Czech II: Distance learning (16. 3.—24. 5. 2020) for ALL GROUPS

Týden 5: Describing of Human body. What do we look like? Grammar: Personal pronouns in the accusative and dative. Medical Czech: Skeleton


Human body


Irregular nominative plural forms

  • textbook (page 73)

  • workbook (99/4 - complete the exercise and check your answers in the key)

Personal pronouns in the dative and accusative 

Listen and read

What do we look like

  • textbook (74/1,2 - listen to the dialogue and complete missing words)

  • textbook (74/4 - read the text and complete the name with the picture)

HOMEWORK (Submit the essay and worksheet to Homework Vaults)

1. Describe yourself how do you look like. Write min. 50 words.

2. Worksheet:

Medical Czech: Skeleton