Exam questions of Clinical Introduction Surgery 1. Accident, injury, trauma care organization. 2. Mass injuries, plan for trauma care. 3. Transportation of injured – methods and positions. 4. Examination of an injured patient – ABCDE approach. 5. Immediate and subsequent complications of injuries. 6. Delayed complications of injuries, complicating diseases. 7. Injuries – classification, characteristics. Tetanus prevention. 8. Wound healing and complications. 9. First aid for arterial or venous bleeding. 10. Wound care outside the hospital, surgical treatment. 11. Injuries to blood vessels and nerves. 12. Injuries to muscles and tendons. 13. Injuries to joints. 14. Injuries to bones, diagnosing fractures. 15. Classification of fractures. 16. Fracture healing and complications. 17. Conservative treatment of fractures. 18. Surgical treatment of fractures. 19. Open fractures. 20. Fracture complications, compartment syndrome. 21. Bandages, splints, orthoses. 22. War surgery – organization and general principles, classification of patients, gunshot wounds. 23. Blast injury, crush syndrome. 24. Burns – classification, extent, overall response. 25. Local and general treatment of burns. 26. Overheating, sunburn, cooling down, frostbite, acid and lye burns. 27. Electrical and lightning injuries. Drowning. 28. Bite wounds, rabies. 29. Basics of surgical oncology – surgery in oncology, complex treatment of malignant tumors. 30. Immunology in surgery and transplantation. 31. Asepsis and antisepsis, disinfection, sterilization. 32. Surgical infections, distribution, dissemination. 33. Diagnosis and treatment of surgical infection and sepsis. 34. Hospital-acquired infections, prevention. 35. Post-operative wound infections and systemic infections. 36. Most common infections of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, Gram-positive infections. 37. Colostridium, Gram-negative, specific, and parasitic infections. 38. Septic diseases of the fingers and hand, surgical treatment. 39. Antibiotics in surgery – prophylaxis and treatment. 40. Body’s reaction to surgery (trauma). 41. Disorders of the body’s internal environment, and acid-base homeostasis. 42. Enteral nutrition, basic diets. 43. Principles of infusion therapy and parenteral nutrition. 44. Examination of a patient with acute abdomen (clinical + paraclinical). 45. Case history of acute conditions in surgery – acute abdomen, accidents. 46. Operative and conservative treatment, indication and contraindication for surgery, classification of surgeries. 47. Preoperative preparation of the patient. 48. Perioperative period. 49. Total anesthesia, risks and complications. 50. Local anesthesia, its types, the main types of local anesthetics, complications. 51. Securing the patency of the airway. Endotracheal intubation. 52. Types of operating theatres, their location, structure, equipment, devices, and hygienic regime. 53. Surgical teams, their preparations for surgery, surgical documentation. 54. Positioning the patient for surgery, complications, preparation of the surgical field. 55. Surgical technique – skin cut, surgical approaches, physiological operations, drains. 56. Stopping bleeding during surgery, preparation. 57. Tissue suturing, suture materials. 58. Amputation of limbs, exarticulation, replantation. 59. Flaps in plastic surgery. 60. Skin and tissue transplantation in plastic surgery. 61. Terminology and characteristics of basic types of surgical procedures. 62. Coniotomy (cricothyrotomy) and tracheotomy. 63. Urinary retention, catheterization. 64. Post-operative care. 65. Post-operative complications. 66. Pressure ulcers. 67. Obtaining venous access. 68. Transfusion preparations, replacement solutions. 69. Transfusion technique, transfusion with pressure infusion bag 70. Complications of blood transfusion. 71. Shock – classification, patophysiology. 72. Clinical picture of shock. 73. Treatment and consequences of a shock. 74. Hemorrhagic shock, measures in massive blood loss. Traumatic shock. 75. Thromboembolic disease. 76. Embolism, its types, symptoms, treatment, and prevention. 77. Treatment of an unconscious patient. 78. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation. 79. Rehabilitation. 80. Pain management. 81. Legal liability, AMA (against medical advice). Internal medicine 1. Medical documentation 2. Examination of the heart in general 3. Endoscopy of the digestive tract – indication 4. Patient´s history 5. Systolic murmurs (mitral insufficiency, aortic stenosis) 6. Examination of the intestines 7. Physical examination 8. Diastolic murmurs (mitral stenosis, aortic insuffiency) 9. Imaging methods for GIT investigation (X ray, ultrasound, CT, MRI) 10. Oedema – in general 11. Heart sounds 12. Examination of the liver and gall bladder 13. Disorders of consciousness 14. Examination of the pancreas 15. Body temperature, fever 16. Measurement of blood pressure, hypertension and hypotension 17. Examination of the head and neck, goiter 18. Physical examination of the cardiac patient 19. Examination of the liver and spleen, portal hypertension 20. Examination of the chest inspection and palpation 21. Jaundice 22. Examination of the chest 23. Physical examination of the respiratory tract 24. Examination methods in cardiology 25. Examination of the kidneys 26. Cough 27. Physiological electrocardiogram, basics pathology 28. Pathological changes in urine quantity and composition 29. X-ray examination of the heart and vessels 30. Basic examination of urine 31. Examination of the chest: percussion and auscultation. 32. Stress tests in cardiology 33. The principle of haemodialysis 34. Mediastinal syndrom 35. Echocardiography 36. Basic biochemical analysis of blood and normal values: : glucose, electrolytes BUN, urea, creatinine, liver function tests, lipids, CRP 37. Pulmonary syndromes - physical findings (inflammation, pneumothorax, effusion, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) 38. Radionuclide assessment of pulmonary circulation 39. Blood groups, blood transfusion 40. Examination of the lungs – X – rays, endoscopy, biopsy, cytology, bacteriology 41. Invasive examination methods in cardiology 42. Blood count (basis parameters), bone marrow examination 43. Defibrillation, cardioversion, pacing of the heart 44. Examination methods in endocrinology 45. Pleural effusion aspiration 46. Examination of the arterial system 47. Chest pain 48. Examination of the venous system 49. Examination methods in diabetology 50. Bacteriological examinations, specimen collection 51. Examination of lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes 52. Cyanosis 53. Physical examination of the abdomen 54. Acid-base and water balance disorders 55. Dyspnoea 56. Abdominal pain: acute, chronic 57. Examination of the musculoskeletal system 58. Lung endoscopy 59. Examination of the abdomen: inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation 60. Pain in the back and extremities 61. Spirometry 62. Dyspepsia, vomiting, diarrhoea 63. Life threatening conditions (examination, CPR)