THE CEREBRUM (telencephalon) THE CEREBRUM (telencephalon) Developmentally most advanced part of the CNS The largest part of the brain, which gives shape and size Polus frontalis — — _ st Fissura longitudinalis -—jL'yf_Jmk cerebralis #j . / Lobus frontalis Sulcus centralis — Lobus parietalis-- Lobus temporalis----ips Sulcus---Vr" parieto-occipitalis Lobus occipitalis Polus occipitalis The outer structure of the cerebrum Cerebral hem\sphere(haemispheria cerebri): a pair component of the cerebrum - haemispherium dextrum and sinistrum, each hemisphere is consist of two basic parts: • pars basilaris: is formed by nuclei of grey matter located within the hemisphere, known as basal ganglia • pars pallialis: forms so-called pallium - mantle, which covers from above basal part, it contains grey matter, known as cerebral cortex and white matter, which lies on basal ganglia within hemisphere Ventriculus I Nucleus caudatus (Caput) Capsula interna —4 Genu capsulae internae Putamen Pallidum Crus posterius - Thalamus Nucleus caudatus (Cauda)-i Hippocampus ^|~|^lv Ventriculus I Crus anterius Capsula externa Claustrum Insula f- Radiatio optica • Cerebral hemisphere is antero-posterior elongated quarter-sphere, both hemispheres form together half-sphere • Right and left hemisphere are separated from each other in the median plane through a deep fissure (fissura longitudinalis cerebri) • The cerebral hemispheres are separated from cereberall hemispheres through transversally oriented fissure (fissura transversa cerebri) • We distinguish three surfaces on the hemispheres: fades inferior (inferior surface) fades mediaiis (inner surface) fades superolateralis (outer convex surface) Margo superior [súperom edialis] Sulcus centralis Sulcus intraparietalis I V;' Sulcus paneto-occipitaiis Sulcus et Fossa lateralis cerebralis i -.Ňurn lorgitudmalis cerebralis Cruasma opti Incisura p re-occipital i s PoluS tľ VT1 ■ iyn ri'lnlii tv. ^ ^ Gyrus rectus x Sulcus ollaclonu! Margo inferior [inferolateralis] Margo superior [superomedialis] - — Isthmus gyri cinguli Gyrus paraterminalis/ Gyrus temporalis inferior Margo medialis (i rife remedial is] jľŕn\Xil.!lr Tugonum i. il: Corpus rnamlare ^ -- Gyrus hippocampi. Uncus — Sulcus temporalis interior Peduncuius cerebri. Pare .interior ICrus ccrebrt] ___■ - Substantia nigra Sulcus temporalis interior rifenor ■ Gyrus hippocampi ** Gyrus occipitotemporal is {medialis et lateralis) "~ Collicuius superior v lltnmus gyri cmguh Corpus caliosum. Spier .-m s Gyrus lingua'^^fl Gyrus cingul» ^ Sulcus paneto-occipitalis PoluS occipitalis • on the bottom of fissura longitudinalis cerebri, there is corpus callosum (it presents the main and largest commissure of the cerebrum) The cerebral lobes IT Each hemisphere is divided into five lobes: Frontal lobe (lobus frontalis): touches the inner surface of the frontal bone- polus frontalis Parietal lobe (lobus parietalis): touches the inner surface of the parietal bone Occipital lobe (lobus occipitalis): touches the inner surface of the occipital bone- polus occipitalis Temporal lobe (lobus temporalis): touches the inner surface of the temporal bone Insular lobe (lobus insularis): is located within pit between temporal, frontal and parietal lobes (within fossa lateralis), it is not visible on the surface of the brain • The hemispheres are furrowed on their surface with numerous grooves (sulci) and there are created ridges (gyri), the process of forming grooves and ridges is called gyrification and serves for enlargement of surface of the cerebral cortex and icreasing the number of neurons, to the main grooves belong: • sulcus centralis • sulcus parietooccipitalis • fissura cerebri lateralis Lobus frontalis / Sulcus centralis / Lobus panetalis Polus — frontalis Fossa lateralis cerebralis Polus temporalis \ /Sulcus parieto-/ occipitalis --Polus occipitalis Lobus occipi'a'is Lobus temporalis Sulcus lateralis \ Incisura pre-occipitaiis Margo superior [súperom edialis] Sulcus centralis Sulcus intraparielalis Sulcus parietooccipital Sulcus el Fossa lateralis cerebralis *****> Incisure pre occipitalis Lobus frontalis Margo inferior [inferolat$rali${ Sulcus centralis Polus — frontalis Lobus