Breast cancer Peter Grell, Miloš Holánek Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University Brno The 10 Most Common Causes of Cancer Death: 2012 Estimates Total Number and Percentage of Deaths from Cancer per Year, Worldwide Bowel including anus, ICD 10 C18-C21 Please include the citation provided in our Frequently Asked Questions when reproducing this chart: Prepared by Cancer Research UK Original data sources: Ferlay J, Soerjomataram I, Ervik M, Dikshit R, Eser S, Mathers C, Rebelo M, Parkin DM, Forman D, Bray, F.GLOBOCAN 2012 v1.0, Cancer Incidence and Mortality Worldwide: IARC CancerBase No. 11 [Internet]. Lyon, France: International Agency for Research on Cancer; 2013. Available from:, accessed on 16/01/2014. Cancer rates in Czech republic An individual woman in Czech Republic has a 1-in-10 chance of developing breast cancer over an 80-year lifespan Incidence nad mortality in Czech Republic Source: You are welcome to reuse this Cancer Research UK statistics content for your own work. Credit us as authors by referencing Cancer Research UK as the primary source. Suggested style: Cancer Research UK, full URL of the page, Accessed [month] [year]. Breast Cancer (C50): 2011-2013 Average Number of New Cases Per Year and Age-Specific Incidence Rates per 100,000 Population, Females, UK Age-specific incidence of breast cancer Clinical signs what does a patient show up with ?? • Resistance in breast – most often in upper lateral quadrant • Skin edema • Erythematic skin • Skin retraction, ulceration • Inverted nipple • Usually painless • General symptoms: asthenia, weight loss, dyspnea Clinical signs Lump Large resistance Skin retraction Skin edema and erythema Orange peel skin inflammatory breast cancer Inverted nipple Risk factors or Can I do something to prevent cancer? Risk factors • Positive family history: breast cancer in 1st grade relatives – One relative 1.5 to 2.0 times risk – Two relatives 5.0 times • Early onset of menarche: earlier than 12 years • Late onset of menopause: after age of 55 • Nulliparity • Combined hormonal substitution (after menopause) • Smoking, lack of physical activity, alcohol (shift work?) • Benign breast afections: Atypical ductal hyperplasia • Genetic factors, responsible for 5-10 % of breast cancers Genetic risk factors • BRCA1 a BRCA2 genes – responsible for DNA reparation - Homologous recombination • Risk of breast cancer in woman with BRCA1 mutation is 80%, ovarian canrer 60%, with BRCA2 mutation 80%, and 25% respectively • Only prevention is bilateral mastectomy + salpingo- oophorectomy Diagnostics how do WE find out ?? ?? Initial diagnosis • Case 1: • 62 year old women • New resistance in left breast (upper top quadrant) • Overall in good shape • What studies to perform?? • TNM staging Mammography • Screening and diagnostic tool for breast cancer • Very sensitive a specific for breast cancer • Cheap • Measuring of primary tumor (in mm) – T stage • Diagnosis of local lymphatic nodes – N stage • Sometimes accompanied by ultrasound or breast MRI Breast cancer staging T classification Tumor size, characteristic T0 No evidence of primary tumor. T1 Tumor ≤20 mm in greatest dimension. T1a Tumor >1 mm but ≤5 mm in greatest dimension. T1b Tumor >5 mm but ≤10 mm in greatest dimension. T1c Tumor >10 mm but ≤20 mm in greatest dimension. T2 Tumor >20 mm but ≤50 mm in greatest dimension. T3 Tumor >50 mm in greatest dimension. T4 Tumor of any size with direct extension to the chest wall and/or to the skin (ulceration or skin nodules) T4a Extension to the chest wall, not including only pectoralis muscle adherence/invasion. T4b Ulceration and/or edema (including peau d'orange) of the skin, which do not meet the criteria for inflammatory carcinoma. T4c Both T4a and T4b. T4d Inflammatory carcinoma. Looking for distant metastases • M stage • Performing studies for: – Chest: X-ray, CT scan – Abdomen and pelvis: ultrasound, CT scans – Whole body – PET or PET/CT, wb CT – Bones – scintigraphy – Brain – MRI or CT Stage T N M I T1 N0 M0 IIA T0 N1 M0 T1 N1 M0 T2 N0 M0 IIB T2 N1 M0 T3 N0 M0 IIIA T1-3 N2 M0 T3 N1 M0 IIIB T4 Any N M0 IIIC Any T N3 M0 IV Any T Any N M1 Stage 5-year Survival Rate I 95% IIA 85% IIB 80% IIIA 67% IIIB 41% IIIC 49% IV 15% Breast cancer staging Case 1 • 62 years old • Left breast cancer 22mm - T2 • 2 pathologic lymphatic nodes in left axila – N1 • No distant metastases – M0 • TNM: T2 N1 M0 • Stage IIB • What is next? Histology what are we dealing with?? Histology • Morphology: – Ductal (85%), lobular, medullar, mixed • Grade of differentiation – G1(good)-G3(bad) • Molecular diagnostics: – Expression of receptors: • Estrogen receptor - ER • Progesterone receptor - PR • HER2 receptor – Ki-67 – marker of proliferation Subtypes of breast cancer Luminal A – less aggressive ER+, PR+, HER2-, Ki67 low Triple negative (10%) most aggressive ER-, PR-, HER2 negative Luminal B ER+, PR – or HER2+ or Ki67 high HER2 overexpressed (amplified) 15% Treatment how to cure patient? If not possible, how to prolong the life Principles of cancer treatment • In localized tumor – we can cure patients – Resection of tumor – only curative modality – Sometimes neoadjuvant therapy – treatment before surgery – chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy • To shrinking the tumor and allow less extensive surgery – Adjuvant treatment – treatment after surgery • To lower the risk of tumor