Lesson 7 – Injuries and Accidents How to work with this guide * There are highlightings in your files * Whole word is highlighted → either you used completely wrong word, or a wrong word type (noun instead of adjective; it makes a difference in czech, even though it can be the same in english) – this is important mistake * Part of the word is highlighted → something is wrong with the grammar → this is slight mistake * Sometimes, because you use different inputs, I fail to highlight part of the word → follow this guide then Your writing is commented inside your files In the end of this guide, there is a summary of most typical mistakes to learn from 1 Fill in the missing expression. Start with the first letter. 1. Jaké ÚRAZY jste měl? - Jenom lehké OPAŘENINY / OMRZLINY / ODŘENINY. · What injuries did you have? – Just some slight … · You have to fill in something that o Starts with O o Is an injury o Could be in plural or neutre (lehké) o Going through vocabulary gives you only these three possible words · Why not: otoky (swellings)? – It is not an injury. 2. Co se vám STALO? - Několikrát jsem se ŘÍZNUL / ŘÍZL do prstu při vaření. · What happened to you? – I cut my finger several times when cooking. · Why not: říznutí (a cut wound)? – Because this sentence is missing a verb. · Why not: řezná (rána) (a cut wound)? – same reason 3. Kdy jste byl naposledy OČKOVÁN proti tetanu? - Před rokem. · When is the last time you were vaccinated against tetanus? · Why not: omdlít? – Fainting against tetanus (to fight it) is not a good idea… 4. Musíte si SUNDAT ten obvaz, chci se podívat na ránu. · You have to ____ the bandage. After you have to you can expect only the verb. And the only possible one is sundat. 5. Rána hodně krvácí. Musíme zastavit KRVÁCENÍ. Lehněte si tady na LEHÁTKO/LŮŽKO. · … we have to stop + a noun · Why not krvácet? – because there are two verbs for stop in czech language o Zastavit + noun (acc): to stop from motion/flowing… (you know this one from zastávka) o Přestat + verb (infinitiv): to stop doing something Přestal jsem kouřit = I stopped smoking. Přestal jsem jíst v McDonalds. = I stopped eating there. · Why is it lehátko/lůžko (acc) and not lehátku/lůžku (loc)? Because if tell someone Lay down here, the person is standing, so there is a motion → and as you know, when motion is involved, accusative is used (compare with: Jdu na pivo [motion, acc – going for a beer] × Jsem na pivu [being there, loc]) 6. Nebojte se, nebude to bolet, je to jenom ŠKRÁBNUTÍ/ŠKRÁBANEC. 7. Pacientka si CHLADÍ opařenou kůži vodou. · Or you can use past tense: CHLADILA · Why not chladit? Because verbs must be conjugated in order to work in a sentence. 8. Kdy jste byl naposledy OČKOVÁN proti tetanu? - Před rokem. · Why not OČKOVÁNÍ? Because it is a noun (you were a vaccination). · Why not OMDLÍT? Because than it means fainting against tetanus. (doesn’t look helpful when finghting tetanus, does it?) 9. Sestra vám to zranění OŠETŘÍ/OBVÁŽE. · Or you can use past tense: OŠETŘILA/OBVÁZALA (she will dress/bandage the wound) · Why not obléknout (in any form)? This means to dress/get dressed and it is used only about people and their clothes. 10. Rána se dobře HOJÍ a jizva bude malá. · The wound ___ well, scar will be small. A verb is needed. · Why not: hojit? Because verbs must be conjugated · Why not: hluboká? Hluboká rána = deep wound; but it doesn’t work here, because there is not any verb… 11. Zraněný nedýchá, musíme mu dát UMĚLÉ dýchání a udělat masáž SRDCE. · We have to give him ____ breathing. → umělé (artificial) · Why not: uvolnit? Because a) there already is a verb (have to give), b) you can loosen only respirátory tract (uvolnit dýchací cesty) 12. Při lyžování jsem spadl a měl jsem OTEVŘENOU zlomeninu na levé noze. · Typical grammar mistake here: otevřená < but there must be accusative (see below ex. 2) · Why not: ošetřit? Theoreticaly could be (and gramaticaly it works), the meaning is weird though: I felt and I was supposed to dress my left leg fracture… 13. Mám oteklé obě nohy. OTOKY na nohou jsou větší večer. · oteklé = swollen · So something on leg ARE bigger in the evening... → otok (a swelling) → must go to plural → OTOKY · Why not: otekly? Because this is a verb: ... got swollen · Why not otékají? Because this is a verb: ... are getting swollen 14. Pacient se praštil do hlavy a UPADNUL/UPADL do bezvědomí. · Petr bumped his head (lit. He „punched himself“ into the head) and [new sentence starts] into unconsciousness... → upadl/upadnul (see general comments at the end) 2 Complete the adjective in the correct form. · here you have to identify the verb (left sentence) and remember the adjective → then use the adjective · most