Ústav patologické fyziologie LF MU1 Experimentally induced acute radiation syndrome in experimental animal What is ionizing radiation? particles or electromagnetic radiation, where the particles / photons carry enough energy to ionize atoms and molecules (by removing the electron from their orbit). It produces electrically charged particles (= ions) Ionization is biologically very important in macromolecules that are encompassed within the human body. Types of ionizing radiation?  = –particles (atoms of helium)  = electornes or positrones  = electromagnetic radiation (photons) neutrons Units? the dose of ionizing radiation received by a person is expressed as absorbed energy, the unit being gray (Gy) 1Gy = 1 J / kg (formerly rad) same dose in Gy of different types of radiation causes different biological effect (1Gy  -radiation has greater effect than 1Gy  radiation) → radiation effect is expressed as effective dose, unit is sievert (Sv) irrespective of the type of radiation, 1 Sv leads to the same biological effect example: 1Gy = 1Sv for  - or  radiation, 1Gy = 10Sv for neutrons and 1Gy = 20Sv for -radiation rate of radioactive decay of radioactive material expressed by units of becquerel (Bq) 1 Bq = 1 atomic decay / s What is radioactivity? most atoms are stable: carbon-12 or oxygen-16 some have an excess of internal energy and decay spontaneously to form new elements = "radioactive decay" in decay, excess internal energy is released as -radiation or particles Sources of ionizing radiation? Natural cosmic exposure increases with altitude solar especially -radiation terrestrial resources radioactive decay of natural radioisotopes (soil and rock) Radon gas, formed by decay of Radio-226 (from uranium) has the largest share of the total. dose of ionizing radiation Artificial medicine diagnostics, therapy, sterilization industry nuclear energy production agriculture Biological effects and consequences of ionizing radiation? Direct ionization of macromolecules Indirectly through "radiolysis" of water free oxygen radicals Consequences: cycle blockade → apoptosis mitotic or post-mitotic death (proliferating cells) mutation (gene or chromosome) reparation unrepaired change Types and consequences of DNA lesions? point mutations DNA repair: mismatch repair Single Strand Breaks (SSB) DNA repair: base excision repair Double Strand Breaks (DSB) lethal (apoptosis) DNA repair: homologous recombination (sometimes) sometimes non-homologous repair translocation insertion DNA repair (in situ repair) base excision repair nucleotide excision repair mismatch repair Character of biological effect Determinististic severity depends („is determined by") on the dose specific manifestation damage to typical tissues and organs the effect occurs only when the threshold dose is exceeded damage is due to the death of a large number of cells onset of symptoms soon after exposure (short latency) Types: acute radiation syndrome (ac. radiation sickness) whole-body irradiation with a dose> 1Gy chronic post-radiation syndrome (general or local) sterility, cataract, radiation dermatitis, alopecia, endarteritis obliterans, pneumonitis,… fetal damage in utero Stochastic probability increases with dose (not severity!) non - specific manifestation damage to various tissues and organs a smooth risk increase without a “safe” threshold dose single cell damage is sufficient delayed manifestation (long latency, typically years) Types: somatic mutations - tumors leukemia, št. gland, lungs, ml. gland, skeleton germinative mutations (oocyte, sperm) congenital genetic defect Deterministic  stochastic Acute radiation syndrome it affects the hematopoietic, gastrointestinal and cerebrovascular systems time course, extent and severity depends by dose – it is a typical deterministic effect !!! from several hours to several months after exposure Acute radiation syndrome Hematopoietic syndrome (> 1Gy) 1) reticulocytopenia, lymphopenia + granulocytosis 2) granulocytopenia (immunodeficiency) 3) thrombocytopenia (bleeding) 4) anemia (hypoxia) GIT syndrome (> 10Gy) early (hours) - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea late (days) - loss of intestinal integrity malabsorption, dehydration, toxemia / sepsis, ileus, bleeding Cerebrovascular syndrome (tens of Gy) headache, cognitive impairment, disorientation, ataxia, convulsions, exhaustion and hypotension Cutaneous erythema, burns, edema, impaired wound healing epilation Hematopoietic syndrome irradiation of bone marrow (> 1Gy) leads to exponential cell death hematological crisis hypoplasia to pulp aplasia + peripheral pancytopenia (infection, bleeding) subpopulation of stem cells. it is selectively more radio-resistant (probably due to the prevalence of bb in the Go phase) necessary for regeneration anemia is a late consequence (erythrocytes ~ 120 days)! massive stress reactions (glucocorticoids) contribute to lymphopenia (cytolytic effect) and paradoxically