Emergencies in cancer patients Jiří Vyskočil ICU/HDU Medical Outpatient Unit Overview • Cancer related • Treatment related • Medical emergencies • Surgical emergencies • Unrelated to cancer, though with increased incidence in cancer patients Cancer related • Local (mechanical) effect of cancer – Vena cava syndrome – Intracranial hypertension – Compression of pericardium/airways – Effusions – pericardial, pleural, ascites – Spinal cord compression • Metabolic – SIADH, hypercalcemia, hyperviscosity syndrom, refeeding syndrome, diabetes decompensation due to cancer/treatment, spontanious tumor lysis syndrom • Thrombembolic disease - PE Treatment related and medical emergencies • Febrile neutropenia/neutropenic sepsis • Thrombocytopenia • Tumor lysis syndrome • Chemotehrapy associated diarrhea – colitis • AKI (acute kidney injury) – Cisplatin, TLS, posterenal, dehydration, interstitial nephritis) • Liver failure • Congestive heart failure (acute, deterioration of chronic HF) – Tachyarhytmias due to side effects/electrolyte imbalance • Acute coronary artery disease (5-FU, cDDP) • Alergic reactions/anaphylaxis • Increased risk of PE • Deterioration of medical conditions Surgical • GI obtsruction, urinary tract obstruction (postrenal AKI) • Pneumothorax – spontanious/complication of procedures (central line, tapping effusions) • Cancer bleeding– melanoma, GI cancers, lungs cancer.. • Acute abdominal • Spinal cord compression Neutropenic sepsis febrile neutropenia Introduction • FN definition – TT >38.5°C* or 2 episodes of TT >38.0°C for 2h** and ABC count <0.5 × 109/l or expected fall < 0.5 × 109/l • Potential lifethreatening condition * or 38,3 pending source ** or 1 hour pending source Risk factors • MASCC (symptoms of underlying disease, COPD, age, hematol. Malignancies, mycotic infection, dehydration, BP<90, inpatinet onset) • https://www.qxmd.com/calculate/calculator_134/mas cc-febrile-neutropenia-risk • Time of neutropenia • GIT toxicity • Other medical conditions (CHF, CAD, DM, CKD, COPD) • Known colonisation with MRSA/VRE/ESBL • Onset during G-CSF profylaxis Management • C/E incl. PR • ECG • Lung X ray +/- abdomen • BC+coag, electrolytes, RFT, LFT, CRP, prokalcitonin • BC– central line + peripheral line, urine, (C. diff, stool, throat, tonsills…) Management • Broad spectre antibiotics incl. anti pseudomonas aeruginis activity • History of MRSA/VRE/ESBL? • Up front G-CSF up are not generally recommended • Antimycotics – pending of mycotis infection risk Management • Tazocin (piperacilin/tazobactam) 4,5g i.v. a 6 h till neu >1,0, then a 8h • Gentamycin 240-320mg in septic patients • Antimycotics – pending on mycotic infection risk • Metronidazol in pts with S/O collitis • G-CSF up front in pts with pneumonia, GI toxicity and severe comorbidities (CHF, CAD, DM, CKD, COPD) Vena Cava Syndrome (VCS) • Superior vena cava obstruction account for 99 % of VCS cases – Anatomy of the mediastinum + Thin-walled vein filled at relatively low pressure  any significant compression can result in obstruction to blood flow • External compression by tumour or lymphadenopathy • Internal compression by thrombosis or catheter • The severity of the resulting syndrome depends on the rapidity of onset and level of the obstruction • Despite the sometimes dramatic and distressing clinical picture, VCS is usually not lethal complication Vena Cava Syndrome (VCS) • Symptoms and Signs – Cough and dyspnea – Facial, cervical and arms edema – Venous dilatations (chest and upper extremities) – Headache – Dysphagia – Symptoms worse by bending or lying down Vena Cava Syndrome (VCS) • Causes – Malignant (85 – 95 %) • Lung cancer, Non-Hodgkins lymphoma, Germ cell neoplasms, Metastatic breast cancer, Oesophageal carcinoma, others – Non-Malignant • Mediastinal fibrosis, VC thrombosis, Indwelling central lines (catheters), Sarcoidosis, TBC, others • Differential diagnosis: Heart failure, Cardiac tamponade • Diagnosis – Chest X-ray (mediastinal widening, mass, pleural effusion, … normal X-ray in < 20 %) – CT of the thorax with contrast or CT/MRI venography Vena Cava Syndrome (VCS) • Management – Immediate management • Corticosteroids (DXM 8mg p.o. 2-3 times a day) + Diuretics • Stent placement – The most rapid