VARIANT A 1) Among branches of nervus mandibularis doesn´t belong: a) n. alveolaris inferior b) n. lingualis c) n. n. zygomaticus d) n. buccalis e) n. mentalis 2) It is true, that: a) n. oculomotorius is the 4^th cranial nerve b) n. vestibulocochlearis is the 8^th cranial nerve c) n. facialis is the 5^th cranial nerve d) n. hypoglossus is the 9^th cranial nerve e) no answer is correct 3) Choose the incorrect statement: a) n. olfactorius is motor nerve b) n. trochlearis makes motor innervation of one extraocular muscle c) n. ophtalmicus arises from n. trigeminus d) n. accessorius innervates m. trapezius e) infrahyoid muscles are innervated by ansa cervicalis profunda VARIANT B 1) Among branches of nervus facialis doesn´t belong: a) n. petrosus major b) n. lingualis c) n. stapedius d) plexus intraprotideus e) all mentioned nerves are branches of n. facialis It is true, that: a) n. abducens je 4^th cranial nerve b) n. ophtalmicus je 3^rd cranial nerve c) n. trigeminus je 5^th cranial nerve d) n. glossopharyngeus je 12^th cranial nerve e) no statement is correct 3) Choose the correct statement: a) n. mandibularis makes motor innervation of masticatory muscles b) n. frontalis is branch of n. opthalmicus c) n. tochlearis arises from the posterior side of the brainstem d) n. hypoglossus makes motor innervation of muscles of the tongue e) all statements are correct