MEZINÁRODNÍ CENTRUM KLINICKÉHO VÝZKUMU „TVOŘÍME BUDOUCNOST MEDICÍNY“ Wound healing in dermatology MUDr. V. Slonková, Ph.D. I. dermatovenerologická klinika FN u sv. Anny v Brně a LF MU Definition  Wound - a defect of skin integrity  - acute - chronic – secondary healing wound without tendency to heal after 6-9 weeks Chronic wounds  leg ulcers  pressure ulcers  burns  malignant tumours  surgical wounds with secondary healing  ulcers after radioth Leg ulcers  prevalence : 1% of adults  incidence: in population over 50 - 0,3 to 1000 inhabitants  chronic disease : - 60 % of ulcers heal more than 6 months, - 33 % heal more than 1 year  impact on quality of life  reccurences – 2/3 of healed leg ulcers Etiology of leg ulcers  75% venous  15% arterial  10% other Ulcus cruris infectiosum bullous erysipelas Basal cell carcinoma Squamous cell carcinoma Pyoderma gangrenosum – AI disease Lymphatic ulcers Venous leg ulcers  75% of all leg ulcers  pathogenesis – valvular insufficiency  2 types:  1) ulcus cruris varicosum – due to primary varicose veins  2) ulcus cruris posttromboticum – due to deep vein thrombosis CEAP classification  Classification and grading of chronic venous disease (CVD) on the basis of:  C – clinical manifestations  E –etiologic factors  A – anatomic distribution of involvement  P – pathophysiologic findings CEAP classification of CVD C 0 – no visible or palpable signs of CVD C 1 – telangiectases and reticular veins C 2 – varicose veins C 3 - edema C 4 – skin changes: pigmentation, eczema, lipodermatosclerosis, atrophia blanche C 5 - skin changes + healed ulcer C 6 – skin changes + leg ulcer Chronic venous disease  Vein Consult Program (2012)  epidemiologic study in Europe, Asia, Latin America, 90 000 persons  CVD – global problem  prevalence:  84% - including stage C0s ( symptomatic patients without clinical signs of the disease)  64% - from stage C1 Chronic venous disease  in the Czech republic - prevalence - 70%  progressive disease  treatment costs: 350 milion Kč  prevalence of leg ulcers – 1-2%  Czech Vein Program,Prakt.flebol.2012;21:1-28 C4 - pigmentation Atrophia blanche + leg ulcers Treatment of venous leg ulcers  surgical  conservative: - local treatment - compression - pharmacological treatment Wound healing - TIME  A structured wound assessment tool in the form of acronym  T – tissue management  I – inflammation, infection control  M – moisture balance  E – epithelization advancement TIME – T - tissue  debridement, wound bed preparation Debridement  treatment of wound bed and wound edges  necessary for wound healing  reduces odour, exudation  improves quality of life Debridement  autolytic  enzymatic  biosurgical  mechanical  surgical  hydrosurgical - Versajet  UZ  TNP (topical negative pressure) Autolytic debridement  the most often used method  semi-occlusive dressings – film dressings - hydrocolloids - hydrogels  create a moist wound-dressing interface which enhances the activity of endogenous proteolytic enzymes within the wound  separation of necrotic tissue from healthy tissue Autolytic debridement  advantage : - selective - painless  disadvantage : - slow - maceration - odour Enzymatic debridement  highly selective  enzymatic agents derived from  proteolytic enzymes extracted from bovine plasma or pancreas, fruit and plants such as papain from papaya or bromelain from pineapple  or bacterial collagenase derived from Clostridium histolyticum Enzymatic debridement  Iruxol mono - bacterial collagenase derived from Clostridium histolyticum ( tzv. clostridiopeptidasis)  cleaves triple helix of collagen  selective debridement of necrotic tissue  painless  minimal risk of bleeding Biosurgical debridement  larval therapy (Maggot)  fast and very effective method  application of sterile fly larvae (Lucilia sericata) to the wound  dressing change in 2-4 days Biosurgical debridement  complex mechanism of action  mechanic movement of larvae  production of proteolytic enzymes (collagenase, trypsin) and bactericid substances  ingestion of bacteria  increase th pH of the wound – inhibitory effect on bacterial growth Mechanical debridement  mechanical removement of necrotic tissue  disadvantage –pain, traumatisation of healthy tissue  advantage –quick method  sharp debridement  debridement wet-to-dry – gause – painful Hydrosurgical debridement  Versajet  pressurised water or saline  the pressure is controlled via a handset  the jet of fluid both