relief  in the presence of cerebral edema or disabling symptos or in the case of chemo/radio-resistant disease • Thrombolysis (if thrombus is documented) • Surgery (bypass or thrombectomy, primarily in pts with good prognosis or in benign causes of VCS) – Treatment of the uderlying malignancy • Chemotherapy (SCLC, lymphoma, germ cell tumours) • Radiotherapy (for non-chemosensitive disease) – Prognosis dependent on the type of cancer and the patients general condition. VCS commonly relapses. Vena Cava Syndrome (VCS) Vena Cava Syndrome (VCS) A men with VCS before and after stenting Tumour Lysis Syndrom (TLS) – TLS is a group of metabolic complications arising from treatment of a rapid proliferating neoplasm. Occasionally TLS can occur prior to the initiation of the treatment. – Cancer therapy (ischemia)  cell death / lysis  release of intracellular product into the circulation • Hyperuricaemia – Purine nucleic acid breakdown  hypoxanthine xanthine  (xanthine oxidase)  uric acid  kidney  precipitation in the tubules  URATE NEPHROPATHY  ARF • Hyperphosphataemia – Phosphate + calcium  precipitation  Acute Renal Failure (ARF) • Hyperkalaemia ( K+  fatal arrrhythmias) • Hypocalcaemia (precipitation with phosphate in kidney, skin…) • Uraemia (consequence by TLS) Tumour Lysis Syndrom (TLS) • Clinical signs – Hyperuricaemia • Haematuria, flank pain, acute obstructive nephrophaty (AON) (anuria / oligouria) – Hyperphosphataemia • Nausea, vomitin, diarrhoea, seizures, hypocalcaemia, AON – Hyperkalaemia • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, cramps, weakness, paraesthesiae, arrhythmias, sudden death – Hypocalcaemia • Muscle cramps, spasms, tetany, arrhythmias, confusion, hallucinations, seizures – Uraemia • Lethargy, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, confusion, encephalopathy, perciarditis, acidosis, oedema, hypertension Tumour Lysis Syndrom (TLS) – Clinical TLS • Creatinin > 1,5x upper limit of normal • Cardiac arrhytmia / sudden death and/or seizure – Cairo-Bishop laboratory definition • Uric acid > 476 umol/l or 25 % increase from baseline • K > 6,0 mmol/l or 25 % increase from baseline • Phosphate > 1,45 (2,1 children) mmol/l or 25 % increase from baseline • Ca < 1,75 or 25 % decrease from baseline TLS – treatment: • Correction of the electrolyte imbalances and optimazing renal function – Hyperuricaemia: Intravenous fluids and loop diuretics, rasburicase (urate oxidase) – Hyperkalaemia: Aovid IV or p.o. K supplements. Calcium gluconate (10 ml of 10 % iv over 2 min) as a cardioprotectant, if K+ > 6,0  Actrapid insulin 10 units plus 50 ml of 50 % dextrose over 30 min iv infusion, Calcium resonium 15g p.o. 3-4x daily, correct acidosis (50-100 ml 8,4 % NaHCO3 via central line) • Haemodialysis may be needed for: – K > 7 mmol/l – Symptomatic ureamia (tremor, seizures, confusion, pericarditis, coma) – Metabolic acidosis (arterial pH< 7,1, [HCO3] < 12 mmol/l – Fluid overload unresponsive to diuretics TLS - identification of high risk patients: • Patient-releated factors – decreased urine output, – pre-existing renal impairment or hyperuricaemia, – dehydratation – acid urine • Tumour-releated factors – high proliferative rate – high tumour burden – high sensitivity to cytotoxic agents – ALL, High grade NHL, CLL, Myeloma, – testicular cancer, SCLC, breast cancer TLS – prevention: • Vigorous hydratation (app. 3l/m2/d) with a urine output of > 100 ml/m2/h • Allopurinol 300 mg daily increasing 600-900 mg in 2-3 doses. Start allopurinol 24 h before the first chemotherapy treatment • High risk patients: Rasburicase (200 ug/kg once daily for up to 7 days according to plasma uric acid concentration. • Urinary alcalization Hyperviscosity • Viscosity pending on a number of blood cells, total amount of proteins, hydratation, temperature… Symptoms • impaired blood suplly (headache, fatigue, dizziness), dysopnea, cough, heart failure, AKI, bleeding…) • Polyglobulia, leucostasis (AML, ALL, CML), monoclonal gamapathies (MM, Waldeström) Management: • fluids + aferesis (erythrocyto, leukocyto, plasma) Hypercalcemia • 10% pacients, 30-day mortality 50% • PTHrP tumour related, osteolytic MTS, hyperproduktion of vit D, ectopic production of PTH Symptoms • nausea, vomiting, fatigue, depression, constipation, AKI, coma, heart arrest • EKG: short QT, ST depression • Lab: increased Ca i Ca2+, highPTHrP a low/normal PTH Management – Fluids - saline +/- furosemide – Steroids – Bisfosfonates – Hemodialysis – Phosphate supl - later Neurological • Malignant extradural spinal cord compression • Raised intracranial pressure • Leptomeningeal metastases Spinal cord compression • Important medical emergency, treatment must begin within hours, to maximize the chance of neurological recovery • 5-10 % of all patients with a known diagnosis of malignancy: breast, lung, prostate, uknown primary, myeloma, rencal, other • May be the first presentation of malignancy (up to 20 %): prostate, breast, myeloma • Site of compression: thoracic (60 %), lumbar (30 %), cervical (10 %)  30 % multiple sites Spinal cord compression • Causes – Expanding metastases to the vertebral body – Vertebral pathological fracture with posterior displacement of bony fragments – Paraspinal mass gains access to the epidural space via neural foramina – Epidural metastases • Two phases of compression – Reversible: obstruction of venous plexus and vasogenic oedema  demyelinisation – Ireversible: ischemic damage and cord infarction Spinal cord compression Symptoms: Pain - usually the first symptom, localized and radicular Neurological: - weakness of the legs  paralysis - sensory loss - bladder dysfunction (urinary retention  incontinence), - bowel dysfunction (constipation  incontinence), - impotence Spinal cord compression Spinal cord compression Raised intracranial pressure • Result of brain oedema due to either primary brain tumour or metastases Symptoms: • Hypertension, bradykardia, headache, nausea or vomiting without nausea, meningeal symptoms, confusion…coma Management • Manitol 1,5g/kg/day 3 day, tapering aftewards • Dexamethason 24mg/day Thrombembolic disease (TED) • frequent complication of cancer • PE is often succesive leading to PH • 20% of new PE is dg in CA pts. • PE risk is 6-7x higher • CTPA TED - risk factors • direct procoagulation effect: tissue f. expresion, releasing TF bearing microparticles, cancer procoagulant • indirect effect: increased NETS production (neutrophil extracelullar traps), pro infamatory • ‚normal‘ risk factors + surgery, sepsis, CVL, lymphedemas • pancreatic cancer, gastric cancer, lung cancer, myeloma, lymphomas, gynaecologic cancers, prostate cancer • chemotherapy, G-CSF, EPO, platelets infusions, tamoxifen, steroids TED - prophylaxis and treatment Prophylaxis • LMWH in all cancer inpatients • If LMWH not possible: intermitent pneumatic compression +/- stockings • In pts after major surgery 28 days Treatment • LMWH (dalteparin, enoxaparin, fondaparinux) • Chronic: • In catheters-related 3 months • Others: lifetime in pts with active disease/ on treatment Coronary artery disease / ischaemic heart disease • Chemotherapy – 5-FU (vasospasm), capecitabin (vasospasm), cisplatine (both vasospasm + endoth. dysfuction), etoposide, taxanes (arhytmias), vinca alkaloids (spasm) • Thoracic irradiation • Targeted treatment – bevacizumab, TKI • Hormonal treatment – Aromatise inhibitors (Ca prsu, prostaty) • Change of lifestyle – Weight gain, lack of physical activity, thyroid gland impairment (TKI) Heart failure I • Chemotherapy – antracyclines, mitoxantron – CAD inducing drugs – cisplatine, 5-FU – Arrhytmogennic drugs – taxanes – Alkylating agents – cyclophosphamide, ifosphamide, busulfan, mitomycinC • Radiation therapy (involving thorax) – O2 radicals- endothel. dysfunction – CAD – hypoperfusion – fibrotisation of myocardium Heart failure II • Targeted treatment – trastuzumab (breast Ca) – TKI (kidney, liver, CML, GIST…) Heart failure III • developement possibly during years post treatment • subacute onset after anthracycines within a year • Acute – within days - after anthracyclins • Weeks to months – after targeted therapy • Prevention: – Follow RF (age, diabetes, hypertension, CKD, prior RT, lipids) – Follow cumulative anthracycline doses – ECHO monitoring – anthracyclines, antiHER2 therapy, TKI Heart failure IV • Late onset: – Hematological malignancies – Childhood cancer – Breats cancer – Testicular cancer • standard management of heart failure