Internal Medicine (Physical Examination) Overall Condition of the Patient MUDr. Andrea Křivanová – IHOK FN Brno + LF MU Brno „STATUS PRAESENS“  Main „objective“ findings: ⚫ Blood Pressure (norm. to 139/89 mm Hg) ⚫ Periferal Puls (frequency, regular/irregular, norm: 60- 90/min) ⚫ Body Temperature - fever – more than 38 stC, „subfebrilie“ – 37-38 stC ⚫ Frequency of breathing ⚫ Hight ⚫ Weight Consciousness  Disturbances of consciousness ⚫ Quantitative disturbances: ⚫ short duration– SYNCOPE ⚫ long duration  SOMNOLENCE – patient is sleepy, but can be awakened  SOPOR (STUPOR) – patient is in deep sleep, cannot be fully awakened, but reacts on strong painful stimuli  COMA – complete alteration of consciousness, reflexes are diminished or lost  Qualitative disturbances: disturbances of sleeping, hallucinations, delirium, agitation, orientation of WHO…, WHERE… and WHAT DATE…….etc Position, Abnormal Movements and Body Habitus  Active position  Pasive position  Obligatory posture  Disturbances of Gait  Tremor (shaking)  Convulsions Position – abnormal (Obligatory posture) Ortopneic – sitting position with the head propped up with pillows (left heart insufficiency) Restless, unquiet – the patient is restless, changing position, unquiet (colica biliaris, colica renalis) Supine position – the patint prevents movements (peritonitis) Lying on one side – the patient is lying on the side of pathological process trying to reduce pain from the breathing motion of the affected side (pleuritis) „on all four extremities" – the patient reduces pain from intraabdominal tumors (tumor of pancreas) Obligatory posture ⚫ Ortopneic posture ⚫ Pasive posture Body Habitus ⚫ Normostenics ⚫ Astenics (lean, slender people) ⚫ Pycknics (hyperestenics, obese people) ⚫ Cachexia – patological weight loss Changes in Voice and Disturbances of Speach  A coarse voice (hypothyreoidism)  Aphonia – a complete loss of speach  Aphasia – an inability to form words (cerebral damage)  Dysarthria (a defect in articulation) Moisture and Color of Skin and Skin Eruptions  Pallor (anaemia, decreased number of red cells)  Jaundice (icterus, increase level of bilirubin in blood)  Cyanosis (violet coloration, when reduced blood hemoglobin exceeds 50g/l)  Rashes  Bleeding into the skin  Edema (swelling) Skin Colour  Pallor  ANEMIA Raynaud´s disease (decreased flow in small arteries) „Rubor“ – redness of the skin Cyanosis – violet to bluisch coloration of the skin heart or/and pulmonary disease Icterus (Jaundice)  Liver disease Icterus (Jaundice) Disorders of Pigmentation – Lack of Pigment  Local – vitiligo  Global - albinism Increased skin pigmentation Disease of veins Hypocorticolism Skin pathological formations Macula = flat Papula = prominent Vesicula = blister Pustula = blister with infection Skin Bleeding Petechiae – decreased number of trombocytes Suffusions, ecchymoses – flat, larger areas Hematoma – collection of blood that extends into deeper tissuees Skin Turgor Dehydratation (decreased skin turgor) Sweling (Edema) Accumulation of fluid (heart disease, liver disease atc..) Swelling (Edema) Disease of vessels Nails Nails in patients with pulmonary and/or heart disease onychomykosis (fungi)