DENTISTRY SPRING - ANATOMY II – ARTERIES/ Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine MU 1 ARTERIES blood from the heart gets around the body through blood vessels There are 3 types of blood vessels a. ARTERY b. VEIN c. CAPILLARY The ARTERY thick muscle and elastic fibres Arteries carry blood away from the heart. the elastic fibres allow the artery to stretch under pressure the thick muscle can contract to push the blood along. Collateral branches Terminal branches Tunica intima - endothel cells Tunica media – smooth muscle, elastic and collagen fibres Tunica externa - adventitia The CAPILLARY Capillaries link Arteries with Veins the wall of a capillary is only one cell thick they exchange materials between the blood and other body cells. The exchange of materials between the blood and the body can only occur through capillaries. A collection of capillaries is known as a capillary bed. artery vein body cell capillaries The VEIN Veins carry blood towards the heart. thin muscle and elastic fibres veins have valves which act to stop the blood from going in the wrong direction. body muscles surround the veins so that when they contract to move the body, they also squeeze the veins and push the blood along the vessel. Tunica intima - endothel Tunica media – smooth muscle (not in cranial sinuses) Tunica externa - adventitia Aorta ascendens: heart Arcus aortae: head, neck, UL Aorta descendens: A. thoracica - thorax A. abdominalis - abdomen Aa. iliacae communes: interna - pelvis externa - LL Aorta Aorta ascendens Bulbus aortae Aa. coronariae Ligamentum arteriosum Dx Tr. brachiocephalicus a. carotis comm. dx a. subclavia dx Sin A. carotis comm. sin A. subclavia sin Arcus aortaeHlava Krk Mozek Krk Hrudník Břicho HK A. carotis int. orbit, inner ear, part of the brain A. carotis ext. Surface of the head, nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses, oral cavity, cranial part of the neck Horní okraj cart. thyroid. v trig. caroticum A. carotis comm. Trigonum caroticum Tuberculum caroticum C6 A. carotis ext. ventral a. thyroidea sup. a. lingualis a. facialis dorsal a. occipitalis a. auricularis post. Med. a. pharyngea asc. Lat. a.sternocleidomastoidea terminal a. maxillaris a. temporalis spf. A. thyroidea sup. R. infrahyoideus A. laryngea sup. R. cricothyroideus Rr. glandulares A. lingualis a. profunda linguae r. suprahyoideus a. sublingualis rr. dorsales ling. between m. genioglossus a hyoglossus → oral cavity a. profunda ling. a. sublingualis R. tonsillaris A. palatina asc. Rr. glandulares A. submentalis A. labialis inf. (circulus arteriosus oris) A. labialis sup. A. alaris nasi A. angularis A. facialis A. occipitalis A. auricularis post. Rr. musculares R. mastoideus R. auricularis Rr. occipitales Rr. musculares Rr. glandulares R. auricularis A. stylomastoidea A. pharyngea ascendens rr. pharyngeales a. tympanica inf. a. meningea post. A. temporalis spf. Rr. auriculares ant. Rr. parotidei A. transversa faciei A. zygomaticoorbitalis A. temporalis media R. frontalis R. parietalis A. maxillaris Pars  mandibularis  pterygoidea  pterygopalatina Pars mandibularis A. meningea media A. tympanica ant. A. alveolaris inf. rr. dentales r. mylohyoideus a. mentalis Pars pterygoidea A. masseterica Aa. temporales prof. Rr. pterygoidei A. buccalis Pars pterygopalatina A. palatina desc. Aa. alv. sup. post. A. infraorbitalis aa. alv. sup. ant. A. sphenopalatina Aa. alv. sup. post. A. infraorbitalis aa. alv. sup. ant. Artery supply of the upper jaw A. palatina desc. A. sphenopalatina Artery supply of the palate and nasal cavity Aa. palat. minores A. palat. major Carotid syphon A. CAROTIS INTERNA: - aa. hypophysiales - a. ophthalmica - a. cerebri ant. - a. cerebri media Sinus caroticus Glomus caroticum A. subclavia Part of the brain Neck (lower portion) Thoracic wall (A,L) Abdominal wall (A) → UL Cupula pleurae Fissura scalenorum Pars intrascalenica (medial) Pars interscalenica (posterior) Pars extrascalenica (lateral) A. vertebralis A. thoracica int. Tr. thyrocervicalis Tr. costocervicalis (A. transversa colli) A. vertebralis Foramen magnum Membr. atl-occip. post. Sulcus a. vertebralis For. transvers. C6-1  rr. spinales  rr. musculares Extrakraniální větve - a. cerebelli inf. post. - a. basilaris A. thoracica int. Rr. mediastinales A. pericardiacophrenica Rr. intercost. ant. (6 IntCS) A. musculophrenica (7-11 IntCS) A. epigastrica sup. Apertura thoracis sup. Fissura sternocostalis Tr. thyrocervicalis A. thyroidea inf. A. cervicalis asc. A. cervicalis spf. A. suprascapularis (a. transversa coli – or separate branch) Tr. costocervicalis A. cervicalis prof. A. intercost. suprema (1,2 intcs dorsaly) A. suprascapularis A. axillaris shoulder wall of the thorax A. thoracica suprema Rr. subscapulares A. thoracoacromialis A. thoracica lat. A. subscapularis a. circumfl. scap. a. thoracodorsalis Aa. circuflexae humeri A. CIRCUMFLEXA SCAPULAE – foramen omotricipitale (trilaterum): m. teres minor m. teres major caput longum m. tricipitis A. CIRCUMFLEXA HUMERI POST. - for. humerotricipitale (quadrilaterum): m. teres minor m. teres major caput longum m. tricipitis humerus Fossa infraspinata: anastomosis a. suprascapularis + a. circumflexa scapulae A. brachialis A. radialis A. ulnaris Arcus palmaris spf. et prof. Rete carpi dorsale UPPER LIMB Paže A. brachialis a. prof. brachii A. collateralis ulnaris sup.,inf. A. prof. brachii A. collateralis radialis A. collateralis media Předloktí A. radialis A. ulnaris a. interossea comm. a. inteross. ant., post Ve Dors Ruka - hřbet A. radialis et ulnaris rete carpi dorsale Aa. metacarpeae dorsales > aa. digitales dorsales Ruka - dlaň Arcus palm. spf. A. radialis A. ulnaris r. palmaris spf. et prof. Aa. digit. palm. comm. et propriae Arcus palm. prof. Aorta thoracica Th3 - Th11 Hiatus aorticus Wall aa. intercost. post. aa. phrenicae sup. Organs bronchi esophagus pericard Aorta abdominalis Th11 - L4 wall aa. phrenicae inf. aa. lumbales Paired organs Noradrenal glands kidneys, ureters testicles / ovaries unpaired liver, gallbladder, stomach, pancreas, spleen, intestine paired organ branches Aa. suprarenales Aa. renales Aa. testicul. / ovaricae Unpaired organ branches Truncus coeliacus A. mesenterica sup. A. mesenterica inf. Truncus coeliacus A. gastrica sin. - rr. oesophageales A. lienalis - rr. pancreatici - a. gastroomentalis sin. - aa. gastricae breves - rr. splenici A. hepatica comm. - a. hepatica propria - a. gastrica dx. - r. dexter - a. cystica - r. sinister - a. gastroduodenalis - a. gastroomentalis dx. - aa. pancreaticoduodenales sup. a. pancreaticoduod. sup. et inf. A. mesenterica sup. - a. pancreaticoduodenalis inf. - aa. jejunales et ileales (10-18) - a. ileocolica - r. ilealis - r. colicus - r. appendicularis - a. colica dx. - a. colica media A. mesenterica inf. - a. colica sinistra - aa. sigmoideae - a. rectalis sup. L4 A. sacralis mediana Aa. iliacae communes A. iliaca ext. Lower part of anterior abdominal wall → LL A. iliaca int. pelvis A. iliaca ext. A. epigastrica inf. A. circumfl. ilium prof. Lacuna vasorum A. iliaca int. Visceral branches Urinary bladder rectum genitals ♂ prostate, dct. def. ♀ uterus, ovarian tube,vagina a. umbilicalis ) to the placenta A. iliolumbalis A. sacralis lat. A. obturatoria → A. glutea sup. → A. glutea inf. → A. pudenda int. → Stěny pánve … Parietal branches A. glutea sup. A. glutea inf. a. pudenda int. A. pudenda int. Rectum External genitals A. rectalis superior a. mesent. inf. media a. iliaca int. inferior a. pudenda int. Konečník Lower limb A. femoralis A. poplitea A. tibialis ant. A. tibialis post. Aa. metatarseae dorsales Arcus plantaris Dors Ve A. femoralis A. epigastr. spf. A. circ. ilium spf. Aa. pudendae ext. A. prof. femoris aa. circumfl. aa. perforantes Stehno Ve Dors Koleno A. poplitea Aa. genus Aa. surales Bérec posterior a. fibularis A. tibialis anterior Noha - hřbet A. tibialis ant. → a. dorsalis pedis a. tarseae med. a. tarsea lat. a. arcuata aa. metatarseae dors. aa. digitales dors. Noha - chodidlo A. plantaris med. A. plantaris lat. > arcus plantaris aa. metatarseae plant. aa. digitales plant. Angiografie Illustrations were copied from: Atlas der Anatomie des Menschen/Sobotta. Putz,R., und Pabst,R. 20. Auflage. München: Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1993) Netter: Interactive Atlas of Human Anatomy. Windows Version 2.0 Čihák R: Anatomie 2 (Splanchnologia). Avicenum, zdravotnické nakladatelství, Praha, 1988.