Dental care •Bartáková Sonia •Stomatologická klinika LF MU v Brně [USEMAP] DSCN0491 Nik_00011 Nik_00012 budova_lf_mu [USEMAP] bohunice continental klinika P1130180 [USEMAP] • •Carries Caries Caries2 Caries3 Before2 After2 [USEMAP] Plaque, calculus, malhygiena • • REALLY BAD TEETH - CAUTION!!!! [USEMAP] Plaque PlaqueCornco%202 plaque_corncob Nik_0004_26 Nik_0003_26 [USEMAP] antibiotics • • Scare1 Scare2 [USEMAP] Tartar • Perio%20title perio%20tooth PerioDentaform6 PerioDentaform7 Pockets [USEMAP] Voldrich classification •1.class – 1a Denture with small defects ( denture without 1 or 2 teeths) •1a Denture with big defects ( denture without 3 or 4 teeths) •2.class Shortened dental arch unilaterally or bilaterally • - with gaps of frontal teeths • - without gaps of frontal teeths •3. class – Big defects – pacient has only 1-3 teeths or small groups of the teeths •4. class – no teeths [USEMAP] Temporary crowns 1.Factory made 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2.Laboratory made 3.Stemp method • Polycarbonate Ssc [USEMAP] Immediate dentures only for 6 weeks • Denture WaxUpSmile ImmediateDenturePreOp ImmediateDenturePost%20op immediateDentureAfterInsert Flipper [USEMAP] I.class •Dental arch • •a) Small gaps (1-2 teeth) • b) Big gaps (more than 3 teeeth) [USEMAP] Fixed dentures •1.Full metal crowns •2.Veneer crowns •3.Atraumatic crpwns •4.Semicrowns •5.Inlay •6.Full ceramic crowns, metaloceramic crowns [USEMAP] Ceramic at dentistry •Metalokeramic crowns and bridges •Fullceramic crowns •Ceramic teeth for full dentures [USEMAP] Metaloceramic crowns • • CariesBefore CariesRestored Ivoclar%20crown%20prep CrownX-Section [USEMAP] Metaloceramic crowns [USEMAP] Fullceramic crowns •Eva Mendes eva_mendes ira_bad_veneer11 PorcCrownX-Section [USEMAP] Resin crowns • • ira_bad_veneerphoto7 [USEMAP] Indication of bridge •- Small gaps •- Pillars are near gaps • [USEMAP] Contraindication of the fixed denture •Absolutly •- Big gaps •-Bad biological factor •- Abnormal big gaps of fronat region •Relativly •-Imflamations of the gimgiva,parodont •-Resorption of the bone [USEMAP] Faset(Veneer) and Metaloceramic bridge bridge_x-section BridgeOnModel > [USEMAP] Metaloceramic bridge [USEMAP] Metaloceramic bridge [USEMAP] Nik_0399_machotková Nik_0397_machotková Nik_0392_machotková Nik_0400_machotková Metaloceramic crowns on the implants [USEMAP] ankylos3 ankylos1 ankylos2 Metaloceramic crowns on the implants [USEMAP] Metaloceramic crowns on the implants [USEMAP] Removable denture II.class • [USEMAP] II.Class of Voldrich classification •Shorted dental arch uni or bilaterally • • a) Bilaterally without gaps • b) Unilaterally without gaps • c) Bilaterally with gaps • d) Unilaterally with gaps • [USEMAP] Basic framework of removable dentures •Body of prosthesis •Stabilizing Retainers •Connecting framework [USEMAP] 28/10/2020 Lower jaw •Skeletal prosthesis with clasps • •Svenson plate or sublingual bar • •Skeletal prosthesis with attachments • [USEMAP] 8d_upper_partial Metaloceramic bridge and hybrid prosthesis with attachments without clasps [USEMAP] Metaloceramic bridge and hybrid prosthesis with attachments without clasps [USEMAP] Skeletal prosthesis with attachments [USEMAP] III.class •The rest of the teeth • • [USEMAP] Partial removable dentureof the III.class of Voldrich • PapillaryHyperplasia ValplastPreInsert ValPlastInsert • [USEMAP] Full denture • Lines NormalLips • [USEMAP] Full denture Nik_0001_27 Nik_0004_27 Nik_0003_27 [USEMAP] Implants • [USEMAP] Nik_0472_inplantáty Nik_0472_inplantáty Sofort VNI I. a II. fase MTI Timplant I. a II. fase VM Ankylos S.T.S VNI Dentim Another types Bränemark (Replace) 3 i Compress LTI [USEMAP] Nik_00006 Nik_00007 Implants [USEMAP] Nik_0434_mazal Nik_0172_horáková Nik_0438_mazal Nik_0175_horáková VNI implants [USEMAP] glaserová1 Blade implants and cylindric implants [USEMAP] bábiková3 bábiková2 kremlicková1 kremlicková3 kremlicková2 Nik_00004 Brno´s implantology– clinical aplications VNI [USEMAP] písek11 písek2 písek3 horková1 horková2 horková3 Brno´s implantology– clinical aplications VNI [USEMAP] -kombinace_s_Ankylos Snimek_041 Snimek_176 Snimek_179 [USEMAP] střílková2 střílková střílková6 Strilkova9 Bicorticals implants [USEMAP] Bar for hybrid prosthesis 9-6 11-6 [USEMAP] • •Thank you Chewing Gum Teeth [USEMAP] • >