State Examination Questions - Gynaecology and Obstetrics 2019/2020 1) Obstetrics 101. Diagnosis of pregnancy, embryonal and fetal development 102. Spontaneous abortion – causes, diagnostics, treatment 103. Placenta, placental hormones, fetal membranes 104. Amniotic fluid, umbilical cord and possible disorders 105. Congenital anomalies 106. Physiologic changes during pregnancy 107. Fetal lie, presentation and position 108. Physiology and pathology of the birth canal 109. Physiology and pathology of birth forces 110. Stages and management of labor 111. Fetal hypoxia and distress 112. Puerperium – hormonal and anatomical changes, pathology, postpartum care 113. Preterm labor 114. Prolonged pregnancy 115. Isoimmunisation in pregnancy, hemolytic disease of the newborn 116. Hyperemesis gravidarum 117. Preeclampsia, HELLP syndrome, 118. Hypertension, cardiovascular diseases and pregnancy 119. Diabetes and pregnancy 120. Anemia in pregnancy 121. Hepatopathia and alimentary tract diseases in pregnancy 122. Infectious diseases in prenancy 123. HIV and pregnancy 124. Intrauterine growth retstriction 125. Multiple pregnancy, „twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome“ 126. Placental pathology 127. Breech presentation, management of the labour 128. Abnormal presentation (situs transversus et obliqus, deflections, asynclitismus) 129. Shoulder dystokia 130. Pathology of the 3rd. stage of labour, perineal injury 131. Emergency in obstetrics (bleeding, embolism, eclamptic seizure) 132. Puerperal inflamations, mastitis puerperalis 133. Analgesia, anesthesia in labour management 134. Induction of labor 135. Forceps, vacuum extractor 136. Sectio casearea 137. Perinatal medicine, prenatal diagnostics, demography (maternal and perinatal mortality) 2) Reproductive gynecology 201. Anatomy and histology of the female reproductive organs 202. Topography of the female pelvis 203. Congenital anomalies of female reproductive organs 204. Neurohormonal regulation of menstrual cycle 205. Abnormalities of menstruation (amenorrhoea, metrorrhagia, abnormal bleeding) 206. Dysmenorrhoea, premenstrual syndrome 207. Gynecological endocrine syndromes ( polycystic ovary syndrome, hyperprolactinemia) 208. Puberty and its disorders 209. Ectopic pregnancy 210. Family planning, contraception, IUD 211. Vulvitis, Kolpitis 212. Inflamation of the uterus 213. Pelvic inflamatory disease 214. Endometriosis 215. Basic examinations in infertility 216. Female infertility 217. Male infertility 218. Assisted reproduction 219. Habitual abortion – etiology, preimplantation diagnostics 220. Genital injuries 221. Gynecological inflamation in childhood 222. Pelvic floor defects 223. Urinary incontinence 224. Gynecological surgery – indication, care before and after surgery 225. Gynecological endoscopy 226. Perimenopause 227. Diagnostics of the acute pelvic pain 228. Therapeutic abortion, legal aspects 3) Oncogynecology 301. Vulvar and vaginal precancerosis 302. Vulvar malignant tumours 303. Vaginal tumours 304. Cervical and endometrial precancerosis 305. Cervical carcinoma 306. Benign ovarian tumours 307. Benign tumours of uterine body 308. Malignant tumors of uterine body 309. Hormonaly active tumours 310. Ovarian and Fallopian tube cancer 311. Breast dysplasia 312. Brest cancer 313. Gynecological tumours in childhood 314. Gestational trophoblastic disease 315. Radiotherapy in oncogynecology 316. Chemotherapy in oncogynecology 317. Hormonal therapy in oncogynecology 318. Radical, paliative and symptomatic therapy in oncogynecology 319. Malignant tumours during pregnancy 320. Fertility saving therapy of gynecological cancer 4) Practical skills 401. Patient history – gynekology, obstetris 402. Principles of the gynecological examination and its record 403. The health care during pregnancy 404. Prepartum examination, amnioscopy 405. Intrapartum examination 406. Hematological examinations in obstetrics and gynecology 407. Microbiological examinations in obstetrics and gynecology 408. Kolposcopy 409. Oncological and functional cytology 410. Ovulation examinations 411. Sperm count 412. Invasive methods of prenatal diagnosis 413. Cardiotocography 414. Ultrasound diagnostics in gynecology 415. Ultrasound diagnostics in obstetrics 416. Urodynamic examinations 417. Gynecologic examinations during childhood, vaginoscopy 418. Instruments in gynecology 419. Curretage of the uterine cavity 420. Hysterosalpingography 421. Imaging methods in senology, breasts selfexamination