parietalis /Sulcus parieto-/ occipitalis Fossa lateralis cerebralis Polus temporalis Polus occipital,: v* Lobus occipitalis Lobus temporalis ^ Incisura Sulcus lateralis Pre-occipitaiiS Internal structure of the cerebrum Cerebral cortex (cortex): outer layer of pallium, component of pars pallialis Body of white matter (corpus medulläre): inner layer of pallium, component of pars pallialis basal ganglia (striatum): structures corresponding to pars basilaris , | _ f 1- Cerebral cortex • Cerebral cortex is a layer of grey matter covering cerebral hemispheres • It forms the outer layer of pallium, it is gyrificated, its surface has circa 0.25 m2. Cerebral cortex contains 3-6 layers of neurons on the cross-section, • from morphological and phylogenetic aspects we distinguish the following sections of the cerebral cortex Allocortex (paleocortex, archicortex) Neocortex 1- allocortex • Phylogenetically oldest part of cerebral cortex • Three-layer structure- it contains three morfologically different layers of neurons, in human only about 5% of surface of cerebral cortex • from phylogenetical viewopoint, we distinguish two developmental stages of allocortex: a) paleocortex: original cerebral cortex, which presents so called olfactory brain (rhinencephalon), in human paleocortex occupies just about 1% surface of cerebral cortex (olfactory centre) b) archicortex: main component of so-called limbic system, it evolved as the seat of emotional reactions, emotion (instincts) are in lower vertebrates (partly in human as well) connected especially with smell (main source of information needed to orientation in environment), with whom has archicortex close anatomical relations (is located next to paleocortex, olfactory brain), archicortex covers in human only about 4% of surface of cerebral cortex on the base of hemispheres and in adjacent areas PALEOCORTEX 2. neocortex • developmentally younger part of cerebral cortex • It contains six morfologically different layers of neurons • In human neocortex covers circa 95% of surface of cerebral cortex and it is a seat of the highest control functions, the basic six-layer structure of neocortex differs at various places of hemispheres • We know so-called cytoarchitectonic maps dividing cerebral cortex into several areas with approximately the same internal structure, the most widely used is Brodmann s map, which divides (whole) cerebral cortex into 11 areas (regiones) and 52 surfaces (areae) • From the functional point of view, we can divide cerebral cortex into so-called functional areas of cerebral cortex -districts, which represent the seats of the highest processing and integration of motor and sensory information (motor cortex, sensory, visual, auditory etc.) Functional areas of the cerebral cortex • almost every functional area has two components - primary (it accepts information from receptors or emits commands for the muscle activity) and secondary (association) (it provides deeper analysis of specific functions and an integration with other cortical and subcortical- centres) The cortical motor centres • It is about the areas of cerebral cortex, whose neurons emit impulses for muscle activity • their axons therefore continue into lower levels of CNS as descending (motor) pathways • Within the cerebral cortex, there are especially located specific control areas for functions controlling striated muscle • primary motor area- voluntary movement- pyramidal tract • secondary (association) motor area- more complicated movements, preparation of movement • premotor area- preparation of motion - cooperation with movements of eye bulb T Supplementary motor cortex Frontal eye field Broca speech area Prefrontal cortex Frontal lobe cortex Primary auditory cortex Primary Central motor sulcus prjmary somatosem cortex seondary auditory cortex Olfactory bulb Temporal lobe Occipital lobe Cerebellum Spinal cord Primary Primary motor sensory cortex cortex Secondary sensory cortex Parietal cortex Parietal association cortex Secondary optical cortex Primary optical cortex Pons Medulla The cortical sensory centres • Accept information from skin receptors, about locomotor system and visceral organs through the sensory