHD – treatment by systemic immunosupressionincidence at 30-70% of pts after allo-HCT, mostly long-time GvHD treatment Chronic GvHD  1-2 mismatches in I or II class of HLA system  Previous aGvHD grade II and higher  Peripheral blood stem cells versus bone marrow  Higher age of recipient  Female donor for male recipient  Female donor after more pregnancies  Unrelated donor versus sibling donor Risk factors for development of cGvHD 1. The presence of at least 1 diagnostic clinical sign of chronic GvHD (e.g. poikiloderma, oral lichen planus=oral mucosal specificic lesions and many others) 2. The presence of at least 1 distinctive manifestation (e.g. keratoconjuctivis sicca and others) confirmed by pertinent biopsy or other relevant tests (e.g. Schirmer test) in the same or another organ Filipovich AH et al., BBMT, 2005 Diagnosis of chronic GvHD – NIH consensus (Filipovich 2005)  Course of cGvHD - typically long-term process, with repeating exacerbations of GvHD. It takes for several months or years.  Aim of treatment - to interrupt of destructive immunologic process, to reduce of clinical symptoms and to stop progression cGCHD to stage of irreversible damage of organs.  Systemic immunosupressive (IS) treatment - in medium or severe forms of cGvHD (extensive previously)  In mild form cGvHD (limited previously) - mostly sufficient local IS therapy Therapy of cGvHD Economic point of view – cost of autologous HCT aproximatelly 105 Czech crowns or 3333 Euro; cost of allogeneic HCT- approximatelly 106 Czech crowns or 33 333 Euro. (example from real life: patient after allo-HCT: sum for one year financial cost according to health insurance company: 4.5 million of Czech crowns = 150 000 Euro) Medical point of view – achievement of cure or prolongation of remission of disease Ethical point - emphasis on quality of life, return to common life, return to job and family life Why we can still try to improve the results of HCT? Success versus failure of HCT  Correct indication of HCT – using of prognostic factors for various diseases and transplant risk score  Optimal timing of HCT  Optimal choice of conditioting – decreasing of post-transplant toxicity  RIC regimens (reduced-intensity conditionings)  Influencing of GvHD (graft-versus host disease) in allo-HCT – accent to GvHD prophylaxis - using of anti-thymocyte globulin (ATG); effort to improving of steroid-refractory GvHD therapy  Modification of GvL effect (graft-versus leukemia effect) – prophylactic application of donor lymphocyte infusions (DLI) in high-risk patients with aim to prevent relaps of disease How to improve of HCT results? Positive factors: Lower toxicity, it is possible to transplant older patients with presence of comorbidities Negative factors: Higher risk of relapses, low effectivity for patients with acute leukemia How to improve results of HCT after RIC regimen?  Sequential application of chemotherapy and RIC regimen –higher anti-tumor effectivity  Prophylactic application of ATG – with aim to impact GvHD  Prophylactic application of DLI (infusion of donor lymphocytes) with aim to induce GvL effect Reduced intensity regimens in allo-HCT A record number of 40 829 HCT in 36 469 patients were reported by 656 centers in 47 countries to the 2014 survey of the European Society of Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT).  40 829 HCT in 36 469 patients were performed per year in Europe,  15 765 allogeneic HCT (43%)  20 704 autologous HCT (57%)  HCT in children – 4400 procedures, 11% of all HCT, 3279 allogeneic and 1121 autologous Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HCT) in Europe HCT is an established procedure for many acquired and congenital disorders of the hematopoietic system, including some disorders of the immune system Passweg JR et al., BMT 2016  International recommendations – are updated repeatedly  EBMT recommendations: the last 6th special report: Sureda A et al. Indications for allo- and auto-SCT for haematological diseases, solid tumours and immune disorders: current practice in Europe 2015. Bone Marrow Transpl 2015: 1037-1056  National Czech recommendations – according to the EBMT guidelines  Transplant section of Czech Haematology Association (the last version of recommendations from year 2016) Indications for allo- and auto-HCT 1. Standard of care (S): results compare favourably to those of non-transplant treatment approaches. 