Čeština pro cizince II

Týden 9

In week 9 you will not continue in the class books but you will focus on oral revision of what you have learned so far. Two videos must be uploaded into Homework vaults.

1) VIDEO about yourself. Speak only Czech, do NOT read. Instructions are here:

2) VIDEO about your apartment:

You walk around your apartment and shoots the rooms and furniture describing them. You speak about what we can see, how big/small it is, what colour it is, if it is here or there. You also include information about what you do not have in a specific room, which room you do not have... 

Examples of sentences:

Tady je můj obývák, tam vzadu je velký hnědý gauč a malé okno.... V obýváku není lampa, ale je tam hezký obraz.

Tady je moje kuchyň. V kuchyni mám ledničku, ale nemám myčku. Mám nový sporák a tři židle.....

Nemám ložnici. Mám jenom jeden pokoj a koupelnu.....