cut and removes tissue while irrigating the wound  advantage: quick  Disadvantage: - expenssive - painful TIME – I (infection)  infection, inflammation control  antiseptics Antiseptics  synthetic antimicrobial drugs  they kill or inhibit microorganisms  they are not toxic for keratinocytes  they act non selective  broad antimicrobial spectrum  resistance – not often Antiseptics  silver  iodine  chlorhexidin  honey  polihexanid Silver dressings  A broad antimicrobial spectrum:  Staphylococcus aureus, including MRSA, VRE ( vancomycin-resistent enterococci), Streptococcus pyogenes, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae  viruses, yeasts Silver dressings  A variety of antimicrobial dressings containing silver  A silver contect and physical and chemical properties vary greatly  Available in various formulations:  - flat sheets  - combined with hydrogels, alginates, hydrofibres  Resistance - rare Silver  International consensus - 2012  „Appropriate use of silver dressings in wounds   Effectivity, safety, cost-effectiveness Iodine dressings  a broad antimicrobial spectrum:  G+, G- bacteria, viruses, fungi  resistence – 0  iodine is slowly released to the wound  2 forms: cadexomer iodine povidone iodine Iodine dressings  contraindication: - known sensitivity to iodine - thyroid disease  do not exceed 3 months continuous use – risk of systemic absorption  available in various forms: - ointment - paste - flat sheets Chlorhexidin dressings  a broad antimicrobial spectrum:  G+, G- bacteria, viruses, fungi  resistence can occur Honey dressings  first used in ancient Egypt - 4000 years ago  medical-grade honey dressings developed in the late 1990s  a broad antimicrobial spectrum, including MRSA and VRE  the ability of honey to produce low levels of hydrogen peroxide in the wound  the provision of an acidic wound environment (pH 3) Honey dressings  reduce wound odour  promote autolytic debridement  available in various formulations:  flat sheets  paste  ointment Honey dressings  Contraindication:  patients with known allergy to bee stings  highly exudating wound – risk of maceration  may cause stinging sensation Polihexanid  Polyhexamethylene biguanide (PHMB)  a broad antimicrobial spectrum, including MRSA  used in healthcare and cosmetics for many years  no reports of bacterial resistance to date  no allergy Polihexanid  well tolerated  contraindication: - pregnancy – first 4 months - dry wounds  Prontosan – PHMB + betain TIME – M -moisture  moisture – management od exudate Moist wound healing  moist wound necessary for optimal healing  optimal hydration of the wound  copious exudate – causes leakage, maceration, odour, infection  minimal exudate delays autolytic debridement, inhibits epithelialisation and causes pain on dressing removal Moist wound healing  dry wounds: hydrogels  highly exudating wounds: - alginates - hydrofibres - polyurethan foams Hydrogels  amorphous gels  flat sheets -gel compresses (hydrogel + polyurethan layer)  a high water content (30-90%)  rehydrates dry tissue  promote autolytic debridement  have a cooling effect  are easily removed  are comfortable and flexible Hydrogels  may cause eczema or irritation  they need secondary dressing  may be combined with: - silver - hyaluronic acid Hydrofibers  nonadherent dressings  ability to absorb high levels of wound exudate  composed of sodium carboxymethylcellulose  form non-adherent gel in exuding wounds  create a moist wound-dressing interface Hydrofibers  promote autolytic debridement  available in varius formulations: - flat sheets - packing rope for cavities - combined with silver – antimicrobial activity  contraindication: dry wounds Polyurethane foam dressings  semipermeable  low adherent, soft, highly absorbent  outer semipermeable membrane – allows fluid to pass into the insulating foam  waterproof  gas/water vapour permeable  impermeable to bacteria  create a moist wound-dressing interface Polyurethane foam dressings  available in various formulations:  adhesive/non-adhesive  shaped cavity devices for cavity wounds  shaped sacral or heel dressings  thin  combined with silver or PHMB – antimicrobial activity  combined with charcoal – reduce odour  contraindication: dry wounds Polyurethane foam dressings Silicone dressings  silicone – inert material  atraumatic dressings  painless dressing change  non-adherent sheets  polyurethane fom dressings with silicone Alginate dressings  