Unit 5 Revision – Food and Nutrition 1 Underline the odd one out in each group. 1 carbohydrates: honey chocolate chips [DEL: banana :DEL] 2 fats: cheese [DEL: pasta :DEL] milk oil 3 proteins: egg chicken [DEL: bread :DEL] tofu 4 vegetables: potato [DEL: banana :DEL] tomato carrot 5 fruit: pineapple [DEL: tomato :DEL] papaya apple 6 minerals: zinc calcium iron [DEL: rice :DEL] 2 Choose the correct words in italics. 7 I sometimes add a little / a lot / any chilli powder to our dishes as my children love spicy food. 8 ‘Do you eat soya products?’ ‘No, not a little / much / many. 9 Please have a / some / any cheese – it’s come all the way from France. 10 Do they have a / some / any butter? We need some to make the cookies. 11 There isn’t some / much / many salt in this dish, is there? 12 You seem to eat a little / a lot / some of tropical fruit. 13 That’s too sweet for me – there’s too lot / much / many honey. 14 I try not to eat a little / much / any dairy products – I’m allergic to them. 37/4 3 Read this food journal and complete the sentences with the words in the box. balanced calorie intake fibre portion skips snacks Food Journal: Kevin Baker Tuesday Time Typical food intake Breakfast 7:30 nothing Mid morning 11:00 large milky coffee, 2 chocolate muffins, banana Lunch 13:30 steak, chips, cake, large coke, 2 cups of strong coffee Mid afternoon 15:00 2 cups of coffee, chocolate bar Dinner 21:00 pasta and meat sauce, white bread roll and butter, ice cream, fizzy drink Evening 23:30 1 cup of coffee, ½ packet of biscuits 15 The patient’s diet is not very balanced. 16 His calorie intake is very high and most of the calories come from fat and sugar sources. 17 He only eats one portion of fruit a day and no vegetables (except potatoes). 18 The patient often snacks on foods that are high in fat. 19 He skips the most important meal of the day – breakfast. 20 The patient should eat more fibre and include five portions of fruit and vegetables in his diet. He should also reduce the amount of coffee he drinks. 4 Complete these sentences with the words in the box. You do not need all the words. adverse antibodies harmful immune reactions skin 21 An allergy is a(n) adverse reaction to a food. 22 Children often experience strong allergic reactions to peanuts. 23 A food allergy occurs when your body thinks that a food is harmful. 24 Your immune system helps protect the body against disease. 25 Vitamins are necessary for your bones, teeth and skin. 5 Rewrite these suggestions. Use the words and phrases in brackets. 26 You should give up smoking if you are pregnant, according to government advice. It is advisable to give up smoking if you are … (advisable) 27 You should drink lots of water. (important) It is important to drink lots of water. 28 If you don’t like meat, you should eat fish to increase your protein intake. (why don’t you) If you don’t like meat, why don’t you eat fish to increase … 29 You shouldn’t include so many high-calorie snacks in your diet. (advisable) It is not advisable to include … 30 You should join the local gym with a friend. (can I suggest) Can I suggest you join the local gym … Healthy diet and lifestyle – oral exam topics Výsledek obrázku pro healthy eating Výsledek obrázku pro doing sports SouvisejÃcà obrázek Výsledek obrázku pro playing computer games pyramid for a healthy diet food groups – why important, where found balanced diet weight, BMI food allergies glucose levels and diabetes exercise vs. sedentary lifestyle what exercise you do, with whom etc. Unit 6 Revision – Personal care 1 Write the words in the box in the correct group. bed pan deodorant hairbrush mirror pyjamas shaving cream shower chair toothpaste urinal bottle washcloth Washing: (1) shower chair (2) washcloth Grooming: (3) deodorant (4) hairbrush (5) mirror (6) shaving cream Oral hygiene: (7) toothpaste Dressing: (8) pyjamas Toileting: (9) urinal bottle (10) bed pan 2 Choose the correct words in italics. Nurse: Do you need help (11) going to get / getting ready today, David? David: Thank you, Nurse Carter. Could you give me a hand shaving, please? I can’t hold the razor without (12) going to shake / shaking. It’s very difficult. Nurse: No problem. I (13) am going to get / getting a washbowl and shaving cream and we can start. David: Before that, can you help me to the toilet, please? I hate (14) used / using the urinal bottle. Nurse: Yes, of course. David: Thank you. I’m so (15) embarrassed / embarrassing! Nurse: There is no need to feel (16) ashame / ashamed, David. Most patients find the situation difficult. David: I (17) am going to find / finding my stick. OK, here it is. Nurse: Do you need any help (18) going to get / getting onto the toilet seat? -ing/-ed adjectives I went to the cinema last night. The film was boring. I was bored. The film was depressing. I was depressed. The film was interesting. I was interested (in…). The film was amusing. I was amused. 49/7 Obsah obrázku snímek obrazovky Popis byl vytvořen automaticky 3 Match sentences 19–24 to language functions a–f. 19 I’ll pull the curtain round your bed. c 20 What do you need help with this morning, Peter? e 21 P: Thanks but I want to try and do everything by myself today. f 22 Don’t be embarrassed, Mr Lorenz – it can happen to anyone. b 23 I can see it’s difficult for you. a 24 P: I need help getting to the toilet, please. d a showing empathy b reassuring the patient c respecting the patient’s privacy d making a request for help e offering assistance/help f refusing help 4 Choose the correct answer, A, B or C. 25 First, I prepare my equipment: I wash my hands and then I put on _____ . A antibiotics B dressing C disposable gloves 26 Next, I remove the old _____ from the wound and dispose of it immediately in the bin. A tape B dressing C sutures 27 After that, I check the wound carefully for any _____ or a bad odour, changes in colour, redness or swelling. A pus B wound C dressing 28 If the wound looks clean and healthy and the _____ are beginning to join up, I know that it is healing. A wounds B sutures C edges 29 I can then clean it with _____ and use a piece of cotton wool to dry the wound. A saline solution B antibiotics C dressing 30 Finally, I put a new dressing on the wound and secure it with _____ . A sutures B tape C cotton wool Personal Care – Oral exam topic Výsledek obrázku pro brushing teeth Výsledek obrázku pro washing hands soap bathroom Text Box: hygiene, toiletries patients – independent, need help doing something activities of daily living (ADLs) (bathing, showering, dressing, grooming, oral hygiene, toileting) Toiletries For Troops Donations | Port Washington, NY Patch Homework for May 21 Prepare a 2-minute talk on the following oral exam topics. You will find the pictures in Study Materials in the IS (Oral Exam Part 2). Pain – headache, chest pain Taking vital signs Alternative treatment