2. Clinical option (CO): HCT as a valuable option for individual patients after carefull discussion of risks and benefits with the patient 3. Developmental (D): limited experience with this indication, additional research is needed to define role of HCT 4. Generally not recommended (GNR): disease in a phase or status in which pts are conventionally not treated by HCT Evidence grading: evidence from randomized trial (I), evidence from welldesigned clinical trial (II), other possibilities (III) Sureda A et al., BMT 2015 Categorization of transplant procedures 1. Performance of HCT – this procedure has got a lot of risk for pts, the major problems – infections, toxicity, GvHD. Transplants may be performed in a specialized centre with experience with HCT procedures and an appropriate infrastructure – in Czech Republic 10 hemato-oncology transplant centres – in University Hospital Brno, Prague, Pilsen, Hradec Kralove, Olomouc, Ostrava 2. Indications for HCT- influence of many factors – whole clinical status, presence of comorbidities, age, status of main disease, prognostic factors, availibility of donor and others 3. Allogeneic HCT - EBMT risk score (Gratwohl et al., Cancer, 2009) and comorbidity index (HCT-CI skore, Sorror et al., Blood 2005) – carefull balancing of the risk of allo-HCT against the risk factors and course of disease in each individual patient HCT – complications Survival and TRM of 56,605 patients with an allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for an acquired hematological disorder is shown by risk score. Graphs reflect probability of survival (Top) and transplantrelated mortality (Bottom) over the first 5 years after HCT. Gratwohl A et al, Cancer, 2009 EBMT transplant risk score Passweg JR et al., BMT 2016 Transplant rates in Europe (= total number of auto- and allo-HCT per 10 million inhabitants): comparison of 1998 and 2013 Allogeneic HCT – rates in Europe 2014 Passweg JR et al., BMT 2016 Autologous HCT – rates in Europe 2014 Passweg JR et al., BMT 2016 Allogeneic 1st HCT Autologous 1st HCT Total Leukemia Lymphoma Plasma Cell disorder Solid tumor Non-malignant disorders Bone marrow failure Other Total 1st Transplants 11348 1712 580 44 1942 833 139 15765 505 8089 10421 1414 261 4 14 20704 11853 9801 11001 1458 2203 837 153 36469 Indication EBMT Activity Survey in 2014: Main indications Passweg JR et al., BMT 2016 Baldomero: Transplant Activity Survey Dec 2015 Allogeneic HCT in Europe 2014 - indications and diagnoses Passweg JR et al., BMT 2016 Baldomero: Transplant Activity Survey Dec 2015 Autologous HCT in Europe 2014 - indications and diagnoses Passweg JR et al., BMT 2016 Baldomero: Transplant Activity Survey Dec 2015 HCT activity in Europe 1990 - 2014: Transplant type 1st HCT Passweg JR et al., BMT 2016 Baldomero: Transplant Activity Survey Dec 2015 HCT activity in Europe 1990 - 2014: Donor origin: 1st HCT Passweg JR et al., BMT 2016 Baldomero: Transplant Activity Survey Dec 2015 HCT activity in Europe 1990 - 2014: Main indications: allogeneic Baldomero: Transplant Activity Survey Dec 2015 HCT activity in Europe 1990 - 2014: Main indications: autologous  Leukemia: 11 853 (33% of all HCT; 96% allogeneic), mostly AML+ALL (acute leukemia)  Lymphoid neoplasias: 20 802 (57% of all HCT; 89% autologous), mostly PCD (multiple myeloma) and NHL (lymphomas)  Solid tumors: 1458 (4%; 3% allogeneic) mostly children neuroblastoma, germ cell tumours, Ewing´s sarcoma  Non-malignant disorders: 2203 (6%, 88% allogeneic) mostly BMF- SAA and other types, hemoglobinopathies, primary immune deficiences, inherited diseases –metabolic diseases, autoimmune diseases Main indications of HCT in Europe - year 2014 Passweg JR et al., BMT 2016  Increasing numbers of both auto- and allo-HCTs  Increasing numbers of sibling and unrelated donors  In patients without a matched sibling or unrelated donor, alternative donors are used, the number of transplants performed from haploidentical relatives is increased (802 in 2010, 1571 in 2013)  The number of unrelated cord blood transplants has sligthly decreased (789 procedures in 2010, 666 in 2013, 632 in 2014). Passweg JR et al., BMT 2015 and 2016 HCT - trends in Europe - year 2014 -  Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HCT) is used with increasing frequency in Europe with 40 000 transplants reported in 2014.  