DISTRIBUTION J!!. DRUG - PLASMA PROTEIN BINDING NEWBORNS Albumin ■ bound of acidic drugs (thiopental, phenytoin, diazepam), fatty acids, bilirubin g1 - acid glycoprotein - bound of basic drugs (lidocain, alfentanil) => Increased Iree-drug concentration (fenytoin) => increased effect (therapeutic and toxic) =» competition for protein binding drug- drug: drug - endogenous substances bilirubin - risk of release from a protein bound to plasma => : Sulfisoxazol, fenytoin (free fraction in 1st month 11 %. adults. 3.6 % salicylates, theophylin, kofein. diazepam, thiopental, vit.K analogs ADULT CAPACITY IS REACHED CCA IN 1 YEAR DISTRIBUTION bJood-brain barrier immature BB barrier — higher permeability(morfin) more expressed in some patological conditions (hypoxia, hypotermia, acidosis, meningitis) Faster onset and increased intensity of therapeutically desirable but also undesirable/ toxic _. _ (herbal toxins, addictive substances, nicotin etc.) DISTINCTION OF METABOLISM Immaturity of enzymatic systems decreases liver elimination ( lipophilic drugs) Phase I.reactions : oxidation, reduction, hydrolysis (CYP450) Phase II.reactions: conjugations — glukuronidation, acetylation, sulfation, conj. with glutation Liver blood perfusion Mass of liver tissue - impact on liver elimination METABOLISM PHASE i. ENZYMES- OXIDATIVE METABOLISM_ Development and maturation of CYP450: ■ prenatal: most enzymes are functional in 30 weeks since gestation however activity is insufficient (fetus as a „ i;:: i:-r ") = insufficient detoxication of substance from mother's blood ■ postnatal: variable maturation of individual isoforms fast maturation in first 4 weeks Family P4S0: CYP1, CYP2, CYP3 METABOLISM PHASE I!. ENZYMES - CONJUGATION REACTIONS Glucuronldation: • UGT capacity in peri- and postnatal period i: ■ UGT activity reaches of adult values around 4th year low of age Consequences of low UGT activity ■ Risk of accummulation of unmetabolised drug ' y potential higher toxicity Cisaprid - (prokinetic drug, H4 receptor agonist: cardiotoxicity with prolongation QT) Chloramphenicol - ,,gray baby syndrome" described in 1 METABOLISM PHASE II. ENZYMES CONJUGATION REACTIONS Another types of conjugation reactions: ■ . active already in 1st month, in some drugs {paracetamol, acetaminofen) replaces insufficient activity of other conjugation enzymes ■ . .:.:::./. (INH. sulfonamides) present at birth but low activity, as in u SM SM - stow metaboiiser