Adobe Systems Czech VIII – Final exam (online test + oral) 21. 5. 2020 Please turn your microphones off. Adobe Systems Online test: organisation ̶ROPOT test (50 points; passmark: 35 or 30 points, depends on your HW) ̶You have to book the date for the online test ̶Dates are on IS ̶The ROPOT will be available for students enrolled for each date only ̶Results will be available within 3 days in special notebook Adobe Systems Online test: going through ̶The ROPOT will be open for 25 minutes only ̶Do not forget to click SUBMIT, once you are done with your answers ̶Can be found on the left side of your screen when the ROPOT is open ̶Use „Save and continue“ option as well in case you do not have stable connection Adobe Systems Online test: going through ̶In IS environment (link) ̶Open the ROPOT to make sure you are (technicaly) able to complete the tasks on your desktop or browser Adobe Systems Oral presentation: WHAT to do? ̶Prepare the presentation – audio Slide show ̶two parts ̶Brief case report of the patient ̶Characteristics of the disease Adobe Systems Oral presentation: Evaluation ̶Brief case report of the patient: up to 22 points ̶Characteristics of the disease: up to 18 points ̶pronunciation and comprehensibility: up to 10 points ̶1 – almost incomprehensible, pronunciation influenced by a foreign language ̶5 – fully comprehensible, less frequent deficiencies in pronunciation ̶10 – perfect/natural pronunciation and comprehensibility ̶passmark: 35 points Adobe Systems Brief case report of the patient Adobe Systems Characteristics of the disease Adobe Systems Oral presentation: HOW to do it? ̶prepare a written presentation ̶use words; not long sentences, no paragraphs ̶use your own words (use language understood by fellow Czech non-native speakers and the non-professional public) ̶copying passages from Wikipedia, Google or any online source will not be accepted ̶simplifying or paraphrasing is acceptable ̶ ̶record your commentary ̶do not read the slides, comment over them ̶do not read the comment, speak as normaly; you will be recorded along with your commentary ̶ ̶ ̶ Adobe Systems Preparing the presentation 1 ̶you have to use a software for presentations that allows you imbed voice records ̶MS Powerpoint (license for free by MUNI) ̶ ̶works on desktops in MS Windows, macOC ̶works on phones/tablets in iOS, Android, Windows ̶ ̶in case you do not have any device with OS mentioned above (e. g. you use linux), contact me for further help ̶ Adobe Systems Preparing the presentation 2 Adobe Systems ̶Open your presentation ̶ ̶ Preparing the presentation: step 1 Adobe Systems ̶Go to „presentation“ ̶ ̶ Preparing the presentation: step 2 Adobe Systems •Choose „record my presentation“ •It doesn‘t matter what option you choose (record from actual slide or record from the beginning) because your are on the first slide Preparing the presentation: step 3 Adobe Systems •Press „record my presentation“ •It will get you to this screen Preparing the presentation: step 3 Adobe Systems •Make sure your microphone and camera are on (right bottom corner) Preparing the presentation: step 4 Adobe Systems •When you are ready, press RECORD and after 3 seconds, start speaking… Preparing the presentation: step 5 Adobe Systems •When you are done, press STOP and with ESC key, go back to the presentation.; Preparing the presentation: step 6 Adobe Systems •When you are done, press STOP and with ESC key, go back to the presentation •You will see your presentation has a new content: video of you commenting on your slides Preparing the presentation: step 7 Adobe Systems •When you Start you presentation, the slides will go on with your audio content over the, Preparing the presentation: step 8 Adobe Systems ̶Martina Punčochářová, 1. 1. 1981, Brno ̶RA: rodiče žijí, matka zdravá, otec vysoký krevní tlak, nadváha ̶RA: 3 prarodiče žijí: cukrovka, vysoký tlak; dědeček zemřel na selhání srdce ̶OA: v dětství spalničky, plané neštovice; zlomená klíční kost, problémy s játry (hyperbilirubinémie) ̶menses od 13, cyklus pravidelný, 2 porody (spontánní), děti zdravé Family History, Personal History (including GA in woman) Presenting the patient Adobe Systems ̶Other information Other topics Presenting the patient Adobe Systems Questions from online session ̶ Adobe Systems Mock test timing ̶You should complete the test within 25 minutes. ̶The ROPOT stays open from 10:00—10:30 (30 minutes) — to avoid connection issues ̶Do not forget to press SUBMIT after you are done. Adobe Systems What if I have any connections problems during my online test? ̶ ̶You can use the „Save and continue“ option ̶This saves your answers even thought you are not able to submit your final answer. ̶ ̶If the connection fails completely. ̶Do not worry, you will not lose the attempt, you will just have take another date. Adobe Systems Do I have to use the camera or just audio? ̶Use the camera, we want to see you. J ̶Using the camera also makes us sure you are not simply reading you comments from the paper, what we are interested in is your actual language skills. Adobe Systems Does the presentation have to be done in "one take" or can you record video for each slide? ̶This or that, both are ok. Adobe Systems What's the deadline for the "oral" part? ̶Two weeks after you pass the written online test. ̶Your teachers will tell you where they want you to upload your presentations.