Management of Cancer Pain Jiři Šedo Ondřej Sláma Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute, Brno Prevalence of pain • 30% diagnosis • 50% during active tumor oriented therapy • 70-90% advanced and terminal stages Many patients suffer from unrelieved pain!!!!! • Focusing on the cause, pain itself is overlooked…. • Poor assessment • Lack of knowledge • Fear of – addiction – tolerance – adverse effects Reality L.B. • 58 y man • Dg.: NSCLC (lung cancer), bone metastases, • 3 series of standard chemotherapy were given • Coming to our office with pain 6/10 in his back, with episodes of 9/10 irradiating to left leg on some movement • Medication: He is taking Ibuprofen 400mg 4-5 tbl daily without any effect Let’s treat our first patient… • History • Presenting complaint - describing pain: – Intensity – Type – Irradiation – Breakthrough pain: provoking moments, duration, relief • Physical examination • Imaging… Assessment: • X-ray image • CT • MRI • Nuclear medicine: – Bone scan with 99mTc – SPECT/CT – PET, PET/CT – not for bone metastases Imaging X-ray X-ray CT MRI bone scan (scintigraphy) Nociceptive pain: ◦ Irritation of nociceptors caused by local tissue damage (inflamation, ischemia, infiltration by tumor) Neuropathic pain: ◦ Central Nervous System:  Spinal cord or root compression (pathological fracture of the vertebrae) ◦ Peripheral Nervous System:  Plexus infiltration  Herpes Zoster  Chemotherapy itself (paclitaxel) Combination (mixed) Types of pain L.B. • How would you characterize the pain • How would you manage the pain? L.B. WHO ladder III. Severe pain I. Mild pain II. Moderate pain Strong opioids - morphine - hydromorphone - oxycodone - fentanyl - buprenorphine Mild opioids - dihydrocodein(DHC) - tramadol(Tramal) Non-opioid analgesics - paracetamol/acetaminophen - NSAIDs(diclofenac, metamizol, ibuprofen) - COX2 pref. (nimesulid) +/- non-opioids +/- non-opioids +/- co-analgesics  Paracetamol/acetaminophen  NSAIDs ◦ diclofenac(Veral) ◦ metamizol(Novalgin) ◦ Ibuprofen(Motrin)  COX2 pref. ◦ nimesulid(Aulin, Coxtral)  Adverse effects: ◦ GI toxicity ◦ Nefrotoxicity ◦ Thrombocytes aggregation - bleeding ◦ Hepatotoxicity (nimesulid, acetaminophen) ◦ Agranulocytosis Non-opiods Tramadol (Tramal, Tralgit) + immediate/sustained release tablets available - nausea, vomiting, weakness, sedation - Ceiling dose at 400mg daily Dihydrocodein (DHC continus) - Ceiling dose at 240mg Opioids for moderate pain • Tramadol SR 100mg 1-0-1 • Eventually Metamizol 500mg every 8hours or Nimesulide 100 mg 1-0-1 (or paracetamol 1000mg TID) • Tramadol IR 50mg as a rescue every 6hours What are you going to do next? • He underwent irradiation 5 x 4Gy to the vertebrae Th 11 – L3 • After that just residual pain • He was taking Tramadol SR 0-0-1 for 3 months L.B. medication …L.B. • 4 months later – progression of lung cancer in bone, liver • …strong low back pain and right epigastrium pain despite tramadol 400 mg/D + metamizol 3000 mg/d • What would you do? Strong opioids • Opioid receptor agonists (CNS, PNS, lung, lymphocytes..) • Effect/ advers effects are dose dependent • Individual dose „titration“ • Drug of choice for severe cancer pain (prognosis is not relevant) Postoperative, ICU setting (parenteral) • sufentanyl • piritramide (Dipidolor) • pethidine (Dolsin) Chronic pain (oral, transdermal) • morphine • hydromorphone • oxycodone • fentanyl • buprenorphine • tapentadol Strong opioids • Long-acting • Tablets (morphine, oxycodone, hydromorphone) • Transdermal patches (fentanyl, buprenorphine) • Short-acting • Morphine s.c., i.v. • Tablets po • Buccal tablets – fentanyl (Effentora) • Nasal spray - fentanyl (Instanyl) • Sublingual tablets (Lunaldin) Forms of Opioids • Cancer progressed in spine, pelvis and lymph nodes What opiates did we choose ? – Fentanyl patches 25ug/h → 75ug/h every 72hours – Morpine p.o. 20mg tablets 2-3x daily What side effects could we expect? • V.B. presented with: – Fatique, sleepiness, weakness, worse concentration – Obstipation, nausea, loss of appetite V.B. Balance Pain relief Adverse effects Nausea and Vomitting  Transitory, usualy disappears after 5-10 days  Stimulation of CTZ ◦ anti-D2: haloperidol 0.5mg-2mg q6-12h triethylperazin (Torecan): 6,5mg q8h metoclopramide(Degan): 10 mg q6h EPS (especially combination with AD) ◦ 5-HT3: ondasetron (Zofran): 8 mg, $, antipsychotic effect? olanzapine (Zyprexa)  Gastric stasis (vomiting) ◦ metoclopramide (Degan) Sedation • Common at start, tolerance develops • D/C of contributing medications: antihistamines, antidepressants, anxiolytics, • Dose reduction, invasive methods of opioids application • Opioids rotation • Common, tolerance doesn´t develop • Laxatives – Osmotic: Lactulose – Stimulatns: picosulphate(Gutalax) – ….. • Oxycodon/Naloxon (TARGIN) • Methylnaltrexon(Relistor) – S.c. injection q48h – Antagonist of the opioid receptors in the gut, but no effect on central opioid receptors Constipation Respiratory depression • Rare in chronical pain management • Tolerance usually develop • D/C benzodiazepines • Naloxone • – if less than 8breaths / minute • - systemic withdrawal syndrome General recommendations in management of the side-effects: (1) Balance the doses of systemic opioids (use rescue medication) (2) Manage actively the adverse effects of opioids (3) Opioid rotation Equianalgesic dose minus 20-30% (lower tolerance to the new opioid) (4) Change the route of administration • Opioids are safe and effective • Side effects are manageable – Central Nervous System: – Spinal cord or root compression (pathological fracture of the vertebrae) – Peripheral Nervous System: – Plexus infiltration – Herpes Zoster – Chemotherapy itself (paclitaxel) Neuropathic pain • Antidepressants – TCA (Amitryptilin, Nortryptilin, Dosulepin) • Anticonvulsants (Gabapentin, Pregabalin, Carbamazepine) • Corticosteroids (Dexamethasone) – Especially in case of root/spine cord compression Co-analgesics for neuropathic pain Subarachnoidal delivery - Use mixture od opioid + anaesthetics (bupivacaine, mesocaine) • Continual infusion to the epidural catether • Morphine 5ml(20→50mg) + Bupivacaine 1% 5ml + saline solution 10ml v=2-3ml/h • Effect: – no pain – some level of sedation V.B. • In August symptoms of chronic sepsis • Worsening of pain • CT: huge abscess invading gluteal muscles, both lesser and greater pelvis on the right V.B.  Analgetic radiotherapy ◦ Skeletal and subcutaneous metastases  Neurolysis of ggl. coeliacum ◦ Pain originates at the innervated area ◦ Usually pancreas/gastric cancer ◦ Alcohol application under CT-guidance  Medical cannabis  Neurostimulation: TENS  Psychological approaches ◦ Cognitively-behavioural therapies, relaxation…. Other methods Summary • Cancer pain is manageable • Need of comprehensive assessment • Comprehensive intervention • Opioids are safe and effective drugs for the management of severe cancer pain • Side effects are manageable