Czech II: Distance learning (16. 3.—24. 5. 2020) for ALL GROUPS

Týden 9 - Revision 3

MOCK test

  • in case of any question about the content, tasks etc., contact your teachers
  • if you find any technical error, bug, please report it to Martin Punčochář (link)
  • ignore the "condition not met" evaluation after you submit, instead, choose "view" and on the left you will see your total points (passmark: 35, or 30, depends on number of HW submitted)
    • we are currently solving this bug with IT department



- Revise phrases Bolí mě…. + Je mi špatně (pronouns in accusative and dative case), accusative object-centered constructions. Prepositions with the accusative (na, pro, za).

Complete the worksheet. You can check your answers using the key.

Medicine Czech:


- Look at the pictures and describe each picture with 5 sentences. Then, answer the questions below. Record the descriptions and the answers and submit the voice recording into the Homework Vault.

Kdo je pacientka?

Co ji bolí?

Jaký je ten muž?

Kolik je mu roků?
