Czech for foreigners IV: oral part · the oral part will be taken through MS Teams app · camera, microphone and solid internet connection are necessary o if you don’t have it, you can sit the exam at the faculty where necessary equipment will be provided · informational tutorial will take place before the exam (date will be released soon): it is recommended to try it – to see whether everything works fine on your device/computer (seeing pictures in good resolution) Číslo Cvičení Body 1 Reading. Asking questions. 3 2 Describe the picture. Talk about the injury, what happened, what will doctors do… 5 3 Which instruction/information did the doctor use? 5 4 Talk about general topic 2 1. You will read a short text. Then you will ask questions based on the text. · Question will be on topics presented in TM4–8, with main focus on TM6–8. · Questions should be asked o in 2nd person plural (formal question asking the patient directly): Jak se cítíte? Jaké máte potíže? Not Jak se pacient cítí? o In 3rd person: for questions where it is possible to ask the patient directly: Co se stalo? Jaká je ta bolest? 2. Describe the picture. Talk about the injury, what happened, what will doctors do… · describing 5 pictures, 5 solid sentences must be given (regardless about how many pictures) · describing should be happening o in 3rd person (Ten muž spadl, zlomil si nohu) o in 1st person if you quote the patient (Muž říká: Spadl jsem, zlomil jsem si nohu.) 3. Which instruction/information did the doctor use? · giving instruction according to 5 pictures · instruction should be in instruction/imperative form 4. Talk about general topic · 1 topic will be randomly selected · Topics: o My life in Brno o Place, where I live (apartment, house: description) o My family: characteristics o Me and Masaryk university o My free time in Brno and in my country o Shopping, clothes, fashion o Travelling (your plans when it is available again; conditional description) o Brno and my city/town/village (comparison) o Czech republic and my country (comparison) o My routine in covid–19 times Evaluation a) information part: 30 points · one answer = 2 point; 15 answers = 30 points b) your pronunciation and overall (for all your answers) comprehensibility: scale 1–10 points 1 – almost incomprehensible, English pronunciation 5 – comprehensible without problems; partially czenglish pronunciation 10 – perfect pronunciation and comprehensibility c) grammar and communication (for all your answers): scale 1–10 points 1 – students answer in one word 2 – students answer in simple sentences (nominativ + verb + nominativ) 3 – students use verbs in second person (pacient se jmenujete) … 5 – students use pronouns in second person (about the patient: zvedá se vám žaludek) … 7 – students answer in structured sentences, use correct person and mostly correct cases … 10 – students answer in almost perfect sentences, minor grammar mistakes possible · grammar elements that haven’t been taught (e. g. most of plural declension) are not part of this evaluation · using wrong grammar ≠ penalization; using correct grammar = extra points → better grade