Obtained from seaweed  High absorbents  Derived from calcium/sodium salts of alginic acid  On contact with wound fluid, sodium salts in the exudate exchange with tha calcium in the alginate dressing to form a soft gel which maintains a moist environment Alginate dressings  should be cut to the shape of the wound  hemostatic properties  may provide pain relief  available in various forms:  flat sheets  packing rope for cavities  combined with silver or charcoal Charcoal dressings  active charcoal  reduction of odour  absorption of microorganisms and exudate TIME – E - epithelialisation Bioactive dressings  indication: hard-to-heal ulcers  20% of leg ulcers  bad prognosis – leg ulcers larger than 10 cm2 and lasting more than 6 months Bioactive dressings  protease modulating dressings  hyaluronic acid dressings  collagen dressings  growth factors  skin substitutes Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs)  group of zinc-dependent endopeptidases  produced by granulocytes, keratinocytes and fibroblasts  elevated protease activity in chronic wounds  decreased levels of TIMPs (tissue inhibitors of MMPs) Protease modulating dressings  composed of collagen and ORC – oxidised regenerated cellulose  act by absorbing wound fluid and trapping proteases within their structure to render them inactive  form a non-adherent gel which binds with growth factors protecting them from degradation by MMPs Oxidized celullose Hyaluronic acid  main part of extracellular matrix  glucosaminoglycan  hygroscopic – skin hydration  antioxidant Hyaluronic acid  accelerates wound healing ( acute and chronic wounds)  reduces scarring Growth factors  Regranex - recombinant PDGF in form of gel  indication: diabetic ulcers Skin substitutes  Integra  Dermagraft  Apligraf  Cultured epidermal keratinocytes Skin substitutes  Integra - acellular dermis composed of bovine collagen and glycosaminoglycan matrix on a silicone layer  Dermagraft - dermis replacement, composed of cultured allogeneic fibroblasts applied on a biodegradable sheet Apligraf  Biosynthetic product composed of 2 layers  inner dermal layer – cultured human fibroblasts in bovine collagen type 1  outer epidermal layer – cultured epidermal keratinocytes  similar to human skin Cultured epidermal keratinocytes  allografts or autografts  native, cryopreserved or lyophilized  stimulate migration and proliferation of host keratinocytes from wound edges and from skin adnex Dressing change Dressing change Dressing change Dressing change Dressing change Dressing change Compression  Basic treatment of venous leg ulcers Compression  Basic treatment of venous leg ulcers  Compression leads to healing of 70% of venous leg ulcers smaller than 10 cm2 in 3- 6 months  More than 50% of patients have wrong compression Multilayer bandage Multilayer bandage Multilayer bandage Multilayer bandage Compressive stocking for leg ulcers  system of 2 stockings Contraindication of compression  PAOD – ABI less than 0,5  Acute erysipelas  Acute eczema  Heart failure Compressive systems Inteligent compression Inteligent compression After a week Classification of compression bandages  elastic  inelastic  stiffness  Classification of compression bandages:practical aspects  Partsch H. et al, Dermatol Surg 2008;34:600-609 Compressive bandage  4 main features: P-LA-C-E  Pressure  LAyers  Components  Elastic properties P - pressure  Sub-bandage pressure  Measured in B1 Picopress Compression  mild : under 20 mm Hg  moderate: 20-40 mm Hg  severe: 40-60 mm Hg  very severe: nad 60 mm Hg Compressive garments Circaid Circaid Circaid Circaid Circaid Circaid Circaid  adequate sub-bandage pressure  easy application by patient himself  better compliance  improvement of quality of life Pain  main factor decreasing quality of life  venous ulcers – 60-80% pacients (20% extreme pain)  arterial ulcers – 83%  diabetic ulcers – 48%  pain results in delayed wound healing Pain  nociceptive – in tissue damage – stimulation of intact afferent nerve endings  neuropathic – damage of peripheral nerves  psychogenic – fear of the patient Pain intensity  VAS = visual analogue scale 0 cm 10 cm score ≤ 3,0 cm … mild pain score 3,0-5,4 cm … moderate pain score ≥ 5,5 cm … severe pain  NRS = numerical rating scale 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pain at dressing change  Very often  For 40% of patients the worst moment of their life  Necessity of atraumatic dressing changes