Transplant-related mortality remains high in allogeneic HCT (10–20%); high-dose chemotherapy is toxic and demanding for patients.  Drug development is accelerating and with limited toxicity of some targeted drugs may replace HCT, whereas others may function as a ‘bridge to transplant’. Passweg JR et al., BMT 2017 Impact of new drug development on the use of HCT: a report by the EBMT – I  We analyzed HCT reported to the activity survey for selected diseases in which major advances in drug development have been made.  Tyrosine kinase inhibitors markedly changed the number of allogeneic HCT in early CML.  In myelodysplastic syndromes, hypomethylating agents show no effect on HCT activity and Janus kinase inhibitors for myeloproliferative neoplasm appear to have only a temporary effect. Passweg JR et al., BMT 2017 Impact of new drug development on the use of HCT: a report by the EBMT – II  For CLL autologous HCT decreased after publication of trials showing improved PFS but no overall survival advantage and allogeneic rates are dropping after the introduction of Bruton kinase and PI3K Inhibitors. Whether these are ‘game changers’ as was imatinib for CML requires additional follow-up.  For myeloma, proteasome inhibitors and new immunomodulatory drugs do not appear to impact transplant rates for autologous HCT.  Drug development data show different effects on HCT use; highly effective drugs may replace HCT, whereas other drugs may improve the patient’s condition to allow for HCT. Impact of new drug development on the use of HSCT: a report by the EBMT – III Passweg JR et al., BMT 2017 Multiple myeloma (MM) 1% of all cancer disorders, 10% of all hematological malignancies Median age at diagnosis: 65-70 years; only 2% of pts are younger than 40 years MM - uncurable chronic cancer disease Median of overall survival from MM diagnosis: 3-4 years with standard treatment, 5-7 years with treatment including autologous transplantation MM still remains the main indication for autologous transplantation (over 50% of all autologous transplantations). Moreau P et al. Annals of Oncol, 2017; 28:52-61. Clinical symptoms of MMClinical symptoms of MM Osteolysis induced by tumor cytokines  Osteolytic lesions  Diffuse osteoporosis (or combination of boths) Bone pains Monoclonal immunoglobulin: complete molecule of MIG or free light chains  Nephropathy  Neuropathy  Coagulation disorders Cytopenie Defect of functional B and T lymphocytes, often infections Number of clonal plasma cells in bone marrow over 10% or biopsy-proven bone or extramedullary plasmacytoma Evidence of serum M protein (IgG or IgA) over 30g/l or urinary M protein over 500 mg per 24 h Evidence of end stage organ damage that can be attributed to the MM, specifically: C - calcium over 2.8 mmol/l (hypercalcemia) R - renal insufficiency – serum creatitine over 177 umol/l A – anemia (hemoglobin value under 100 g/l) B – bone osteolytic lesions on skeletal radiography, CT or PET-CT or multiple focal lesions on MRI studies Diagnostic criteria for multiple myeloma - IMWG (2014) Myeloma osteolytic lesions (radiography of skull) Extramedullary myeloma lesions of skin and soft tissues (biopsy-proven) Bone lesions on skeletal radiography of femoral bones and MRI of spine Female, 62 years  Diagnosis of carcinoma ovarii pT2a pN0 M0, treatment with surgery and chemotherapy from 10/2014, status of disease after treatment – remission of disease  PET/CT from 9/2015: new osteolytic lesions - in os sacrum 20 mm and spine corpus of L4 - 21x14x19 