Unit 8 – Key Evaluating levels of independence 1 1 Jim 2 Mrs Ridley 3 Elin 4 Mr Aziz 2 1 Elin 2 Mr Aziz 3 Jim 4 Mrs Ridley 5 Elin 6 Mrs Ridley 3 1 crutches 2 wheelchair 3 leg brace 4 walking frame 5 walking stick 4 a shower chair b bath lift c grab bar d non-slip mat e raised toilet seat 5 a non-slip mat b raised toilet seat c bath lift d shower chair e grab bar 6 1 Mrs Ridley 2 Elin 3 Jim 7 1 toileting, raised toilet seat 2 bathing, grab bars, non-slip mat 3 bathing, shower chair 8 1 f 2 c 3 d 4 e 5 a 6 b 9 1 3, 4, 5, 6 2 1 3 2 A patient discharge plan 2 2 e 3 a 4 c 6 b 8 d 3 1 over-the-counter drugs 2 prescription drugs 3 supplements 4 side effects 5 giving a shot 6 support groups 7 therapist 8 healthcare provider 4 1 F – she’s a bit worried about leaving 2 F – she lives alone 3 T 4 F – the neighbour could help with the shopping/her sister will help with cooking 5 Bathing – needs assistance Ambulation – independent Toileting – independent Transferring – dependent Eating – needs assistance Dressing – needs assistance 6 1 will help me 2 I’ll fall 3 I feel tired 4 will help me 7 1 buy a non-slip mat and some grab bars to put in the shower. 2 just ask. 3 you’re worried about feeling tired. 4 you start feeling tired. 5 ask your neighbour Explaining medication 1 1 b 2 a 3 b 4 b 5 b 6 b 2 a bottle of tablets b nasal spray c tube of ointment d eye drops and a dropper e capsules f cough syrup 3 1 two, mealtimes 2 pain, two 3 hours, day 4 put 5 stitches 6 tablespoonful 4 1 Do not give more than four doses in 24 hours. (Do not exceed eight capsules in 24 hours.) 2 May cause drowsiness. Avoid driving … when taking this medicine. 3 Do not chew. 4 To be taken … as required according to the severity of the symptoms. 5 For oral use (only). 5 Suggested answers 1 You need to take Dicalm for your diarrhoea. Take two tablets every two to four hours according to how bad you feel. It’s important not to take more than six doses a day. Chew the tablets and then drink a glass of water. 2 You can give Kold Karma to children of six years or more. Give her one capsule every four hours with water. Do not let her chew the capsules. She should have no more than four capsules in 24 hours. 3 Take Kold Karma for the flu symptoms: two capsules every four hours, but not more than eight capsules a day. Take the capsules with water, do not chew them. And for your cough, take Coffalix. Take two 1.5 ml spoonfuls four times a day. You shouldn’t take more than four doses a day. Don’t drive or operate machinery while you are taking Coffalix. 4 For your cold, take two Kold Karma capsules with water every four hours. Do not chew the capsules. Don’t exceed the recommended dose – eight capsules a day. 5 Give him one Dicalm tablet every two to four hours while his symptoms continue. He needs to chew the tablets and then drink a glass of water. Don’t give him more than six tablets in the space of 24 hours. 6 1 c 2 a 3 b Making appointments on the phone 2 1 Good afternoon. (Hello.) 2 This is Zafar from Orthopaedics. 3 I’d like to make an appointment with the Practice Nurse for one of our patients, please. 4 How about 23rd?, Do you have any appointments in the morning? 5 Good, so that’s 10.15 on the 24th of January. 6 Let me give you the patient’s details. It’s Mr Ernesto Chavaz, that’s C-H-A-V-A-Z. 7 Thank you for your help. Goodbye. 3 Ticked items: greet person, identify self and department/unit, give reason for calling, suggest day and time, give patient details 4 Patient Name: Geoff Pattern Appointment with: occupational therapist Day: Tuesday Date: 17th June Time: 17:00 1 Occupational Therapy 2 Tuesdays and Thursdays 3 3.30 in the afternoon 5 1 (Sorry to disturb you but) can I reschedule Mr Pattern’s first appointment? 2 What time was his appointment?/Sorry, did you say Tuesday or Thursday? 3 Can you just hang on a moment? 7 1 Sorry did you say Tuesday or Thursday? 2 Tuesday, Tuesday afternoon. 3 No, not 10.15, 10.50. 4 Oh, OK 10:50, sorry. 8 Suggested answers: smile, sit down, speak at moderate speed, speak clearly, ask for clarification, repeat if necessary, stress important words