The Date To ask about the date we say: Kolikátého je dneska? What is the date today? Odkdy dokdy? From when until when? You can read the date in two ways, e.g. the date 3. 3. can be read: třetího třetí or třetího března. The day is an ordinal number in the genitive sg. (prvního, druhého…) and the month is a) an ordinal number in the nominative sg. (první, druhý…), b) full month name in genitive (ledna, března…). 1 Fill in and write the numbers in words. 1. Narodil jsem se __________________ ______. 2. Maminka má narozeniny __________________ ______ a tatínek __________________ ______. 3. Nechodím do školy od ________________ ______ (10. 3.) 2 Choose two public holidays in your country, tell us the date and explain shortly what the holiday is about. 1. _________________________________ 2. _________________________________ Ordinal numbers Ordinal numbers are declined like -Ý (except první and třetí) and -Í (první and třetí) ADJECTIVES. As adjectives, they have to be changed in a form of required case (like any other adjective, after the verb or preposition). If we write ordinal numbers using numerals, we always write a dot after them. In everyday spoken language we reverse the word order of cardinal and ordinal numbers, e. g. 21 – dvacet jedna or jednadvacet, 21. - dvacátý první or jednadvacátý. To practise this, use the ROPOTs.