relapse – Toxicity is not the main concern (temporary) • In metastatic disease – we can prolong life – Systemic treatment – chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, targeted therapy – Toxicity matter, quality of life is very important Surgery until we can get rid of it!!! Mastectomy • Total mastectomy – removal of entire breast Partial mastectomy • Breast-conserving surgery - only removes the part of the breast that has cancer and surrounding tissue • The aim is to resect as little tissue as possible to keep the breast in its original shape Surgery of axilla • Axillary lymph node dissection - ALND – incision under the arm and removing 10–40 lymph nodes from level I and level II – Procedure in all patients with positive lymph nodes – Risk of lymphedema • Sentinel nodes biopsy – SNB – Sentinel nodes are the first few lymph nodes where cancer cells spread – Removal of 1-3 nodes is performed in all patients with negative nodes (on ultrasound or mammography) – If SNB is positive, conversion to ALND Adjuvant treatment go away and never come back!! Adjuvant treatment • Treatment after surgery • Reduce the risk of the cancer to relapse (coming back) • Multimodal therapy: – Chemotherapy – 4-5 months – Targeted therapy (in HER2 posit.) – 1 year – Radiotherapy – 3-5 weeks – Hormonal therapy (in ER/PR posit.)– 5 – 10 years Chemotherapy for breast cancer • In selected patients with high risk breast cancer (not all patients need chemo): – Large tumor – Positive lymph nodes – Biological aggressive cancer – triple negative, HER2 positive Chemotherapy for breast cancer • Most used cytostatics: – Antracyclines - Doxorubicin, Epirubicin – Taxanes - Paklitaxel, Docetaxel – Capecitabin – Vinorelbin • Combination in adjuvant tretament: – AC – doxorubicin+cyklofosfamid – AC a followed by paclitaxel – FAC – flurouracil+doxorubicin+cyklofosfamid – FEC – flurouracil+epirubicin+cyklofosfamid – TAC – docetaxel+doxorubicin+cyklofosfamid – CMF – cyklofosfamid+metotrexát+flurouracil • In palliative settintgs: – Mostly monotherapy – paclitaxel, epirubicin, vinorelbin, capecitabin Targeted therapy • In HER2 positive breast cancer, about 15% of breast cancer • HER2 – transmembrane receptor, HER family • Activation leads to cell survival, metastasis, and resistance to therapy HER2 positive breast cancer • Anti-HER2 treatment – monoclonal antibodies against the HER2 receptor • First used antibody was trastuzumab (Herceptine) • Next generation – pertuzumab, T-DM1 • Adding to chemotherapy boosts treatment efficacy Hormonal therapy • About 70% of breast cancer are hormonal receptor positive (Estrogen or Progesterone receptor) – i.e. hormonal sensitive disease • Low or moderately aggressive disease (Luminal A or B) • Sensitive to hormonal therapy: • Tamoxifen (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator - SERM) • Aromatase inhibitors • Non-steroidal AI (anastrozole, letrozole) • Steroidal (exemestan) • direct ER inhibitor (fulvestrant) Hormonal therapy • In adjuvant setting used for 5-10 years • Very effective in Luminal A breast cancer subtype • Many patients can omit chemotherapy and use only hormonal therapy • Very good toxicity profile (hot flashes, bone or joint pain, arteficial menopause, endometrial carcinoma in tamoxifen • After surgery and chemotherapy • Always after partial mastectomy, sometimes after total mastectomy (large tumor, positive lymph nodes) • Duration 3-5 weeks, dose 50 Gy • Reduce local recurrence of cancer but also prolongs survival • Adverse events: post radiation dermatitis, skin desquamation Radiotherapy • After surgery and chemotherapy • Always after partial mastectomy, sometimes after total mastectomy (large tumor, positive lymph nodes) • Duration 3-5 weeks, dose 50 Gy • Reduce local recurrence of cancer but also prolongs survival • Adverse events: post radiation dermatitis, skin desquamation Radiotherapy Oncological treatment of an advanced incurable disease prolong life and improve QoL Treatment in metastatic setting • In ER/PR positive breast cancer (Luminal A/B subtype) is hormonal therapy very effective – Tamoxifen → Aromatase Inhibitors → Fulvestrant • If hormonal therapy does not work anymore or in ER/PR negative disease – chemotherapy – Firts line, second line, third line…. • In HER2 positive disease combination with targeted therapy (trastuzumab, pertuzumab, T- DM1) Chemotherapy • Anthracyclines: – Doxorubicin – Epirubicin – liposomal doxorubicin • Taxanes – Paclitaxel – Docetaxel – Nab-paclitaxel • Vinca alkaloids – Vinorelbin • Antimetabolites – Capecitabine – Gemcitabine – Fluorouracil • Platin derivates – Carboplatin – Cisplatin • Other cytostatics – Cyclophosphamide – Metothrexate – Eribuline • Usually using in monotherapy • If one chemotherapy does not work, choose another (another line), etc. Specific treatment • In bone metastases – bone-modifying agents (BMA) – bisphosphonates, denosumabu • In painful bone metastases – radiotherapy • In central nervous system metastases - radiotherapy • In pleural effusion – drainage • Social, psychosocial, spiritual support Summary • Breast cancer is a common diagnosis • Heterogeneous diseases - various biological subtypes • Therapy is complex - multimodal - surgery, chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, targeted therapy, radiotherapy… • + supportive treatment !!! 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