Covering (sheet) epithelia Epithelia according to morphology • covering • trabecular • reticular according to function • glandular • resorption • sensory • alveolar ... Classification of covering epithelia Simple • Simple squamous • Simple cuboidal • Simple columnar • Pseudostratified columnar • according to number of cell layers • according to morphology of superficial layer Stratified • Stratified squamous non-keratinized • Stratified squamous keratinized • Stratified columnar • Transitional Simple squamous epithelium umbilical cord Simple squamous epithelium – parietal sheet of Bowman’s capsule, corpusculum renis Simple cuboidal epithelium – loop of Henle (asc.) Simple cuboidal epithelium – t. renalis colligens Simple columnar epithelium – vesica fellea Pseudostratified columnar epithelium (ciliated) – respiratory passages trachea Stratified squamous epithelium – non-keratinized oesophagus Stratified squamous epithelium – non-keratinized – cornea Stratified squamous epithelium – keratinized – epidermis Vrstevnatý cylindrický epitel (epitel přechodních zón) - conjunctiva Stratified columnar epithelium – conjunctiva Transitional epithelium – ureter Transitional epithelium – calyx renalis Basement membrane (0,5 - 1 m) lamina basalis Lamina basalis Lamina fibroreticularis fused laminae basales Capillary of glomerulus Primary urinary space Covering epithelia Slides: Simple squamous and cuboidal epithelium (30, 31. Ren) Simple columnar epithelium (22. Vesica fellea) Pseudostratified columnar ep. with cilia (27. Trachea) Stratified squamous epithelium (11. Esophagus) Stratified keratinized squamous epithelium (69. Skin from finger tip) Transitional epithelium (32. Renal calyx, 33. Ureter) Stratified columnar epithelium (91. Palpebra) Electronograms: Atlas of Cytology and Embryology Numbers by the slides indicate their positions in sets in Microscopic Hall, not in online atlases. These numbers allow you to find the slides easily and study them using a microscope when the normal classes are opened.