DEATH By Carolina and Somuto Study group: 33 •WHAT TERMS DO YOU KNOW EXPRESS DEATH? A picture containing indoor, table, window, room Description generated with very high confidence A hand holding a knife Description generated with high confidence Different terms expressing death Mors, Mortis , F Exitus, Exitus, F Used in Pathological Anatomy A picture containing indoor, table, window, room Description generated with very high confidence Different terms expressing death Moribundus, a, um = the one who is going to die, dying man Mortuus, a, um = dead Different terms expressing death A picture containing orange, sitting, table, small Description generated with very high confidence Letalis, e / Mortalis, e (Latin) Lethal A picture containing grass, outdoor, building, street Description generated with very high confidence Finis, Finis, m The End • • • Expressing Death Using Stems Necro- (Greek) = Dead -thanat- (Greek) = dead or death -cide - (Latin) = kill Explain meanings of the following compounds Aneuthanasia Necrosis Necrophila Euthanasia Electrothanasia Death of most or all of the cells in an organ or tissue. An erotic attraction to corpses. Death by electrocution. A painful death A quiet, painless death Thanatophobia Fear of death Match the following terms to the definitions: •Mors biologica •Mors clinica •Mors neonatalis •Mors praenatalis •Mors in tabula •death of a new-born up to 10 days after birth. •death on the operation table •a permanent cellular damage resulting from lack of oxygen, which is irreversible. •a cessation of blood circulation and breathing, which is reversible by resuscitation methods. •death of fetus before it starts breathing independently. •Mors subita •Mors lentissima •Vita minima •Postmortem spasm •In articulo mortis •weak signs of life •rare form of muscular stiffening that occurs at the moment of death and persists into the period of rigor mortis. •in the moment of death. •sudden death •very slow death Signs of impending death Loss of appetite Mottled veins Changes in urination habits Swelling in feet and ankles Coolness in the tips of the fingers and toes Excessive fatigue and sleep Increased physical weakness Social withdrawal Laboured breathing (Cheyne-Stokes, Death rattle) Mental confusion or disorientation A screen shot of a clock Description generated with very high confidence Algor Mortis Stages of Death A picture containing indoor, man, laying, keyboard Description generated with very high confidence Pallor Mortis Paleness that occurs 15–120 minutes after death. The 1st stage of death. The cooling of body temperature, till it reaches the room's temperature. The 2nd stage of death. A close up of an animal Description generated with high confidence The bluish-purple discoloration (lividity) under the skin of the lower body parts due to gravitation of blood after death. The 4th stage of death. Livor Mortis A picture containing indoor, person, man, window Description generated with very high confidence Rigor Mortis Stiffening of muscles fibres after death. The 3rd stage of death. Verification of Death Part of our duties as doctors within the hospital is to verify the death of a patient. The procedure is as follows: 1.Confirm the identity of the patient – check the wrist band 2.General inspection – skin colour / any obvious signs of life 3.Look for signs of respiratory effort 4.Check if the patient responds to verbal stimuli 5.Check if the patient respond to pain? – press on fingernail / trapezius squeeze / supraorbital pressure 6.Assess pupils using pen torch – after death they become fixed and dilated 7.Feel for a central pulse – carotid artery 8.Auscultation: Listen for heart sounds for at least 2 minute then Listen for respiratory sounds for at least 3 minutes. 9.Inform family 10.Complete a death certificate Phrases Related to Death In extremis / In Ultimis At the moment of death A person lying on a bed Description generated with very high confidence Facies Hippocratica In extremis vitae momentis At the last moment of life. The pallid or shrunken face of someone about to die.​ A picture containing cat Description generated with very high confidence A hand holding a baby Description generated with high confidence Natural Death A person sitting on a chair Description generated with high confidence Exitus Letalis A picture containing indoor, window, snow, room Description generated with very high confidence A close up of text on a white background Description generated with very high confidence Death certificate Czech Republic Officially known as úmrtní list A picture containing indoor, window, snow, room Description generated with very high confidence Death certificate Germany A close up of text on a white background Description generated with very high confidence Officially known as Totenschein Death certificate A screenshot of a social media post Description generated with very high confidence THE UK Officially known as Medical Certificate of Cause of Death (MCCD)