C2-HD-TOP.png C2-HD-BTM.png COLOUR color, oris, m. (Lat.) = chroma, chromatis, n. (Gr.) C2-HD-TOP.png ALBUS, A, UM (L.) = LEUKO - (G.) •Vaselinum album •White vaseline • WHITE Albinismus Albinism Leucocytus Leucocytes, white blood cells C2-HD-TOP.png ALBUS, A, UM (L.) = LEUKO - (G.) •Leucorrhoea •White vaginal discharge from hormonal imbalance WHITE Leukaemia Cancer of bone marrow that results in abnormal white blood cells Leucoplakia White lesion of oral mucosa C2-HD-TOP.png PALE •Facies pallida •Pale face/pallor PALLIDUS, A, UM (L.) Febris pallida Pallor with fever C2-HD-TOP.png YELLOW •Febris flava •Yellow fever FLAVUS/LUTEUS, A, UM (L.) = XANTHO-/CIRRHO- (G.) Corpus luteum Yellow endocrine body formed at the site of a ruptured ovarian follicle Ligamenta flava Ligaments of the spine C2-HD-TOP.png YELLOW •Xanthoderma •Yellowish discolouration of the skin FLAVUS/LUTEUS, A, UM (L.) = XANTHO-/CIRRHO- (G.) Cirrhosis Scarring of the liver C2-HD-TOP.png •Medulla ossium rubra •Red bone marrow RUBER, A, UM (L.) = ERYTHRO- (G.) RED Image result for red nucleus Nucleus ruber Red nucleus Rubeola The ordinary measles Image result for rubeola C2-HD-TOP.png •Erythrocytus •Red blood cells RUBER, A, UM (L.) = ERYTHRO- (G.) RED Erythroderma Redding of the skin due to inflammatory skin disease C2-HD-TOP.png •Pithyriasis rosea •A benign rash ROSEUS, A, UM (L.) PINK Roseola A viral illness with a rash following a fever C2-HD-TOP.png • Naevus caeruleus •A blue nevus, an unusual harmless mole • CAERULEUS, A, UM (L.) = CYANO- (G.) Cyanopsia Blue vision C2-HD-TOP.png •Cyanosis •Bluish discolouration • CAERULEUS, A, UM (L.) = CYANO- (G.) Cyanoticus Cyanotic C2-HD-TOP.png •Lingua villosa nigra •= Black hairy tongue •a condition of the tongue where the filiform papillae elongate with black or brown discoloration  •  Substantia nigra • a large nucleus in midbrain NIGER, A, UM (L.) = MELANO-/ANTHRACO- (G.) BLACK-1 C2-HD-TOP.png • •Melanoma •a type of cancer that appers as a dark spot or tumor on the skin •Melanosis •a form of hyperpigmentation associated with increased melanin NIGER, A, UM (L.) = MELANO-/ANTHRACO- (G.) BLACK-2 C2-HD-TOP.png •Anthracosis •pneumoconiosis from accumulation of carbon from inhaled smoke or coal dust in the lungs NIGER, A, UM (L.) = MELANO-/ANTHRACO- (G.) BLACK-3 C2-HD-TOP.png •Substantia grisea •= Gray matter •Poliomyelitis •=Polio, Infantile paralysis •Poliovirus GRISEUS, A, UM (L.) = POLIO- (G.) GREY C2-HD-TOP.png •Asphyxia livida •= Blue asphyxia •an abnormal condition in which a newborn’s skin is cyanotic, the pulse is weak and slow, and the reflexes are slow or absent LIVIDUS, A, UM (L.) LIVID, DISCOLOURED, BLUISH C2-HD-TOP.png •Glaucoma •an eye disease that causes gradual loss of sight GLAUCO- (G. ~ CHLORO-) GREEN-BLUE C2-HD-TOP.png •Lagoena fusca •= Dark brown bottle FUSCUS, A, UM DARK BROWN C2-HD-TOP.png •Pithyriasis versicolor •=Tinea versicolor •a common yeast infection of the skin, in which flaky discoloured patches appear on the chest and back •Poikiloderma •a skin condition that consists of areas of hypopigmentation, hyperpigmentation, telangiectasias and atrophy VERSICOLOR, ORIS (L.) = POIKILO- (G.) VARI-COLOURED C2-HD-TOP.png QUESTIONS •What is the Latin word for blue/ blue-black? •What is the yellow endocrine body in the ovary called? •What does "griseus" mean? •Where is substantia nigra located? •