SOCRATIVE QUIZZES – ANSWER SHEET SS2019 BMT II 1 Solution Explanation 1 B imus, a, um (or infimus, a, um in some cases) is one of the irregular superlative forms referring to position, it is derived from preposition infra (=below, under). 2 minora foramen, inis, n. - Plural form foramina, therefore Nom. Pl. form of minus is used. 3 true The baby is head down, facing the spine, with its back anterior. In this position, the baby's chin is tucked onto its chest, so that the smallest part of its head will be applied to the cervix first. The position is usually "Left Occiput Anterior", or LOA. Occasionally, the baby may be "Right Occiput Anterior", or ROA. 4 D latissimus is the masculine superlative form of latus (=wide), i.e. the widest. 5 B Sg: corpusculum renale; therefore, plural ends in -a. 6 B, C A: tonsil, nipple, pupil B: small vessel, small septum, small bone C: small node, muscle, small duct D: a tooth-like projection, cerebellum, a knee-like bend 7 tuberculum thyroideum superius The literal translation is "the upper thyroid tubercle"; tuberculum is neutral, therefore the adjective ends in -um and comparative form in -ius. 8 A, C, D 9 post trauma grave trauma, matis, n.; therefore, adjective ending in -e. Neutrals in Accusative keep the same form as in Nominative! 10 B The term literally means "thread-like elevations". BMT II 2 1 C, D syn - con = with; hyper - per = excessive, over; BUT hypo = below, less, supra = above; para = next to, near, circum = around 2 B 3 D This countenance typical of dying people was first described by Hippocrates in the 5th-4th century BCE; therefore, it is named after him. 4 B 5 carcinoma suspectum 'Ca' is the conventional abbreviation for 'carcinoma', which is neutral, therefore suspectum. 6 C, D Both terms originate in Greek and refer to the extremities: peripheralis from peripheria = 'revolving around' or 'circumference', acralis from akros = 'extremity'. 7 false The proper term for the definition is 'paraplegia', the word comes from Ionic Greek παραπληγίη "half-striking". 8 C, D posterior, meta-, retro- = dorsal position; anterius, prae-, rostralis = frontal position; dia-, inter- = between, BUT intra- = inside; circum-, peri- = around, BUT para- = next to, near 9 B, C There are different types of dental decay, or caries: incipiens = starting; pulpae proxima = close to the dental pulp; ad pulpam penetrans = penetrating towards the dental pulp; caries profunda simplex = deep but far frm dental pulp (unlike caries profunda complicata). 10 dystrophia / atrophia The picture shows the so-called dystrophia myotonica, a long term genetic disorder that affects muscle function. Symptoms include gradually worsening muscle loss and weakness, muscles often contract and are unable SOCRATIVE QUIZZES – ANSWER SHEET SS2019 to relax, other symptoms may include cataracts, intellectual disability, and heart conduction problems. BMT II 3 1 false The proper term is URAEMIA, a compound term made of ur- (=urine/urea) and (h)aem- (=blood). Haematuria is pesence of blood in urine. 2 eczema atopicum / dermatitis atopica eczema, matis, n - therefore, atopicum dermatitis, itidis, f - therefore, atopica 3 A, C alimentatio = -trophia (i.e. nutrition) paralysis totalis = -plegia (i.e. total paralysis) tumor = -oma; intestinum crassum = entersanguis in urina = haematuria 4 pneumohaemothorax pneumohaemothoracis m / haemopneumothorax haemopneumothoracis m / pneumohemothorax pneumohemothoracis m / hemopneumothorax hemopneumothoracis m The pleural space is maintained in a constant state of negative pressure (in comparison to atmospheric pressure). If the chest wall, and thus the pleural space, is punctured, blood, air or both can enter the pleural space. Air and/or blood rushes into the space in order to equalise the pressure with that of the atmosphere. As a result, the fluid is disrupted and the two membranes no longer adhere to each other. When the rib cage moves out, it no longer pulls the lungs with it. Thus the lungs cannot expand, the pressure in the lungs never drops and no air is pulled into the bronchi. Respiration is not possible. The affected lung, which has a great deal of elastic tissue, shrivels in what is referred to as a collapsed lung. 5 B, C A:myelo- refers to marrow or spinal cord, myo- to muscles, and mel- to limbs: poliomyelitis ascendens is an acute infectious disease usually caused by poliovirus, in which paralysis begins in the lower extremities and progresses up the legs, thighs, and trunk, and finally involves the respiratory muscles, myolipoma is a tumour in muscular tissue with fatty elements, polymelia is a developmental anomaly characterized by the presence of supernumerary limbs B: all terms refer to perineum/vulva: episiostenosis is a narrowing of the vulvar orifice, ruptura perinei is a perineal tear which mainly occurs in women as a result of vaginal childbirth, an acute infectious disease occurring sporadically or in epidemics and caused by a