of these sentences start with „má“ → someone has something → accusative must be used · yellow words are feminine → since you are filling in the adjectives, they end with „ou“ · those are two basic ways to speak about the injury in czech language o either you use the verb (you speak about what happened to you) § most of these verbs are happening to ONESELF (= SI) § zlomil si nohu = he broke his leg (lit. he broke leg to himself) § poranil si páteř = he injured his spine (lit. he injured the spine to himself) o or the adjective (you speak about the result, what you „have“) § gramaticaly it works the same ways as usual accusative § Mám nový telefon = I have a new phone § Mám zlomenou ruku = instead of a phone you now have „a broken arm“ 1. Při autonehodě si poranil páteř. Má PORANĚNOU páteř. 2. Při autohavárii si poškodil i lebku a míchu. Má POŠKOZENOU lebku a míchu. 3. Při lyžování si zlomil pravou nohu. Má ZLOMENOU pravou nohu. 4. Při sportu si vymknul kotník. Má VYMKNUTÝ kotník. * kotník is masculine (inanimate) = such words don’t change in accusative → Ý ending 5. Při fotbalu si natáhl sval na noze. Má NATAŽENÝ sval na noze. 6. Při pádu si vyrazil jeden zub. Má VYRAŽENÝ jeden zub. 7. Při vaření si popálil kůži. Má POPÁLENOU kůži. 8. Při pádu z kola si vykloubil rameno. Má VYKLOUBENÉ rameno. * RAMENO is neutre = such words don’t change in accusative → É ending 9. Vařil kávu a opařil si ruku. Má OPAŘENOU ruku. 10. Před pěti lety mě očkovali proti tetanu. Před pěti lety jsem byl OČKOVÁN/OČKOVANÝ proti tetanu. * in this time očkovaný is used in nominative because there is the být (BYL JSEM) → no accusative needed * but even this words may be used in accusative: Pro (this prep takes accusative) OČKOVANÉHO člověka není chřipka problém (flu isn’t any problem for a vaccinated person) 11. V teple mi otékají klouby. V teple mám OTEKLÉ klouby. * KLOUBY is plural = such words don’t change in accusative → É ending * noun: otok (a swelling) * adjective: oteklý (swollen) * verb: otékat/otéct, otečou, otekly: to swell, get swollen 12. Pořezal si ruku nožem. Má POŘEZANOU ruku. 13. Zranilo se několik lidí. Jsou tam ZRANĚNÍ lidé. * There are injured people (gramaticaly nominative plural: that is why the ending) * (we don’t test nominative plural forms, so if you fill in ZRANĚNÝ, ZRANĚNÉ, it is fine) 3 Describe the picture in 4 full sentences. Talk about the injury, what happened, what will doctors do… Typical mistakes in writing (also about other vocabulary issues) Everything about falling * Pád = a fall (noun) * How to use it: * Watching TV, skiing → To byl ošklivý pád. Pád z okna (from window) může být tragický. Spadnout (to fall, physicaly) * Babička spadla v koupelně. (really bad situation) < this is about where it happened * Spadl jsem z kola (off bike). < this is about the „departure point“ (z kola, z okna, z koně = off horse, ze schodů (from stairs) * Bratr spadl pod tramvaj (under the tram). < this is about the „destination point“ (where the person landed: pod tramvaj, pod vlak, pod auto * Spadl jsem na hlavu, na zadek, na ruce (on my head...) < this is about the body part that was landing first * Most typical landing place: Spadl na ZEM (on the ground, any ground: inside or outside), na podlahu (floor, only inside) Upadnout (to fall, into unconsiousness; or physicaly) * Pacient upadl do bezvědomí. * Babička upadla v koupelně. („better“ bad situation than „spadla“ – less intense) sešít × zašít: to stitch/suture grammar: sešiju, sešil jsem; zašiju, zašil jsem * both verbs have the same meaning in english, but in czech, it could be different * sešít = used for superficial wounds (lit. it means stitch together), such as cuts * zašít = used for deep wounds (lit. it means „close with stitching“), typicaly after surgeries * but many people use them as they wish, so you can do it as well říznutí × řezná rána × říznout se × pořezat se * říznutí = a noun: minor cut wound (as one word); used for example for slight injuries in kitchen * řezná rána = adjective + noun: cut wound (two words): used for more serious wounds, such as after * knife attacks * going through glass door * car accidents (damage from glass) * chain saw incidents říznout se = to cut oneself (used typicaly in the říznutí meaning: when cooking, shaving...) pořezat se = to cut oneself in multiple way (used in řezná rána meaning) krvácení × krvácet o krvácení = bleeding (noun), used as: masivní krvácení, zastavit krvácení o krvácet = to bleed § krvácím, krvácíš...; krvácel jsem § how to use it · krvácel jsem · + where from (blood was leaving your body) o Z + gen o z hlavy, z nosu, z tepny · + where to (blood was staying in your body) o DO + gen o do mozku, do břicha...