tracts • It goes about a centre of somatosensory system and viscerosensory system as well • primary sensory area- the sense of touch - damage = hypesthesia (a decrease in sensation) (gyrus postcentral is) • secondary (association) sensory area- less precise sensation - recognizing of objects through touch (parietal lobe - superior part of fissura lateralis) Fronta lobe Primary Central motor sulcus primary imatosensory rtex Parietal ^ lobe Olfactory bulb Tempora lobe Occipital lobe Cerebellum Spinal cord Primary Primary motor sensory cortex cortex Supplementary motor cortex Frontal eye field Broca speech area Prefrontal cortex Primary auditory cortex seondary auditory cortex Secondary sensory cortex Parietal cortex Parietal association cortex Secondary optical cortex Primary optical cortex Pons Medulla 4 The cortical sensory areas (in the stricte sense) • Centres of sensory perception (it goes about the specialized sensory organs) • information come from receptors within sensory organs through appropriate sensory nerves • Olfactory area • Gustatory area • Visual area • Auditory area • Vestibular area Primary motor cortex Skeletal muscle movement Motor association area (premotor cortex and supplementary motor |_cortex) Frontal lobe Prefrontal association area Coordinates information from other association areas, controls some behaviors Reasoning skills Tastß ÍGustatory ,asre cortex Smell J Olfactory cortex Primary somatic sensory cortex Parietal lobe Sensory association area Sensory information from skin, musculoskeletal system, viscera, and taste buds Visual association area Occipital lobe Visual cortex Vision Auditory association area Auditory cortex Temporal lobe Hearing Language centers speech (ability of language, spoken and written) is specific property only in human. We have two control centres-motor and sensory, which cooperate very closely and are interconnected through a bundle of nerve fibers (so-called fasciculus arcuatus) Both control centers are located within dominant (i. e. mostly left) hemisphere primary motor cortex Broca's area primary somatosensory cortex primary visual cortex primary auditory area Broca s (motor) cortical area- in right-handers in L-hemisphere, in left-anders in R-hemisphere • It is located in frontal lobe in front of primary motor cortex • This center controls movements of muscles, which are used by spoken speech and written speech as well, gives one the ability to express oneself • damage - you understand the speech, but you can't speek Wernicke s (sensory) cortical area - in dominant hemisphere • It is located in posterior part of temporal lobe, next to association auditory area, with which it has very close functional relation • It allows to understand to spoken speech also written speech (ability to read) and meaning of mimic expression (gesticulation) • damage - you don't understand the speech, you can speek but unintelligibly (you don't know what you are saying), you can make strenge shrieks and sounds 4 = The highest control centres • It goes about seats of highest functions, e.g. cortex of limbic system, which controls emotional behavior and memory, language centres... Association cortical areas • Here are integrated somatosensory, visual and auditory cortical areas • They are located in cortical areas of lobus parietalis, occipitalis, temporalis • Especially for human the main importance has so-called frontal association cortex which is located in anterior parts of frontal lobe and is interconnected with thalamus, limbic system and RF, here are realized the highest mental functions, here originates a sense of consciousness and self-confidence, • damage- apathy, emotional lability (frontal lobotomy) Limbic system • Seat of memory and source of emotion and motivation • Response of limbic system - affective behavior - fear, anger, aggression, plaesure, disgust • motivation - hunger, thirst, sexual and reproductive behavior • cortical structures (preservation of life and genus) • Nuclei within cerebrum- amygdala • Nuclei of diencephala and brain stem - nuclei of thalamus and hypothalamus • Connections of limbic system se»,umpelltdu"^^r-^ wu*»n«u» Limbic Gyrus \ | Intralimbic Gyrus | Fornix & in. er Arc Frontal lobe Thalamus Hippocampus Amygdala Hypothalamus Olfactory bulb Amygdala • The largest complex of grey matter, temporal lobe • Aferent information - from cortex (smell, taste) and from BG, hypotalamus and RF • Eferent information - hypotalamus, BG, thalamus, brain stem • Integration of sensory information - it is able to affect somato- and visceromotor systems • damage- calming- disorders of emotional experiences • irritation- increased attention, fear, anxiety, aggression 4 Limbic Hippocampus - damage - loss of ability to learn and to remember Hippocampus and fornix (limbic system) Papez circuit (James Papez 1939) Fruritäl lobe tr. mam mi Temporal lobe Cere be Hum ncl. mamillar cTanterio thalami fornix gyfus parahippocamp^rtjs hippocampus Amygdala Hippocampus it has not specific function Cingulate gyrus Fornix Retrosplenial cortex Orbitofrontal cortex Septal Area Pre-optic area Hypothalamus Brainstem projections of hypothalamus and Hippocampus amygdala "Limbic" areas 2. THE WHITE MATTER OF THE CEREBRUM • The white matter of the cerebrum is called corpus medullare, it is formed by numerous nerve fibers (tracts), which connect various places in hemispheres or lead from hemispheres into other parts of nervous system association tracts: tracts, which connect two different places in the same hemisphere, e.g. fasciculus arcuatus - tract connecting Broca's and Wernicke's centre of speech comissural tracts: tracts connecting two places in opposite hemispheres, they provide coordinated action of both hemispheres, the largest comissure is corpus callosum projection tracts: tracts connecting cerebral cortex with lower levels of CNS (or vice versa), they arise (or enter) from brain stem through crura cerebri into hemispheres and here they fanlike diverge to cortex - this fan-shaped structure is formed by nerve fibers and called - corona radiata Association tracts - connect variable distant cortical areas of hemisphere Short fibers Long fibers Fasciculo Longitudinal Superior Fasciculo do Cfngulo Fasciculo Unciforme Fasciculo Longitudinal Superior Fasciculo Longitudinal Inferior I Comissural tracts • Homotropic • Hetero tropic • corpus callosum Lobus frontalis, parietalis, occipitalis + auditory areas • commissura anterior Lobus temporalis, olfactory areas, regions of hippocampus • commissura posterior Posterior nuclei of talamus • commissura fornicis Gyrus hippocampi and regions of hippocampus Komisurální vlákna mozku ©2005 Debra T. Tyler komisura posterior ve středním mozku • forceps major (týlní) • temenní a spánková vlákna * forceps minor (čelní) • přední a zadní vlákna komisura anterior spojující spánkové laloky a bulbus otfactoiius Projection tracts - bundles of axons, form connection between cerebral cortex and lower located structures Short projection tracts Long projection tractss Capsula interna Ascending - lead sensory information, cross - radiatio talami, optica, acustica Descending - lead motor information, cross - tractus corticospinalis Motor ana of mrUx Gcnintbu ftbtrt Dttumiion cj pyramid* Antcleui coudttut) Thalamus subJontiformis «uns post c i. Rad'.itio acustica irs retrolentitormis cruris post C i Cauda nuclei ca udali Radiálo optica (Gratioleti) Cornu temporale ventnculi latorali Truncus corporis callosi Cr us anterius capsulae »it. - Tractus frontopontine Radiauo thaiami ant Corpus fomicis Genu capsulae ml Fibrae oorticospinaies Fibrae corticoret>cuiaros Fibrae corticorubrales Fibrae corticothalamicae Radiatio thaiami centralis Fibrae thalamopanetales Crus posterius capsulae int. Basal Ganglia Caudate nucleus Thalamus Splemum corporis callosi Globus paliidus (medial) Putamen (lateral) C c mo ■nttfw do wrtrícuOO lÄtOtJ™ *~* C«o«ca do -wcl*o ctudodo----, Tubéredo maeror da tílw--\ A Carpo do rxjcloo caudado-- Corte» da iwli---A lt>nt*cnr* ___'I in i Intomo__J.____ / Cjl.íi do write / ^ / ttudads — — — — / Como Inferior do vtn»iculO \*%r%\ " Mm. Conto potwrt» do twrtrlcuie l«t«r»lJ^^j / Cor?» r:r,««l-------_--' KMjO OOOriTA -MI von».