Adobe Systems Bradycardia, pacing J. Vlašínová L.Křivan Adobe Systems Bradycardia ̶ Bradycardia = any heart rate < 50 bpm. ̶ SA node disorder ̶ AV node disorder leadIIevents Adobe Systems IKK FN Brno Sinus node dysfunction ̶Sinus bradycardia ̶Sinus node arrest ̶SSSy - tachy – brady form ̶Chronotropic incompetence ̶ Adobe Systems Sinus bradycardia C:\Users\User\Desktop\EKG seminář\2019_03_30\2019_03_30\sinusová bradykardie.jpg Adobe Systems IKK FN Brno Sinus node arrest Failure of SN discharge – absence of atrial depolarization Adobe Systems IKK FN Brno Sick sinus syndrome (SSS) Intermitent episodes of slow and fast rhythm from SA node, or atria vlaš71 Adobe Systems IKK FN Brno Chronotropic incompetence Max Rest Heart Rate Time Start Activity Stop Activity Quick Unstable Slow Adobe Systems IKK FN Brno AV node dysfunction ̶AVB I ̶AVB II ̶AVB III ̶ Adobe Systems AVB degree (PQ > 0,2s) PQ = 0.28s Adobe Systems AVB II.nd degree (2/1) Adobe Systems AVB II.nd degree (Mobitz 3/1) C:\Users\User\Desktop\EKG seminář\2019_03_30\2019_03_30\AVB Mobitz 3-1.jpg Adobe Systems AVB III.rd degree (no secondary, tertiary autom. centre) Adobe Systems AVB III.rd degree (escape rhythm from AV junction) C:\Users\User\Desktop\EKG seminář\2019_03_30\2019_03_30\AVB III junkce .jpg Adobe Systems AVB III.rd degree (escape ventricular rhythm) C:\Users\User\Desktop\EKG seminář\2019_03_30\2019_03_30\AVB III.jpg Adobe Systems IKK FN Brno Etiology ̶Age ̶Fibrosis ̶Ischemia (acute, chronic) ̶Inflamation – myocarditis ̶Drugs (antiarrhythmics) ̶Hypothyreosis ̶Hyprekalemia Adobe Systems IKK FN Brno Symptoms ̶Asymptomatic ̶Palpitations ̶Dizziness, weakness ̶Dyspnea ̶Exercise intolerance ̶Syncope ̶Sudden cardiac death Adobe Systems IKK FN Brno Diagnosis ̶ECG ̶Holter (24 hrs – 7 days) ̶Implantable loop recorder Injectable Reveal In Hand_Telemetry Adobe Systems IKK FN Brno Treatment ̶No treatment ̶Avoiding antiarrhytmic drugs ̶Elimination of reversible cause ̶Atropin, Isoprenalin ̶Temporary external pacing ̶Temporary transvenous pacing ̶Epicardial pacing ̶Permanent transvenous pacing Indication for pacing – symptomatic bradycardia Adobe Systems External pacing Adobe Systems Temporary transvenous pacing Adobe Systems Epicardial pacing HeartVLeadEpiAndEndo01 Permanent pacing from 1958 File:Arne Larsson.jpg Arne Larsson 1915 - 2001 File:First pacemaker (Siemens-Elema 1958).jpg Elmquist + Senning 8.10.1958 Adobe Systems Pacing 03_slide 27 03_slide 28 UNIPOLAR BIPOLAR Single and dual chambre PM Description VVI Schrittmacher THWZ.jpg File:Fluoroscopy pacemaker leads right atrium ventricle.png Adobe Systems IKK FN Brno Pacing modes Chamber paced Chamber sensed Function A (atrium) A (atrium) I (inhibited) V (ventricle) V (ventricle) I (inhibited) D (dual A+V) D (dual A+V) D (dual: inh. + triggered) R (rate responsive) Adobe Systems Resynchronization therapy (CRT) Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (CRT) icd cardiac Adobe Systems Effect of resynchronization LBBB prior to CRT implantation Narrow QRS after CRT implantation Adobe Systems MRI compatibility MRI – contraindicated in older types of PM Surescan_Device MRCONDIT MRI Safe under specific programming of the device Adobe Systems IKK FN Brno Complications of pacing – cardiac perforation RTG s perforací Snímek 010 Adobe Systems IKK FN Brno Complications of pacing infection, decubitus 118-1859_IMG Adobe Systems IKK FN Brno Complications of pacing pocket hematoma