virus, episioperineorrhaphia is a repair of an incised or ruptured perineum and lacerated vulva or repair of a surgical incision of the vulva and perineum C: all terms refer to nails: onychomycosis is a fungal infection of nails, pterygium unguis is a result of scarring between the proximal nailfold and matrix caude by chronic inflammation, bacterial paronychia is a nail disease that is an often-tender bacterial or fungal infection of the hand or foot where the nail and skin meet D: som(at)- refers to body, stomat- to mouth: somasthenia is a condition of chronic physical weakness and fatigability, dysfunctio psychosomatica is a physical dysfunction caused, or made worse, by mental factors, stomatorrhagia is a bleeding from the gums or other part of the oral cavity. 6 C, D 7 C, D Both calculosis and -lithiasis refer to pathological formation of mineral concretions in the body. The Greek component chole- refers to bile (fel in Latin), cyst- to bladder (vesica in Latin), and -lith- to stones (calculus in Latin). It occurs most commonly in the gallbladder, kidney, and lower urinary tract. Lithiasis may be asymptomatic, but more often the condition is extremely painful. Surgery may be necessary if the stones cannot be excreted spontaneously. Lower urinary tract calculi often can be dissolved. The causes include elevated levels of calcium, dietary factors, slower fluid flow rate, or local bacteria action. SOCRATIVE QUIZZES – ANSWER SHEET SS2019 8 true The term is a compound consisting of the Greek roots sial- (=saliva), aden(=gland) and a suffix -itis (=inflammation). 9 A 10 hypertrichosis congenita BMT II 4 1 C 2 A B is hypertrophia, C is dysplasia, D is neoplasia. Hyperplasia may be due to any number of causes, including proliferation of basal layer of epidermis to compensate skin loss, chronic inflammatory response, hormonal dysfunctions, or compensation for damage or disease elsewhere. It may be harmless - an example of a normal hyperplastic response would be the growth and multiplication of milk-secreting aglandular cells in the breast as a response to pregnancy. By contrast, hypertrophy is what occurs, for example, to skeletal muscle cells during weight training and steroid use and is simply an increase in the size of the cells. 3 thrombocytopenia 4 false The proper term for the condition is H(A)EMOCEPHALUS or H(A)EMATOCEPHALUS. 5 B, D The total hysterectomy means the removal of uterus including the cervix, in partial hysterectomy only the uterus itself is removed; finally, in the socalled radical hysterectomy, all female reproductive organs are removed incl. the vagina. 6 myelomalacia 7 D 8 pneumonia lateris dextri 9 A, C 10 true BMT II 5 1 D 2 remedium vasodilatans remedium, ii, n. vasodilatans, ntis (3rd declension one-genderform adjective) 3 B OPH. GTT. = guttae ophthalmicae (eyedrops) Exp. orig. I = expeditionem originalem unam (one original/pre-made package) 4 B A: mix into dusting powder B: put into capsules C: coated tablets D: as much as is needed to make a suppository 5 false The pharmacist is instructed to make 20 suppositories by mixing 0.5 grams of paracetamole with up to (maximum) 2 grams of solidified fat. 6 misce fiat pulvis / misce fiat pulvis adspersorius The formula means "mix to make powder" (literally: mix so that it becomes a powder). 7 A s.s.v. = sub signo veneni = mark as poison (literally: under the sign of poison) B: quantum satis ut fiat = as much as is needed to make SOCRATIVE QUIZZES – ANSWER SHEET SS2019 C: suo nomine = (mark) with its own name D: lege artis = according to the rules/principles of the art (of medicine) 8 D 9 C The vaseline is used as a vehicle for the active substances, therefore C. 10 B, D species, erum, f. = tea mixture (made of dried parts of plants) - therefore only A (leaves) and C (plant) can be used. Radix (root) could be used too, but not dentis! Tela means gauze. BMT II 6 1 C 2 recentem recentiorem recentissimum 3 A, B A: ulcera is plural form of a 3rd declension neutral noun: ulcus, eris, n.; the rest belongs to the 1st declension B: dies is a 5th declension noun: dies, ei, f.; the rest are nominative pl. of 3rd declension C: all words fall into the 4th declension D: all words are genitive singular of the 2nd declension 4 B, D 5 partis suspecta 6 C, D A: overgrowth of the cells that line the ducts or the milk glands (lobules) inside the breast indueced by progesterone in the second and thirs trimesters of pregnancy B: a connection between two blood vessels occurring normally in the circulatory system of the body in the circulatory system, serving as backup routes C: in-born lack of platelets D: a group of genetic disorders also known as 'brittle bone disease' and resulting in bones breaking easily 7 C, D 8 emphysema pulmonale Neutral nouns and adjectives keep the same form as in Nominative in Accusative case (both sg and pl). 9 A 10 B HYE = hysterectomia (removal of uterus), adnexectomia = removal of the appendages (adnexa) of uterus