čulo 4 3- BASAL GANGLIA It goes about large nuclei of grey matter, which are located laterally to thalamus, they are embedded into depth of white matter basal ganglia are functionally involved into motor neuronal circuits (like motor cerebral cortex, large nuclei of grey matter of mesencephalon and cerebellum) - basal ganglia are interconnected with all these parts They participate especially in forming of programs for intended movements, coordination betwen reflecting and intentional activity They are not able to generate input information for movement They are crucial for integration of motor functions They form together with cerebellum connection between sensory and motor system emotion, cognitive functions • Corpus striatum= nucleus caudatus + putamen • Nucleus lentiformis= globus pallidus (pallidum) + putamen • Claustrum • Nucleus amygdalae (almond), which is functionally involved in limbic system Gyrus frontalis superior ^ A. callosomarginalis Fissura longitudmalis cercbralis Gyrus cingul Gyrus frontalis medius Nucleus caudatus. Corpus v. Stna terminally Putamen Gyrus frontalis inferior — Gyri insulae — t Claustrum — — Gyrus temporalis superior —£ Globus pallidus lateralis — Globus pallidus medialis — Gyrus temporalis medius — Nucleus caudatus. Cauda — Corpus amygdaloideum - Gyrus temporalis inferior Hippocampus Gyrus " occipitotemporal lateralis Thalamus Gyrus occipitotemporalis medialis Corpus callosum, Truncus / Septum pellucidum / Ventriculus lateralis. Pars centralis s Fornix. Corpus Plexus choroideus ventriculi lateralis ^ Tela choroidea ventriculi tertii Plexus choroideus ventriculi tertii; Stria medullans thalamice Capsula extrcma — — Ventriculus tertius; Hypothalamus --Capsula externa --Laminae medulläres medialis et lateralis --Capsula interna --Tractus opticus Corpus mamillare " — A. cerebn posterior. Pars precommunicalis ** Ventriculus lateralis, Cornu temporale N. oculomotorius (III) N Cisterna interpeduncuiaris Cisterna pontocerebellaris. (Cisterna pontis) A. basiians C c mo ■nttfw do wrtrícuOO lÄtOtJ™ *~* C«o«ca do -wcl*o ctudodo----, Tubéredo maeror da tílw--\ A Carpo do rxjcloo caudado-- Corte» da iwli---A lt>nt*cnr* ___'I in i Intomo__J.____ / Cjl.íi do write / ^ / ttudads — — — — / Como Inferior do vtn»iCUlO \*%r%\ " Mm. Conto potwrt» do twrtrlcuie l«t«r»lJ^^j / Cor?» r:r,««l-------_--' POLO OCOřiTA -Ml V«n».CulO 4 Damage of basal ganglia Chorea- involuntary movements at rest and at motion as well, disappears in sleep Athetosis- slow twisting movements of the distal parts of extremities, grimaces, unclear speech Ballism- involuntary movements of large amplitude- flying movements Parkinsonism- muscle hypertonia, worsened motion, resting tremor disappearing in sleep, silent speech, small handwriting Brain ventricles Ventriculus lateralis - In hemispheres Foramen interventricular Ventriculus tertius - Between both thalamus Aqueductus mesencephali Ventriculus quartus - Between brain stem and cerebellum • liquor cerebrospinalis (150ml, daily 500ml) • apertura mediana et laterales ventriculi IV. - subarachnoid space Lumbar puncture Hydrocephalus Blood supply of the brain A. vertebralis A. carotis interna Venous dreinage Sinus durae matris THE FEMALE BRAIN FOOTNOTE: The 'VkA Oil into the Car" and 'Be Ourtc Dunnq the Game" alands arc active only when the 'SHINY THINGS AND DIAMONDS" OLFactory ha* been satisfied or when there is a shoe sale. THE MALE BRAIN CROTCH SCANNING QUESTIONS AT EXCUSES ALL COSTS" GLAND AREA FOOTNOTE: the "Listening to children cry in the middle of the night" gland is not shown due to it's small and underdeveloped nature. Best viewed under a microscope. Thank you for yout attention Mozek patří < _ ^ m ^lěkam jinam! W ■ • Obrázky: • Atlas der Anatomie des Menschen/Sobotta. Putz,R., und PabstjR. 20. Auflage. München:Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1993 • Netter: Interactive Atlas of Human Anatomy. • Naňka, Elišková: Přehled anatomie. Galén, Praha 2009. • Čihák: Anatomie I, II, III. • Drake et al: Gray's Anatomy for Students. 2010 It is true, that: 1 ganglion spinale lies on the anterior root of the spinal nerve 2 the posterior root of the spinal nerve contains only afferent fibers 3 from the spinal cord arise 32 pairs of the spinal nerves 4 cauda equina is located in the area of the cervical vertebral column 5 no answer is correct