delay the onset of granulocytopenia (release of stocks of granulocytes from the pulp and spleen) Exemplární příklad? Super quick explanation of the what the Chernobyl nuclear disaster and reactor number 4 including it’s timeline of events in the seconds and minutes and days following April 26th, 1986 and what radioactivity is Origin Relationship w/ territory Place w/in Food Web Originates w/in zone Originates outside of zone Lives on/in ground Lives above ground Higher in web Lower in web Gulakov, Andrey Vladimirovich 2014. Rask, Martti 2012. Bioacumulation EXPERIMENTALLY INDUCED ACUTE RADIATION SYNDROME IN EXPERIMENTAL ANIMAL Practical: Aim of the practical to document the deterministic nature of radiation effects on the practical examples to monitor the dynamics of peripheral blood count changes as a result of the bone marrow acute radiation syndrome is a model situation on which the principle of hematopoiesis regulation can be demonstrated Practical experiment I - design Practical experiment I – surgery technique Practical experiment I - evaluation Effects of ionizing radiation on haematopoietic tissue Practical experiment II – evaluation of peripheral blood smears Control questions What is ionizing radiation? What is radioactivity? How are the biological effects of ionizing radiation mediated? Types of biological effects of radiation + examples? Hematopoeisis Hematopoiesis = bone marrow bone marrow (1) haematopoietic cells. (2) hematopoietic stroma - essential for normal production of blood cells. fibroblasts, adipocytes, macrophages, T-lymphocytes, connective tissue, fat own hematopoietic bb. - tribal bb. pluripotent hematopoietic stem cell differentiation into all series + self-renewal !!! unclear phenotype - antigen classification CD34 + in the pulp <0.01% progenitor (determined) stem bb. do not have long-term self-renewal ability unclear phenotype - classification according to the ability to form colonies (CFU-E, CFU-M, CFU-G, CFU-Meg,…) blood precursors bb. clear phenotype (morphology, histochemistry) in medulla ~ 90% proerythroblast - basosile erythroblast polychromatophilic erythroblast - orthochromic erythroblast - reticulocyte - erythrocyte myeloblast - promyelocyte - myelocyte metamyelocyte - granulophyte (rod) promonocyte - monocyte megakaryoblast - megakaryocyte mature elements basic properties of KB are self-renewal division without differentiation (asymmetric) production of specialized bb. (tissue regeneration) KB types mature KB (pluripotent) adult, somatic individual KBs give rise to a limited repertoire of bb. eg haematopoietic KB, mesenchymal KB,… early KB (toti- / omnipotent) embryonic (blastocyst) they give rise to all types of body cells they are the only ones that do not need growth factors to stimulate division, in all others the cell cycle is initiated by mitogens Stem cells Stem cells Somatic stem cells located in most body tissues as a source of cells for constant self-renewal and replacement they are pluripotent give rise to all bb. of a specific type of tissue, but not another (this is only the ability of embryonic KB) however, it appears that some universality is possible Regulatory factors interplay of autocrine, paracrine and endocrine factors endocrine erythropoietin (kidney) thrombopoietin (liver) cytokines para- / autocrine hematopoietic growth factors (cytokines) produced by stromal cells, eg CSFs (colony-stimulating factors) Erythropoetin (EPO) 90% oxygen in the body is used for ox. phosphorylation - ATP production oxygen is relatively insoluble in water - Hb allows 100- more oxygen to be transported by blood than would be possible only in physically dissolved form EPO is hl. regulator conc. Hb and hence oxygen availability 1893 - alpine environment leads to increase in Hb in humans – adaptation to hypoxia! 1950 - A humoral factor produced by the kidneys stimulating erythropoiesis bilateral nephrectomy in rats led to anemia 1977 purification of EPO from the urine of a patient with aplastic anemia 1983 cloning of EPO gene - recombinant EPO production (epoetin) long-term treatment of renal failure and some anemia EPO production - peritubular fibroblasts of kidney (deep in cortex and outer cortex) why kidney? phylogenesis - in lower organisms, the kidney is a haemopoietic organ more sensitive sensing of the actual Hb content and hence oxygen (after separation of plasma and circulating elements) at glom. filtration Blood count – reference values Muži Ženy Ery [RBC] (1012/l) 4.2 – 5.8 3.8 – 5.2 Leu [WBC] (109/l) 5 – 10 Tromb (109/l) 150 - 400 hematocrit (%) 0.38 - 0.49 0.35 – 0.46 hemoglobin (g/l) 135 – 175 120 - 168 Mean volume Ery [MCV] (fl) 80 - 95 80 - 95 Average Hb content in ERY [MCH] (pg) MCH = Hb  10/RBC 27 - 32 27 - 32 Average concentration of Hb [MCHC] MCHC = Hb  100/hematocrit 0.32 – 0.37 0.32 – 0.37 Red Cell Distribution Width [RDW] (%) 11 - 15 Peripheral blood cells Differential white blood count Practical experiment II