Introduction to clinical gastroenterology Šramková Michaela M.D., Poredská Karolína M.D. History GIT symptoms  dyspepsia  dysphagia  nausea  vomiting  pyrosis  diarrhoea  constipation  flatulence, meteorism  weight loss (how much? time range? on purpose? another consequences – infection, tonsillitis, dental problems..)  GI bleeding (hematemesis, melena, enterorrhagia/hematochezia)  jaundice Pain  localization  radiation  duration, beginning of problems  sudden/ gradual/ continuous/ intermittent/ crampy  precipitating or alleviating factors  dietary mistake (alcohol, fatty, spicy, sour, peppery.. food)  visceral/somatic  deep/superficial Clinical examination  right position - patient lies on back with relaxed abdominal wall musculature (head and knees supported on small pillow, arms at the sides)  inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation, DRE/per rectum!  1.question – Does it hurt anywhere? – and we start the examination on the other side; at first superficial, than deep palpation  ascites, hernia – better to examine standing  scars, herniation, hematoma, discoloration, striae...  acute abdomen signs – defénse musculaire, Blumberg, Rowsing, Plenies signs  McBurney´s point, Murphy sign, Courvoisier sign Laboratory tests  biochemistry: Na, K, Cl, Ca, Mg, P, urea, creatinine, bilirubin, liver enzymes – ALT, AST, GGT, ALP, amylase, lipase, albumin, total protein, glucose, CRP  hematology: full blood count, coagulation/blood clotting tests  microbiology: stool (Clostr. difficile, Salmonella, Campylobacter, Yersinia.., rotavirus, norovirus, adenovirus, parasites), ascites, aspiration from abscess, H.pylori sensitivity for ATB  serology : hepatitis A,B,C,E, EBV, CMS, immunoglobulins, autoantibodies for diagnostic IBD (ANCA, ASCA), celiac disease (DGP, tTG, EMA), autoimmune hepatitis (ANA, ANCA, ASMA, LKM..), H.pylori antigen in stool, faecal calprotectin  immunohistochemistry : faecal occult bleeding test (FiOK/TOKS) Special methods  urea breath test – diagnostic of H.pylori infection Histology  liver biopsy, endoscopic biopsies, cytology from ascites.. Imaging methods  X-ray of abdomen – ileus? pneumoperitoneum?  ultrasonography of abdomen – free fluid? inflammatory focus – cyst/abscess? pathological lymph nodes? cholecystolithiasis? cholecystitis? appendicitis? v.portae thrombosis? malignancy? metastasis? - image of pancreas in sonography is often limited (because of its position)  ultrasonography of intestine  CT of abdomen/pelvis (CT of pancreas for staging acute pancreatitis)  MR of abdomen/ pelvis  CT/MR enterography modification  virtual CT colonography  skiascopy – passage of contrast fluid through upper GIT, defecography  enteroclysis, irigography Endoscopic procedures  gastroscopy – from mouth to D3  colonoscopy – from rectum to terminal ileum  enteroscopy – push enteroscopy, double-balloon enteroscopy - examination of whole small intestine  capsule endoscopy – video record of passage through whole digestive tract  ERCP (endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography) – examination of biliary/pancreatic duct systems with contrast fluid and skiascopy  EUS (endoscopic ultrasonography) – esophagus, stomach, pancreas, biliary ducts, transrectal EUS - evaluate depth of submucous invasion, pathological lymphadenopathy if there is malignancy suspicion - evaluate dilatation of biliary and pancreatic duct system, lithiasis, focal inflammation – cyst/pseudocyst, malignancy  esophageal pH-metry, 24h esophageal impedance – diagnostic of GE reflux disease  esophageal / anorectal manometry – evaluation of motor function of esophageal/anal sphincters Endoscopic methods - interventions  polypectomy  ligation of esophageal/ gastric subcardial varices  sclerotherapy of varices (Aethoxysclerol – tissue glue)  balloon dilatation of strictures  GI bleeding treatment – injection – Adrenalin - mechanic – clips - hemospray (inorganic powder) - thermic – APC (argon plasma coagulation)  PEG insertion (percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy) – nutrition for patients with ORL malignancy, malign/benign esophageal strictures, after strokes, severe stadium of dementia  EUS – navigated transgastric drainage of pancreatic cyst/pseudocyst  ERCP – lithiasis extraction, stent insertion, biopsy Thank you for your attention! Sources: DAMJANOV Ivan, Pathophysiology, 1st Edition, A STUDENT CONSULT Online, 2009, ISBN 978-1416002291 ŠPINAR Jindřich et al., Propedeutika a vyšetřovací metody vnitřních nemocí, 2.vydání, GRADA, 2013, ISBN 978-80-247-4356-1 CHROBÁK Ladislav et al., Propedeutika vnitřního lékařství, 3.vydání, GRADA, 2007, ISBN 978-80-247-0617-7