Čeština pro cizince II

Týden 12

You continue with U 9 in Class book p. 75: U DOKTORA. Here you will need to learn some new words and phrases so I inslude their list. First, study the list, then work on the page 75 + recommended pages from the work book.

Marina calls the doctor´s office. Listen to a dialogue between Marina and a nurse (= zdravotní sestra). In the ex. 1 mark the statements according to who is speaking: M = Marina, S = zdravotní sestra.

Marina a sestra

Marina is at the doctor´s. Listen and do the ex. 2 (ANO/NE).

Marina a doktorka

Ex. 3: Complete the dialogue, then listen again and check your answers.

Work on the ex. 4 + work book p. 102, ex. 15, 16, 17.

New Grammar

In the previous dialogues you could see the important phrases used while speaking about health conditions:

1) BOLÍ MĚ HLAVA. = I have a headache. 

2) JE MI ŠPATNĚ.  = I am/feel sick. / I feel ill.

3) JE VÁM ŠPATNĚ? = Are you sick? / Do you feel ill?

In 1) the person who has a headache → JÁ is "hidden" in MĚ. "MĚ" is the accusative form of JÁ  and must be used with the verb BOLET to show who suffers from various piains. That means we CAN´T use the forms BOLÍM, ... to show who suffers from pains. The verb BOLET in the present tense always has ONLY form BOLÍ. If we speak about the past pains using the past tense, the verb BOLET appears in these forms: BOLEL, BOLELA, BOLELO, BOLELY depending on the part of the body which hurts, aches, NOT on the person who suffers from pains!

In 2) the person who feels ill → JÁ is "hidden" in MI. "MI" is the DATIVE form of JÁ  and must be used in this phrase with the verb JE ( the infinitive BÝT) to show who feels ill. (The full  dative case you will study later.)

In 3) the direct question is used to ask someone who we are formal with, that means VÁM is the dative form of VY.

2) + 3) → MI, VÁM + OTHER FORMS OF DATIVE you already studied in the unit 4, p. 34 while asking about the age (Kolik je vám? - Je mi 24. OR Mám sestru. Jmenuje se Ingrid. Je 14 let.) The phrase about feeling well/ill/sick/... uses the same dative construction.

All the accusative and dative forms  of personal pronouns you find in the grey box on p. 75. You need to learn them and after you practice first in the ex. 6, then in work book p. 102, ex. 18 - 22 + p. 103, ex. 23, 24, 25. Please do ALL exercises so that you can observe all sentences = context where these new constructions appear!

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