Čeština pro cizince II
Týden 8
We continue studying Unit 8.
class book p. 69/7: we write NA words on lines, we do not forget to change the ending of Feminines!
For exercises p. 69/ 8, 9, 10 use the worksheet and write the answers. (Before you write the answers, you can pracise in work book p. 93/26 + 27)
69/11: Compare how we use the words DŮM, DOMŮ, DOMA, then practise in the work book p. 93/28.
work book p. 94/29: write the preposition we use with the cases.
class book p. 70, read the text 13 and 1) rewrite it using the future, then 2) in work book, p. 94 correct the sentences in ex. 31, 3) answer the questions in class book p. 70, ex. 14 and WRITE the answers on the worksheet.
Revise using ROPOTs:
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