mm, unknown etiology, bone pains  In 10/2015 – biopsy from osteolytic lesion in L4 was performed, diagnosis of plasmocellular myeloma was established  Complete examination was done in our department in 12/2015, diagnosis MM, IIA according to DS criteria, ISS1, type IgG lambda, with CRAB criteria  Treatment: 4 cycles of bortezomib-based regimen (VTD), autologous PBSC mobilisation and harvest in 5/2016, autologous HCT in 6/2016, conditioning MEL200, hospitalization after autologous HCT: 16 days  Treatment response: remission of MM, PET/CT from 10/2017 and 1/2019 – without abnormal metabolic active skeletal lesions. In 2/2019: remission of MM. Autologous transplantation in MM: case report 1  First symptoms of disease – 8/2016: fatigue, weakness, bleeding, fever, infection of upper respiratory tract; acute disease – symptoms appeared in several days  Hyperleukocytosis 437x109/l (normal value 4-10x109/l); anemia Hb 47,9 g/l (normal value of Hb: 135-175g/l); trombocytopenia 42x109/l (normal value: 150-350)  In peripheral blood: presence of blasts (95%), normal value: 0% of blasts  Diagnosis of acute lymphoblastic leukemia was established  Diagnosis of acute leukemia: over 20% of blasts in peripheral blood or bone marrow Allogeneic transplantation in ALL: case report 2 – ZR, male born on 1991 - I  Therapy: several courses of chemotherapy – combination of cytostatic drugs + corticosteroids: 2 courses of induction and 1 course of consolidation (8-10/2016), response - complete response of ALL  HLA typing was done in patient and his 3 siblings, only 1 sister is completely HLA identical (10/10)  In 1/2017 allogeneic transplantation of PBSC from HLA identical sibling was performed after myeloablative conditining Cy/TBI, day 0 (application of PBSC) was 31.1.2017  Hospitalization after allo-HCT : 24.1.-7.3.2017, infectious complications, febrile neutropenia, GIT mucositis, upper GIT acute GvHD, pneumonia  2/2019: patient alive, in good clinical condition, in remission of ALL, without immunosupressive therapy, he is observed in outpatient department, now he is preparing to study in university Allogeneic transplantation in ALL: case report 2 – ZR, male born on 1991 - II  First symptoms of disease – 10/1996: fatigue, weakness, bleeding, fever; acute disease – symptoms appeared in several days  Age at diagnosis of AML: 44 years  In peripheral blood count: leukocytosis, anaemia, thrombocytopenia  Diagnosis of AML: from bone marrow examination (sternal puncture - BM aspiration from sternum) – 77% of blasts in bone marrow  Therapy: chemotherapy – induction, 2 courses of consolidation, effect of CR, HLA typing of 2 siblings, 1 HLA identical brother  In 4/1997 allogeneic HCT was performed, after MAC BuCy, hospitalization for allo-HCT: 2 months Allogeneic transplantation in AML: case report 3 - PM, born on 1952, female - I  Complications in the first year after allogeneic HCT: reccurent infections (CMV, EBV), acute GvHD, hemorhagic cystitis by viral BKV etiology and others  Status to 2/2019: 22 years after allo-HCT, patient alive, remission of AML, in good clinical condition, without specific therapy  Patient returned to her job 2 years after allogeneic transplant – she is teacher on the university. She worked on the university to her 62 years. Now (2/2019) she is retired, but she is living very active life. Allogeneic transplantation in AML: case report 3 - PM, born on 1952, female - II Allogeneic transplantation in CLL: case report 4 - RK, female, born in 1968, high-risk CLL – part I  Diagnosis of CLL: 6/2000, Rai stage IA, progression to stage IIB in 11/2012, p53 mutation from 6/2016  Treatment before HCT - 4 lines: 4x FCR, alemtuzumab, bendamustin+R, ibrutinib  Status of disease at transplant: stable disease  Age at transplant: 48  Conditioning: FC-RIC protocol, day 0: 31.8.2016  Donor: unrelated donor 9/10  Regular monitoring after HCT: examinations of blood count, biochemistry and bone marrow; CsA levels; chimerism; PCR-CMV; MRD – flow, PCR; PET/CT scans  Complications after allo-HCT: febrile neutropenia, infections  Treatment response: hematological remission  MRD-flow negativity from peripheral blood and bone marrow, complete chimerism was achieved  Follow-up from HCT to February 2019: 30 months, patient is alive and disease free, she returned to her job after 9 months from alo-HCT Allogeneic transplantation in CLL: case report 4 - RK, female, born in 1968, high-risk CLL – part II Transplant rates - total number of HCT per 10 million inhabitants in Czech Republic (period 1993 - 2015) 59 136 202 282 409 437 487 461 562 531 618 590 564 518 530 542 537 578 554 589 675 696 718 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 počty(n) Survey on Transplant Activity, EBMT Proportion of the first and additional HCT in Czech Republic (time period 1997-2015) 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 další SCT 1.SCT počty(n) Survey on Transplant Activity, EBMT  718 HCTs were performed in 2015 in Czech Republic in 10 transplant centres 264 allogeneic HCT 454 autologous HCT  The first HCTs: 591 (83%) 348 autologous HCT 243 allogeneic HCT Number of non-myeloablative HCT: 143 Number of DLI applications (donor lymphocyte infusions): 92 HCT activities in Czech Republic in 2015 Grafts from sibling and unrelated donors in the first allogeneic HCT in Czech Republic 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 počty(n) family unrelated Survey on Transplant Activity, EBMT Numbers of allogeneic and autologous HCTs in Czech Republic (time period 1993 - 2015) 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 počty(n) allo ČR auto ČR Survey on Transplant Activity, EBMT Main diagnoses for allo-HCT in Czech Republic and time evolution (1993 - 2015) 0 25 50 75 100 125 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 počty(n) AML ALL MDS/MPN CML CLL lymfomy nemaligní on. PCD solidní tu jiné Survey on Transplant Activity, EBMT Main indications for allogeneic HCT in Czech Republic in 2015: AML, ALL, MDS/MPD 121; 50% 29; 12% 36; 15% 10; 4% 5; 2% 19; 8% 16; 7% 6; 2% 1; 0% AML ALL MDS/MPN CML CLL lymfomy nemaligní on. PCD solidní tu Survey on Transplant Activity, EBMT 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 počty(n) NHL HL CLL MDS/MPN PCD ca prsu jiné tu AML, ALL NMD CML jiné Main diagnoses for auto-HCT in Czech Republic and time evolution (1993 - 2015) Survey on Transplant Activity, EBMT 109; 31% 23; 7% 193; 55% 20; 6% 2; 1% 1; 0% NHL HL PCD jiné tu AML, ALL NMD Survey on Transplant Activity, EBMT Main indications for autologous HCT in Czech Republic in 2015: PCD, NHL, HL – myeloma and lymphomas The first HCT was performed in 1993 25 years of IHOK hematopoietic stem cell transplant program in 2018 In summary, 2418 hematopoietic stem cell transplantations were performed in period 1993- 10/2018 Overall number of autologous transplantations: 1795 Overall number of allogeneic transplantations: 623 (relative donor in 295 patients, unrelated donor in 328 patients) Numbers of HCTs per year at IHOK: (median for last 5 years) 85 autologous transplantations, 35 allogeneic transplantations Hematopoietic stem cell transplantations at our department (IHOK) – summary of activities Main indications for HCTs in Czech Republic are in concordance with EBMT guidelines. Hematological malignancies – 93% of all HCT indications in Czech Republic; rest (7%): non-malignant diseases and solid tumors. In Czech Republic 591 first HCTs were performed in 10 transplant centres (Brno, Prague, Ostrava, Hradec Kralove, Pilsen, Olomouc) in 2015; 243 (41%) allogeneic and 348 (59%) autologous HCT. Conclusions - I Main indications for autologous HCT: multiple myeloma and lymphomas, 86% of all indications. Main indications for allogeneic HCT: acute leukemias (AML+ALL) and myelodysplastic syndrome + myeloprolipherative disease (MDS+MPD) -77% of all indications. The decision to transplant involves careful balancing of the risks of allo-HCT against the risk factors and course of disease in each individual patient. HCT still remain in present time (year 2019) treatment method of choice in many hematological and nonhematological disorders at suitable patients. Conclusions - II