Internal Medicine (Physical Examination) Examination of the Locomotor system and of the Peripheral Vessels -extremities MUDr. Yvona Pospíšilová - IHOK FN Brno a LF MU Brno MUDr. Andrea Křivanová, Ph.D. - IHOK, FN Brno Examination of the LOCOMOTOR SYSTEM AND THE PERIPHERAL VESSELS - extremities o CHANGES OF THE SKIN o EXAMINATION OF THE LOCOMOTOR SYSTEM • Joints • Spine o EXAMINATION OF THE PERIPHERAL VESSELS • Arteries • Veins • Lymphatic vessels Examination of the PERIPHERAL VESSELS - arteries • Upper extremities • A. radialis (radial artery) always • A. radialis (radial artery) • A. ulnaris (ulnar artery) A. brachialis (brachial artery) • A. axilaris (axillary artery) • Lower extremities All of them always • A. femoralis (femoral artery) • A. poplitea (popliteal artery) • A. tibialis posterior (posterior tibial artery) • A. dorsalis pedis (dorsalis pedis artery) Examination of the PERIPHERAL VESSELS - arteries • Cyanosis - ischaemic disease of the lower extremities (ischaemic peripheral vascular disease) Examination of the PERIPHERAL VESSELS - arteries Examination of the PERIPHERAL VESSELS - arteries • Raynaud's disease (spasm of small arteries, often with rheumatic or immunologic diseases) Examination of the PERIPHERAL VESSELS - veins (varices) Examination of the PERIPHERAL VESSELS - veins Varices - varicosity (primary or secondary after deep venous thrombosis Examination of the PERIPHERAL VESSELS - veins Phlebectases (venectases) - „small broomlets" - only a cosmetic defect Examination of the PERIPHERAL VESSELS - veins • Post-phlebotrombotic or post-phlebitic syndrome (after repeated deep venous phlebotrombosis or phlebitis) Examination of the PERIPHERAL VESSELS - ulcers Veins (medial part) Arteries (lateral part) Examination of the PERIPHERAL VESSELS - veins + arteries • Phlegmasia cerulea dolens (acute massive phlebotrombosis of v. femoralis) r Examination of the PERIPHERAL VESSELS - lymphatic vessels Non-pitting oedema, (primary or secondary defficiency) Examination of the JOINTS o Coxa vara o Genua vara and valga VARA (0) VALGA (X) Examination of the JOINTS Arthritis - inflammation or Arthrosis - degeneration • Dolor Calor • Rubor • Tumor (edema, sweling, osseal hyperplasia, accumalation fluid, thickening of the synovial membrane and capsule of the joint) Functio laesa Examination of the JOINTS • Arthritis - inflammation or Arthrosis - degeneration • Dolor Calor • Rubor • Tumor Functio laesa Examination of the JOINTS • Arthritis - inflammation or Arthrosis -degeneration Heberden's nodes - arthritis Bouchard's nodes - arthrosis Examination of the JOINTS • Deformities o - pathlogic position or pathologic configuration of the articulating bones o - nodes (knots) Examination of the SPINE o Inspection at rest o Skoliosis (dextro x sinistro) o Kyphosis x lordosis Examination of the SPINE o Inspection at rest o Skoliosis (dextro x sinistro) o Kyphosis x lordosis o Gibbus (humpback) KYPHOSIS Kyphotic spine Normal spine Examination of the SPINE o Inspection at rest o Skoliosis (dextro x sinistro) o Kyfosis x lordosis o Gibbus Examination of the Spine o During motion • Thomayer's distance test o patient bends forward with knees extended and tries to touch the ground with the fingertips o normal findings: to 10 cm between the floor and the fingertips • Shober's distance test o in an upright patient 10 cm are measured proximally from the intersection between the posterior midline and a line connecting both superior posterior iliac spines o normal findings: after leaning forward the distance is at least 4 cm longer Examination of the Spine o During motion • Lateroflexion • Stibor's distance test o in an upright patient the distance are measured between the intersection between the posterior midline and a line connecting both superior posterior iliac spines and the spinous process of the C7 vertebra o normal findings: after leaning forward the distance is at least 6 cm longer