Unit 6 – Key Patient hygiene 1 a washbowl b disposable wipes c comb d brush e nail brush f hand cream g soap h toothbrush i kidney basin j shampoo k nightdress l dressing gown m towel n washcloth o blanket p deodorant q mirror r swab s toothpaste t razor u shaving cream v make-up w pyjamas 2 Washing: washbowl, blanket, disposable wipes, soap, shampoo, towel, washcloth, swab Grooming: nail brush, comb, brush, hand cream, deodorant, mirror, razor, shaving cream, make-up Oral hygiene: toothpaste, kidney basin, mirror, swab, toothbrush, towel Patient clothing: nightdress, dressing gown, pyjamas 3 1 F She’s not totally independent – she needs some assistance – e.g. she cannot go to the bathroom to clean her teeth. 2 F Mrs Turner is breathless, Mary has no energy. 3 F She says, ‘I can do that by myself.’ 4 T 5 T 6 F The nurse encourages the patients go slowly and take a rest when necessary. 7 T 4 Mrs Turner: kidney basin, swab Mary: hairbrush, mirror, towel, washcloth 5 1 is going to help 2 am not going to give 3 Are (you) going to check 4 is not going to discharge 5 are going to explain 6 Are (you) going to take ADLs – activities of daily living 1 1 commode 2 shower chair 3 walker/walking frame 4 walking stick 5 urinal bottle 6 bed pan 2 1 Mr Karam: washing = independent, grooming = dependent 2 Elaine: washing = needs help, dressing = needs help, grooming = needs help 3 Samson: dressing = independent, oral hygiene = independent 4 Mr Bates: toileting = needs help 3 1 It’s difficult to hold the razor still without cutting himself. 2 She can’t put her tights on without bending down. 3 Washing her hair. 4 He doesn’t want help with either cleaning his teeth or getting dressed. 5 He doesn’t need help with going to the toilet (although he may need to use a walker) and he hates using the commode. 4 1 What do you need help with Elaine? – Offer 2 Do you need help with anything else? – Offer 3 Could you give me a hand washing my hair? – Request 4 Do you need help with cleaning your teeth? – Offer 5 I want to try to do everything by myself today. – Refusal 6 Can you help me? I need help getting to the toilet. – Request Empathy 1 1 Patient is Winston Miller, 88 years old, of Afro-Caribbean origin. His consultant is Dr Hew Jones from the Geriatrics department. The patient stayed in St Marc’s Ward between 15 and 20 May 2010. The patient’s daughter, Ms Deidre Hynd, has made a formal complaint to the hospital patient relations department. 2 Suggested answers: racism, poor treatment by the consultant, the medical procedure, incorrect diagnosis 2 1 Toileting, washing, grooming, eating and other simple tasks (not specified in text). 2 The poor care of her father by Nurse Jones during his stay in St Marc’s Ward. 3 Nurse Jones seems unhappy with his job in general and does not feel his salary is high enough. 4 She wants the department to investigate her father’s case. 5 Suggested answer: He needs be more caring towards his patients and show some empathy. He should imagine he was caring for a close family member or friend. He should consider going on a communications course. 4 1 a lot of empathy 2 no empathy 3 a little empathy Tone of voice, expressions, e.g. I understand how you must be feeling., I can see it’s difficult for you. 5 1 feeding himself, humiliating 2 washing her hair, embarrassed 3 sickness, depressing 6 1 I understand how you must be feeling. 2 I can see it’s difficult for you. 3 Please don’t worry Josh. Let me clean you up and you’ll feel much better. 4 Don’t be embarrassed Sheila. It can happen to anyone. 5 I’m used to it; it’s part of my job. 6 Do you want me to come back later? 7 I’ll bring a screen to put round the bed. You can have a little privacy. 7 1 humiliating/embarrassing 2 humiliated/frustrated/embarrassed 3 embarrassed/humiliated 4 depressed 5 frustrating/embarrassing 6 embarrassing/humiliating Wound management 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 d 1 e 5 f 6 2 Dialogue: 1 wound 2 antibiotics 3 disposable gloves 4 sutures 5 dressing 6 bin 7 pus 8 edges 9 saline solution 10 absorbent dressing 11 tape 12 wound assessment Pictures: 1 bin 2 sutures 3 wound 4 saline solution 5 disposable gloves 6 absorbent dressing 7 tape 8 wound assessment chart 3 Type of wound: surgical Infection: no Dressing frequency: daily Antibiotics: no Odour: no Pain assessment: 2 Wound closure: sutures Wound dressing: absorbent Comments: wound feels itchy 4 Name: Mia Fox DOB: we know she is 19 Type of wound: burn Location of wound: arm Infection: yes Dressing frequency: every third day Antibiotics: oral Odour: no Pain assessment: 3 Wound closure: open wound Wound dressing: antimicrobial dressing Comments: patient burned arm in kitchen accident