Sepsis and septic shock Pavel Suk Intensive Care Unit St. Anne’s University Hospital Mervyn Singer, JAMA 2016 R. Phillip Dellinger, Crit Care Med 2012 Definition I. •Sepsis = life-threatening organ dysfunction caused by a dysregulated host response to infection •organ dysfunction –SOFA ≥ 2 –Quick SOFA (qSOFA) ≥ 2 •Respiratory rate > 22/min •Altered mentation (GCS < 15) •Systolic blood pressure < 100 mmHg •mortality > 10 % SOFA = Sequential [Sepsis-Related] Organ Failure Assessment Score • Definition II. •Septic shock –hypotension despite adequate fluid resuscitation –vasopressors to maintain MAP > 65mmHg –serum lactate level > 2 mmol/L –mortality > 40 % • Initial Resuscitation •haemodynamics - signs –tachycardia –hypotension –tissue hypoperfusion •elevated lactate (> 2 mmol/l) •low SvO2 / ScvO2 •skin mottling •low urine output •altered mental status Výsledek obrázku pro skin mottling •heamodynamics - monitoring –clinical signs –urine output –lactate dynamics, SvO2/ScvO2 –echocardiography –cardiac output measurement –invasive blood pressure • Výsledek obrázku pro invasive blood pressure Výsledek obrázku pro arterial blood gases •haemodynamics – therapy –correct hypovolaemia •rapid crystalloid infusion (fluid challenge) –maintain MAP > 65 mmHg •vasopressors – titrate norepinephrine –serial lactate levels / ScvO2 trend monitoring –iontropic support –transfusion trigger as ussual • Microbial diagnostics •cultures from relevant sites (urine, throat, sputum, tracheal aspirate, wounds, abscess, bile,…) •at least 2 sets of blood cultures • (aerobic/anaerobic) •all before administration of AB • – Výsledek obrázku pro blood culture Antimicrobial therapy •intravenous antimicrobials within the 1st hour •activity against all likely pathogens (based on [likely] source of sepsis) –usually broad-spectrum antibiotics •daily reassessment (change, de-escalation) •duration of therapy typically 7 to 10 days –based on clinical course, PCT • Source control •dignostics (imaging, puncture, surgery) to diagnose and control source of sepsis (ASAP, within 12 hrs) •mini-invasive approach preferred (CT guided drainage) •if catheters are possible source → remove/exchange • Výsledek obrázku pro x ray pneumonia Výsledek obrázku pro ct abscess Výsledek obrázku pro us cholecystitis