Czech for Foreigners II – FINAL EXAM – Spring 2020 1. Complete the sentence with the most suitable question word. Choose the expression from the menu. (6 points) Example: Kde/kam/odkud jdete v sobotu? – Kam jdete v sobotu? – Domů. · Choosing one of three question words. 2. Use the words in brackets in the correct form of the present, past or future tense. The word order must be correct. Do NOT use personal pronouns. (12 points) Example: Present (já – studovat): Studuju v Brně. (ty – mít, neg.): Dneska nemáš migrénu? · the present tense, the past tense and the future tense · the answer must be typed into the gap · hooks – č/c, lenghts – u/ú/ů; ortography – i/y are not part of the evalution; děkuji = dekuji = dekujy) 3. Complete the sentence with a suitable preposition. Choose the preposition, drag it and drop it into the gap. (6 points) Example: Jdu na – v – do kávu. · prepositions from 1st and 2nd semester 4. Complete the sentence with the most suitable expression. Choose the word, drag it and drop it into the gap. There four extra expressions that you do NOT need. (10 points) Example: POTŘEBUJETE – RÝMU – ŠPATNĚ Dobrý den, paní Malá, tak co potřebujete (0)? · vocabulary – u lékaře, v lékárně · A dialogue, 10 gaps, 14 words to choose from. 5. Match the halves of sentences. There are two extra endings that you do not need. Choose the expression from the menu. (6 points) Example: Bolí mě + ruka 0. Bolí mě a) ruka 1. Je mi b) špatně 6. Use the words in brackets in the correct form. Choose the form from the menu. (10 points) Example: Pracuju v Brno/Brna/Brně. · the nominative case, the accusative case (singular and plural), the locative case · Choosing one of three forms